bit stealing game

Chapter 71 Old news of the end of the world

Chapter 71 Old news of the end of the world

A thin sheet of papyrus that Rhea gave was pressed against my hand.

Yeah, this is Lee Won's fate.

"Don't be narcissistic. I have long feet on my body. I am willing to go. And I am also curious, not for you at all."

With that said, I took a photo of the papyrus and sent it to A Tian, ​​and then handed it to Li Yuan.Among us he is the one who understands the stars, and I really regret that I didn't learn a little astronomy and archaeology.After a while, Ah Tian sent the relevant information, and then initiated a video call in the group.

I switched to voice mode and gave Li Yuan one of the wireless earphones.

"Why don't you take the video?" Lao Zhang asked me.

"Save traffic."

"Look at how poor you are. I'm going to recharge your data today, use it as you like."

"Hey, I'm afraid I'll lose contact with you if I owe the bill."

I immediately changed the video.On the screen, Ah Tian was staring at her computer seriously, and Lao Zhang was holding his mobile phone and turning around in the living room between the two rooms.

"Wang Yu, take a look at this first."

Ah Tian sent me a link.

It was news about a boy who discovered a Mayan ritual site.I said that the boy was not pretending to be old-fashioned because of me. Why is this boy only twelve or thirteen years old.The time is 2012, just around the end of the world predicted by the Mayans.

The headline read, "Mexican Favela Boy Locates Mayan Ruins Using Astrology, Doomsday Prophecy Reinterpreted," and included a blurry image of the ruins.It can only barely be seen as a Mayan-style building with a stepped round altar in front.

In fact, there were similar reports a few years ago. At that time, he was also a little boy from the United States. He seemed to be playing a game and found a Mayan ruins.It was all over the place for a while, and we all heard about it.

However, this news did not appear in the newspapers, and it was withdrawn when it was still in the preview version, and there was no further splash.I don't know where Ah Tian found this.

The problem is that the time for this news to be published is the day before the Mayan prophecy.

While most people don't believe in the end of the world, the day before is still a lot more hype than the day after.But why was this report, which claimed to overturn the Mayan prophecy and arouse the carnival of the Internet, not published in the end?

Information is power, but information is privatized.You think if you want to read the most famous scientific results, you need to pay some publisher a fortune.But publishers don't care who gets the information, money is the only currency.

The same principle, except that what is in circulation is not necessarily money.

Ah Tian then sent a few more pictures of the ruins, which were much clearer than those in the newspaper.From one of them, it can be seen that there is something on the ground between the round altar and the building.I don't understand Mayan architecture, but Li Yuan has seen some tricks.

"Does this look like an underground passage?"

I zoomed in on the picture to take a closer look.The pixel of the camera is really high, and it is worthwhile to zoom in here.It's really kind of like a channel.

At this time, Lao Zhang spoke on the earphone: "Old Wang, does this look like the library in our school?"

Li Yuan and I were taken aback when we heard this.Go over and take a closer look, don't you?

At first, I was misled by the news and thought it was an altar.But looking at it now, this is clearly the layout of the outdoor reading room and library.The bottom is not necessarily a passage, it may also be a place where books or important documents are hidden.

"Do you still remember the report in the New York World?" Ah Tian called out the newspaper we had seen in Lao Zhang's dormitory.

"Maya may become the main energy center of the future world?" Li Yuan read the title again.

Although Maya has not been proven to have the existence of [that ore], this possibility is very sufficient.After all, judging from the discovery of the previous few ores, Maya also met the conditions.

I recalled some legends and archaeological materials about the Mayan civilization, as well as the "prophecy of the end of the world" mentioned in the unpublished report.

Maybe Maya may not only be the most suitable, but even the closest to the truth of [magnetic field].

In other words, Maya is the most suitable place.After all, the skills of blood sacrifice for the whole people are flourishing there, if [Take Your Blood as a Sacrifice] is used to sacrifice ore.

Some minerals were also emphasized in Mayan material civilization.Because cinnabar comes from volcanoes, it represents heat and danger. It can activate jade from the cold and dark underground, or sea chrysanthemum clams from the cold deep sea.It can be seen that these material sources are also meaningful*.

But how did the Mayans read that "prophecy"?As for the prophecy of the end of the world, is there any other way to interpret it?
I faintly touched some ideas, and was about to talk to a few people, but the power on the other side suddenly cut off.

Qi Tian's face was hidden in the darkness.

Power outages are not uncommon in Egypt, but I still feel nervous.

"Wang Yu, I sent you something." Ah Tian's voice was steady, but she hung up the call immediately.

I yelled at her in vain.

"Okay, stop yelling." Lao Zhang was still online.

I was overjoyed: "What's going on? Go and lock the door first!"

"Don't worry about us, pay attention to your own safety. Brother, you too." Lao Zhang turned on the light source that comes with the phone, and waved his hand nonchalantly. "I'm going to see the Great Sage."

Lao Zhang has already opened the door connecting the living room and Ah Tian's room, and walked into the darkness.After a while, his voice came: "I'll hang up first, to save some electricity."

I stared at the darkened screen, and a bad feeling came over me.

Li Yuan put his hand on my shoulder: "Don't worry, 279 will protect them." I turned my head.He smiled: "In order to let us work with peace of mind, 279 will not lose the chain on this."

I was upset, so I left a message for A Tian and Lao Zhang and asked them to reply to me as soon as possible.

Then I saw the link sent by Ah Tian just now, which may also be the cause of the power outage.

Links are encrypted.

If those people really found some past records in Maya, which can subvert our existing understanding of the world, it is no wonder that they will be 404.

But nothing is worth risking my friend for.

I stare at this link.With my ability, it is impossible to open this kind of encrypted information. Why did Ah Tian take the risk and insist on sending me this?
Li Yuan held my hand, and I realized that I was trembling.

"let me try."

He took my mobile phone and operated it, then clicked on a program on the computer that I had never seen before, and imported the information just sent by Ah Tian into it.The information that made me feel helpless went straight up.

"Brother Guangyu developed this." Li Yuan didn't take credit for it.

Guangyu has always had no sense of existence.Unlike his name, this person has no feeling of being independent at all, and looks strangely ordinary.However, his professional level is far from ordinary, and even Qi Tian rarely praised him after learning about his deeds.In this field, there are not many people who can make her look different, but there are only a handful of them.

After a dizzying flash of data, a graphic pauses in front of us.

It looks like a lotus flower that is about to bloom, or a sickle made of splicing.Li Yuan and I looked at each other.We've seen this sharp flower already on Hassan's golden seal and on Laila's arm.

Why did the marks of Egyptian priests appear in Mayan information?What is Ah Tian going to tell me?
Maya is known as the fifth largest civilization in the world, even if it is not comparable to the four ancient civilizations, it can be regarded as the number one in the history of the world.Especially the prophecies about the end of the world pushed this peaceful and restricted civilization in a corner of Central America to the public.

But how did the Mayan civilization have anything to do with Egyptian priests?
If it's just because they are all ancient civilizations, Ah Tian wouldn't have spent a lot of effort just to pass on such a message to me.There must be some crucial connection here.But where is the connection?
Li Yuan looked at the screen again.

"Wang Yu, we may be wrong."


"This symbol is indeed the seal of Hassan and the others, but is it possible that it refers to the gold seal itself?"

The golden seal itself?

"But what can the golden seal itself have to do with Maya?"

Li Yuan asked me: "What is the temporal and spatial distribution of the Mayan civilization?"

"Honduras, Mexico and other places near Central America." I don't understand why he asked this. "It is basically impossible for the Maya and ancient Egypt to communicate. First of all, they are geographically incompatible. When the Maya established a systematic astronomical calendar, ancient Egypt was already in decline."

"What about now?" Li Yuan said. "Did Qi Tian say how the golden seal returned from the United States to the Egyptians?"

I thought about it.When Li Yuan and I went to find Mustafa and Sir Black, Ah Tian seemed to have found out something about the gold seal.

Hassan's golden seal was taken to the United States by Ali for research, and was later targeted.It was Ali's mentor who transported him back to Egypt from Mexico through a friend.

Could it be this relationship?

I couldn't help but look over at the Egyptian on the other side of the fire.Hassan was talking to Socrates, and turned his head to meet my eyes.

"Not only that." Li Yuan continued.I looked back at him. "I think the person who helped Ali transfer the golden seal at that time may also be in this desert now."

"Could it be Jason?" I couldn't figure out why this minor would appear in the United Nations team.He didn't show any special skills other than his poisonous tongue, and it seemed that someone said he was Mexican in the game just now.Speaking of games, why did Jason and Alex end up drinking?I would have chosen Li Yuan if I knew it earlier, he is lighter than Nuo no matter how you look at it.

"About Jason, I'm not sure what's going on. He seems to have come with Ms. Carter and Stephanie's team."

When Li Yuan mentioned Ms. Carter and Stephanie, I pouted.These two people are more jerks than the other, and they feel very dangerous.But Rhea seemed to be very familiar with that Ms. Carter, and Ms. Carter also knew Meng Weiqing and Boothwell.She even knew that Boothwell had the final say in the United Nations.

"Could it be Boothwell?"

Li Yuan nodded. "I'm also suspicious of him. There are Patrick, Jacqueline and you in Egyptology. Only a half-baked Mexican archaeologist can get into Chris's team. Either there is something special about this Boothwell The place, or these people are simply found by him."

Along the way, Boothwell's waste snacks were so well designed that I never doubted him.I didn't think something was wrong with Boothwell until starting with the Temple of Set.

When Hassan sacrificed to the altar that had been scratched off and written in Arabic, our first reaction was to stop it.But Boothwell was obviously on the sidelines, but watched with cold eyes.Facing Meng Weiqing's questioning, he did not show any pressure.

Thinking about it this way, I seem to have seen him arguing with Jason before solving the Senet game.These two Mexicans know each other?

"If you want to find out whether he took the gold seal, the opportunity has come to you."

 Because we live in the global village together.

(End of this chapter)

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