The son of the dragon who walks

Chapter 587: Events and omens

Chapter 587: Events and omens

With the magical power of magic, Crocas's reconstruction of the battle went very smoothly.

And because the evacuation was timely, civilians didn't even know what was happening.

The main battle was undertaken by the dragon slayers of Fairy Tail, and there were no casualties among the magicians who participated in the battle. It can be said that except for the destruction of the buildings in the royal capital, this was the best result.

Because the Eclipse Gate concerns Zeref, Doranbart used his memory magic to modify the memories of bystanders, making them think that the dragons that appeared were magical images from the celebration.

And Lahar also reported to the council in the same way, and did not let the situation escalate. In this way, the remaining turmoil was settled.

Ciel, dressed in costume, stood on the terrace and said, "So that's it!"

Behind Ciel was Rogge, who was also wearing a dress. He told Ciel what happened before, and Ciel also understood what happened.

The key to this incident is not the Eclipse Gate, but the special existence formed by the special magic power of the Dragon King Festival, that is, the thing that calls itself Rogge's dark side.

In the original timeline, the Eclipse Gate was not opened, and the huge magic power inside became the nourishment for the growth of that being.

That's why He could then possess Acnologia's body, and after devouring Zeref, he wouldn't even be a match for his future self.

But this time the eclipse door opened and all the magic power was consumed. He could only rely on the shadow of Rogge, the Shadow Dragon Slayer, just like in the original plot, trying to maintain his existence by relying on the dark energy in Rogge's heart.

But this time Rogge is a wizard from Fairy Tail, and he already has a strong heart thanks to the guild buff.

Therefore, the black shadow had no chance to grow and could only dissipate on its own.

And without that black shadow, the worst future will not happen, and a new future will appear.

There are actually many problems in this. Logically speaking, after the Eclipse Gate is opened and the magic power is consumed, the black shadow will no longer have the ability to cause tragedy, and the future will have changed by then.

However, there are many time paradoxes in the original plot, so there is no need to dwell on this.

Charles turned around and patted Rogge on the shoulder and said: "Well done, you have grown a lot!"

Rogge smiled shyly, feeling a little overwhelmed by Ciel's compliment.

Charles patted Rogge's shoulder again and said, "Now that everything is over, let's go enjoy the banquet!"

Rogge nodded, turned around and walked back to the banquet hall.

This was a banquet held by the king to reward all the magicians who participated in the battle. The opponents of the Great Demon Fight gathered together, forgetting all their conflicts and showing happy smiles.

This is what Lucy hopes to see most in the future. Everyone can continue to laugh like this!
With the sound of wind ringing in his ears, Charles knew who was coming without turning around, and said, "Thank you for your hard work again this time."

Jellal said: "This is our sin in the first place, so there is no need to work hard.

However, I seem to have discovered something during the turmoil that may be related to Zeref, and I will check it out next. This time I also came to say goodbye to you. "

Ciel frowned. If Ciel remembered correctly, the ghost of Mavis met Zeref after the Great Demon Fight.

The conversation between the two also revealed a lot. For example, Zeref has been paying attention to Da Mo Dou's martial arts and his preview of starting a war.

Then the war between Hades Gate and Fairy Tail happened! Then there was the scene of Igniru falling from the sky that appeared many times in Ciel's nightmares.

Jellal's discovery of Zeref's traces in the previous turmoil may be an omen. Jellal also felt the change in Ciel's mood and said, "Do you know anything?"

Charles said: "The Gate of Hades should be taking action soon. You can follow this clue to investigate."

"Gate to Hades?"

Jellal pondered: "Is this the last corner of the Balam Alliance? Then our next target will be them."

The so-called Baram Alliance is the collective name for all the dark guilds on the continent of Ishgar. Except for a few dark guilds that act alone, most other guilds exist around the three core guilds.

In other words, the three guilds, Six Demon Generals, Devil's Heart, and Gate of Hades, are the main forces of the Dark Guild.

The first two families had been defeated by Fairy Tail after the Nirvana incident and the war on Tenrou Island, leaving only the last Gate of Hades family.

Charles solemnly said: "Don't underestimate the Gates of Hades, they are completely different from the Six Demon Generals and the Demon Heart.

Although the Six Demon Generals and Demon Heart also use Zeref as a cover, among the Balam Alliance, only the Gate of Hades is really related to Zeref.

The main combat power of the Gate of Hades, the Nine Ghost Gates, are all demons from the Book of Zeref! "

Jellal was not that shocked when he heard the information revealed by Ciel. After all, he was also a member of the Council, so it was not surprising that he knew some secrets.

Looking at Jellal whose expression remained unchanged, Ciel said in a serious tone: "In my opinion, the reason why Gate of Hades is more dangerous than other dark guilds is not because of their strength.

But they are even crazier, both in terms of goals and means, far exceeding the opponents we have encountered before. After all, they are not humans at all, but demons. "

Jellal also understood what Ciel wanted to express and said seriously: "Don't worry, we will deal with it carefully!"

Charles felt a little more relieved now and continued: "Actually, there are not many things in this world worthy of Gate of Hades' concern. It is not difficult to investigate!"

Jellal then said: "And every one of those things is extremely dangerous, I really can't relax at all!"

Ciel also felt the same, but he knew what the goal of the Gate of Hades was.

The magical pulse bomb Fez is a special weapon controlled by the Council. It is called the White Heritage and is a special existence passed down from ancient times.

Its ability is to eliminate the magic of the entire continent, but because it is too dangerous, it is sealed by the Council in the most secretive way.

The seal was formed by connecting the bodies of three members of the Council. None of the three members knew about it, and Jellal was one of the three.

Although the Council has this powerful weapon, they don't know the specific situation of Fez.

According to Ciel's understanding, Fez is not simple. It may not have been created as a weapon, but more like some kind of large magic tool for controlling magic power.

It's just that most of the ancient technology has been lost, so modern magicians have lost the ability to control it and can only use it as weapons.

The reason why Gate of Hades wants to activate Fez is to eliminate all magic power to resurrect the strongest Zeref Book Demon END, thereby achieving the ultimate goal of killing Zeref.

Whether it is activating Fez or resurrecting END, this is something that Ciel will never let happen to him, so the war with the Gate of Hades can be said to be inevitable.

There was a trace of fire in Ciel's eyes. He had been working hard for this moment. Even if Zeref himself ended up now, Ciel would defeat him!

(End of this chapter)

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