The son of the dragon who walks

Chapter 566 Demon Slayer Team Training

Chapter 566 Demon Slayer Team Training

Ciel watched as Tanjiro put the jade pot and Tōmo's blood into the backpack behind the kitten that appeared out of thin air, and then saw the kitten disappear before his eyes.

Vampire magic is really unreasonable. I really don’t know how Zhu Shi came up with such a special creature.

Tanjiro stood up, looked at Ciel and said, "Miss Tamayo's commission is completed, what should we do next?"

Charles breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "Next, it's time for us to meet the Lord of the Demon Slayer Corps who has been providing assistance."

Tanjiro showed an expectant expression and said, "I wonder what kind of person that is!"

“Just go and see it with your own eyes and you will know.”

Ciel replied as he turned to leave, and Tanjiro quickly followed.


Two days later, under the leadership of the Demon Slayer team member who had the word "hidden" written on the back of his uniform, Ciel and a group of four people came to the Ubuyashiki family's mansion.

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya is no exception. Even though his life may be extinguished at any time like a candle in the wind, his strong will has not wavered at all.

At the same time, the Nine Pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps sitting on one side also made the same gesture to express their gratitude for what the two of them had done.

The most eye-catching thing about the man is not the hideous scar on his forehead, but the warm temperament about him that makes people feel trustworthy.

Ciel stepped forward with a solemn expression and said: "Please raise your head! Aren't you and the Demon Slayer Swordsmen of all generations always doing the same thing!"

Charles nodded and said: "That's almost it. Shangxian has already killed three of them. Even if they are temporarily supplemented, they won't be able to achieve the same strength as before.

At the beginning, even the babies born could not grow up, and it was not until he was married to a priest that it was relieved.

It is precisely because of his management that the swordsmen can concentrate on fighting. It is also because of his guidance that swordsmen who have experienced various tragedies can take the right path.

There is a reason why Ubuyashiki Yōya's physical condition is so poor.

After seeing a group of people walking in, the two men bent down with their hands on the ground at the same time.

When Uyashiki Yōya and Kuzhu straightened up, Ciel continued: "I'm not here to visit this time just to be polite to each other. Let's discuss the things we agreed on before!"

Through the powerful mind and near-predictive intuition passed down from generation to generation, the Uyashiki clan led the Demon Slayer Squad to fight against the demons.

Tanjiro was immediately at a loss and didn't know what to say.

After entering the courtyard, Charles saw nine people, including Tomioka Giyu and Butterfly Ninja, kneeling in a row, and a man and a woman kneeling at the entrance facing the door.

Even with Uyashiki Yaoya's character, he couldn't help but get excited at this moment and said, "Is the time ripe?"

What is admirable is that all the Uyashiki did not blame others, but regarded it as a mission from God to kill the ghost king.

The only person with such a temperament is the contemporary protagonist of Demon Slayer Corps, Uyashiki Yōya, and beside her is his wife Uyashiki Amane.

"Thank you for your contribution to the cause of slaying demons, and even more, thank you for giving us the hope of slaying Demon Dance Tsuji Muzan!"

There is no doubt that Ubuyashiki Yoshiya, who is so weak that he can't hold a knife firmly, is the soul of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Maybe Kibutsuji Muzan himself had forgotten that he had the surname Uyashiki when he was still a human.

Because the Oni King, the source of evil, appeared in the clan, the Ubuyashiki clan seemed to be cursed.

But even so, members of the Ubuyashiki clan are plagued by unknown diseases, and their life expectancy does not exceed thirty years at most.

Next, we only need to wait for the development of the drug on Ms. Tamashi's side to be completed, and then we can start preparing the plan to kill Muzan Mutsuji.

But before that, each pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps needs to become stronger.

The remaining three strings plus Wu Mei himself, if you want to fight them, the stripes, the transparent world and the He Dao are the powers that must be mastered.

At the same time, you must also practice the coordination of joint operations. Don't think that the opponent in the final decisive battle can be defeated alone.

During the beginning of the plan, please risk your lives to become stronger! "

The Nine Pillars looked at each other and said in unison: "It is obligatory!"

Charles continued: "Considering that special circumstances may arise, the more combat power available, the better. I have a few young people I am optimistic about, and I can let them participate in special training together."

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya nodded and said: "No problem, let me arrange the venue and logistics!"

Ciel smiled and said: "Then let's work together to completely eliminate the tragedy caused by evil spirits!"

... After experiencing the events of so many worlds, Ciel has learned to be prepared for the unexpected when considering things.

Of course, Ciel is absolutely sure that he can single-handedly defeat Muzan Oniibutsuji, but the problem is that Ciel can't guarantee that there won't be any accidents.

Therefore, Ciel will make all preparations he can beforehand.

Since there is a training camp, everyone who is qualified to participate in the final battle in the original plot should be included.

Of course, apart from a few pillars, there are only a few small protagonists. Ciel immediately set off and decided to bring them all over.

Kurihana Rakana is the stepson of Butterfly Ninja, so he will naturally join the training camp with Butterfly Ninja.

And Charles came to a barren mountain. Ubuya Shiki Yoshiya remembered all the swordsman mission reports, and naturally also remembered that a swordsman was robbed of the sun disk by a boy with a boar head on this mountain and his upper body was naked. The knife thing.

"Pigs swoosh!"

Without Ciel bothering to search, the target appeared in front of Ciel.

Inosuke Kubihira is a truly "wild" boy with amazing physical talents and a genius who can create his own breathing method.

"Hahahaha! I can feel the breath of the beast from a long distance. You guys make people's skin tingle! Let's decide the winner!"

With that said, Inosuke rushed up regardless of whether Xia Ertong agreed or not.

Generally speaking, because humans fight in an upright posture, their center of gravity is not too low. But Inosuke, who was raised by wild beasts, rushed over like a four-legged beast, almost close to the ground.

This posture is actually not suitable for fighting and will seriously affect the performance of various movements. But Inosuke's movements are agile and smooth, and his body coordination is really surprising.

Ciel nodded with satisfaction, and then slashed the wild boar on the head with his knife.

Inosuke staggered and was about to fall down, then spun around and flew up.

When Inosuke regained his consciousness, he found that he was trapped under someone's arm, and he immediately started struggling desperately.

But Ciel's arm didn't move at all. Even if Inosuke took the initiative to dislocate his joints, his body was as soft as mud and he couldn't get out.

"Damn it, why can't you escape! Hey! What's going on? Where are you going to take me!"

Ciel dug his ears with the little finger of his other hand and said, "Be quiet, I'm going to take you to a good place where you can become stronger!"

The boar hood's nose spurted out two streaks of white air and said, "Really? After I become stronger, I will definitely repay today's debt!"


Ciel's next stop is the retreat of his predecessor, Naruhashi Kuwashima Jigoro.

Charles and the little old man on crutches sat opposite each other. Kneeling behind Kuwashima Cigoro was his disciple Yue Yue.

And another blond kid was pouring tea for the two of them from a teapot.

Kuwashima Jigoro said: "The specific matter has been explained in the letter by the lord. So in order to increase the combat power in the final battle, Sir Charles plans to let some young people with outstanding qualifications participate in the training, right?"

Charles nodded and said, "Yes, and this time I came here specifically to visit you because of the outstanding disciples you have trained."

Gou Yue, who was behind Kuwashima Jigoro, couldn't help but straighten up and puff out his chest. In Zhuo Yue's view, the so-called young man with outstanding qualifications refers to himself. Aren't he still the timid guy?

Just when Yue Yue was about to speak, Xiaer spoke.

"Then I will take my wife Zenitsu's child away!"




The three people made different exclamations, obviously none of them expected that it was my wife Zenitsu that Ciel was going to take away.

My wife Zenitsu, who was pouring the tea, looked at Ciel in surprise, not even noticing that the tea in his hand was full.

Jigoro Kuwashima quickly realized that apart from his character weaknesses, Zenitsu my wife did have extraordinary talents. He just didn't expect that other people besides him would discover this.

Zhuo Yue's expression changed from surprise to gloomy, and there was still a hint of resentment.

Charles also noticed this malice and gave Gongyue a meaningful look.

(End of this chapter)

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