bit stealing game

Chapter 94 The Moon's Cemetery

Chapter 94 The Moon's Cemetery

The moon pushed Li Yuan towards me.

I hurriedly opened my arms.Li Yuan hit me directly as if he lost consciousness, and I was forced to take a step back.I didn't expect this guy to look thin but actually quite heavy.I called his name several times, but got no response.

Li Yuan seemed to be trapped in a nightmare, his eyes were tightly closed, his eyelashes were trembling, and the breath he exhaled was hot.Behind him, Alex dropped a cup.The water traces on the sand are illuminated by the moonlight, and it looks like a spread out world map, but the arrangement of the continents is somewhat different from reality.Lyra's bell rang again, broken and weak.

Hassan drew his dagger and slashed hard at his own arm, pouring it into the jar that Laila was holding in her left hand.Soon his blood overflowed from the jar, ran across Laila's trembling hand, glistened under the moonlight, and finally was swallowed by the desert without leaving a trace.

Everything in front of me made my stomach hurt, my internal organs seemed to be grabbed by someone, and the water in my body was also drained.Li Yuan leaned quietly on my shoulder, his jade-like cheeks were tinged with blood by the moonlight.My mouth was parched, and a strong desire was roaring, making me want to bite his neck.

I pushed Li Yuan away, and when he was about to fall, I grabbed his collar again, preventing him from falling to the ground.

Li Yuan opened his eyes blankly and met my gaze.He looked weaker than I had broken ribs.Then he raised his head and stared at the full moon, and when he lowered his head, the daze just now had dissipated.

After Li Yuan stood still, I immediately withdrew my hand.He was slightly taken aback, and I didn't dare to look at him.

"What happened just now? You just fell down and I was taken aback. How are you feeling now?"

"I made you worry." Li Yuan smiled apologetically, and he looked at the moon again. "I won't say it, but the transformation this time seems to be a little different."

"What's the difference?"

"It's kind of like being transformed for the first time as a kid."

I wanted to ask again, but Li Yuan then took out a short knife from the tactical bag on the outside of his thigh, and stabbed himself in the palm of his hand.

Li Yuan's blood showed a beautiful color under the moonlight, like the shining dawn*.I licked my lips and took another step back.Fortunately, his blood stopped quickly by itself, otherwise I was really afraid that I would do something perverted.

Li Yuan wiped off the blood on his hands, and the scar that cut off his lifeline just now has disappeared.He looked at his hands, his body trembling slightly.It's not the pain of transformation, it's the excitement.

I don't want to look into his shining eyes.

Arno held up the Dragon Ball Radar that Sir Black had given him, and foolishly circled around, as if looking for a signal.Suddenly he put down his hand suddenly, and said excitedly: "Look, it's the circumpolar star!"

In the night, the bright stars had already been taken away by the full moon, and there was only one dazzling celestial body left besides the moon, which was Sirius.Now there is indeed a star that is dim but cannot be ignored at the North Celestial Pole, and that is the circumpolar star more than 4000 years ago and tonight.The star does not compete with the moon for its brilliance, on the contrary, it seems to use itself to add to the full moon's light.

In Uncle Blake's notes, the temple of Thutmose III was "at the intersection of Sirius, the circumpolar stars, and the moon."Now that those in the sky are in place, everyone is waiting with bated breath for a miracle to happen.

The luminous celestial body is so close that it seems to cling to the desert, pressing us small humans between the sky and the earth.

The ancient Egyptian priests chanted:
[When the red desert praises in unison

When the orange bull disappears in the cold winter

When white eyes reflect distant faces

When the sky is full of black stars
Strangers come from far away,

Coveted the treasure of the desert.

Awaken the full moon with the priest's blood,

That light will illuminate wherever you go]

As they chanted, Sirius gradually dimmed, and the full moon grew brighter.

The overflowing moonlight fell on the desert along Hassan's blood.But the desert couldn't bear the brilliance, so the moonlight meandered down the sand dunes and dripped into the yellow sand in the west.The moonlight was so strong that the desert collapsed like it was today, revealing a puddle of water.

The holy lake is turned by the moonlight, and the sand dunes in the distance are also stained with silver light, undulating together under the night, like the breath of the desert.And during the next breath of the desert, a pure white mountain rose up, separating us from the holy lake.

"It's weird, is it possible that there are five elements and eight trigrams in the Sahara Desert? Where did this come from?" Jiang Can said while raising his gun.

To wonder how a snow-white mountain appeared in the desert was a matter of yesterday, and now I have learned to accept reality, face it, and not chase why.

"The Temple of Thutmose III," Bruce said softly.He had taken off his gloves and was pressing his right hand on a black stone.

The stone is as black as a moonless night or a distant universe.It turned out that Hassan's blood flowed on it first, and then was absorbed by the desert.This made me think that Alex's mother might have knocked on the door of the temple in the same way 12 years ago.

"How do you know?" Morgan asked. "No one has ever seen the temple of Thutmose III."

Bruce didn't answer, but stood up quietly and looked at the back of the indifferent temple.But he didn't put the gloves back on.

Everyone looked at the temple in silence for a moment, and then they all boiled up.I heard the English-speaking people yelling "Go in and get a ticket" "Let's help the Egyptian Pharaoh get some sun" or something like that.

Laila and the others have been left alone since the ceremony. Alex went to help Hassan bandage, and Lou Shiqi and He Rongchuan distributed some supplies to them. The men of 279 are well-trained and methodically armed individually.

Li Yuan picked up the equipment that fell on the ground just now, first quickly tied the armed belt on himself, put the short knife he used to self-mutilate just now against the butt of the gun, and checked which one could leave scars on him My bronze knife stayed in the tactical bag on the outside of my thigh, and then I came to help me.

In fact, I think it is enough for me to have the electric shock gloves made by Ah Tian. Arranging such things for me is just a gift for the enemy.And that outfit is estimated to weigh ten catties, and there are many gadgets that I can't name, and it will hurt if I take it a little bit.

"We are going to a temple 4000 years ago, right? The last time a living person entered was 12 years ago. Is it necessary to bring these?" I muttered.

Li Yuan held on to my piece of equipment and didn't let go. "Wang Yu, I know you don't like to hear this, but you are not allowed to go to this temple."

"Why are you here again?" I broke his hand and was burned by his body temperature. "You know I don't like to hear it, so don't say it, and be careful of being scolded."

Li Yuan shook his head. "First of all, we don't know what's going on in the temple. The only thing that's certain is that none of the people who went there can come back. And look, are these equipments prepared for mummies? Those people over there don't care about anything. I don’t know. If you’re really interested, it’s not too late to go when we come out. This temple won’t run away again.”

I sneered.To put it lightly, if I went one step late, he might have been cold.

"Li Yuan, don't talk nonsense with me. Let me ask you, are you in pain now?"

Li Yuan was silent for a while, nodded slightly, but immediately added: "I'm used to it. And if I'm lucky, I won't be in pain anymore after today."

"I don't know how you feel under this full moon, but I know that pain is not the only thing to be taken for granted, do you understand? And courting death is not the only way."

Li Yuan said: "I know this, but I can't take you for granted. Wang Yu, it's just one day. You haven't even touched a gun. What if something happens to you?"

Isn't it just this day?God cut Li Yuan's fate a few times, and he wanted to fight it out by himself and refused to let others intervene.I looked at Li Yuan.I don't really know what this person went through, but I do know that those experiences made the person I know.

"Then this day." I snatched my equipment from him and said while tying the tactical belt on myself, "just this day, let me send you off. You won't let me die in front of you, will you?" ?”

Li Yuan stretched out his hand and helped me tie those straps in a firm way: "I won't leave you."

I couldn't bear the irony that he could not take me with him when he died.

After dressing neatly, Li Yuan rubbed my shoulders with his fingers and said, "It's pretty cute."

I twisted my neck vigorously to look at my right shoulder, Lou Shiqi sewed a smiling face on the original broken place.

The Sleeping Beauty over there playing with the shuttle was yelling, "Look!"

"What are you looking at, Nebula M78?" I looked up indifferently.I saw that the sky was very dark, and the full moon was parading in the sky with great fanfare, surrounded by dim stars.

But there is another moon in the sky.

I don't know who exclaimed, and everyone raised their heads immediately.It turned out that behind that round of bright full moon, there was another round of full moon.Nobody noticed it at first because it was too dark, but now it's not showing until the first moon's brilliance has flowed over the desert.

Didn't the borrowed full moon expire yesterday? Why is there another one now?Which is the real moon?
There is no room for two moons in the sky, and this place will eventually be the cemetery of one of them.

 Aurora is the goddess in charge of the dawn and dawn, and later the aurora was placed on her head, and the chemical symbol Au of gold is also named after it.Mendeleev yyds
  Lou Shiqi likes to mention the prop "Sleeping Shuttle" because of his needlework skills, now it's really all Disney princesses

(End of this chapter)

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