Chapter 714 A new series?

"Chu and Han struggle for hegemony?"

Shen Xudong was a little curious: "Why did Mr. Ren think of doing this subject?"

"...I met a friend a few days ago. He liked the story of 'Hongmen Banquet' very much, and wanted to invest some money for me to make it..." Speaking of this, Ren Zhonglun praised: "If you say that the best at creating historical movies in China, It must be Tianmei Company... So, I thought of doing it with you..."

"Just a Hongmen Banquet?"

"...I knew that I would definitely not be able to watch a movie, so I thought of the Chu Han Hegemony series!"

Start another series?
It’s not impossible, there will be at most five more main stories of the Three Kingdoms series, and for the rest, some personal main stories may be filmed, such as "Sun Shiwan", "Sima Yi" and the like...

The film market will always need historical costume dramas!
As long as the quality passes the standard, the cost recovery is not a big problem.

Therefore, Shen Xudong nodded, and then smiled bitterly: "There are indeed a lot of stories about the struggle between Chu and Han, and it is indeed worth filming, but I am afraid that after the series is planned, halfway through the filming, the actors and director will run away..."

"This time let them sign a collective contract with Shanghai Film and Tianmei...I don't believe they dare!"

"In addition to Golden Harvest and the Emperor..."


Shen Xudong explained: "Boss Yang and I have already agreed to make a series..."

Fang Yimin on the side suddenly said: "You guys are going to film Chu-Han Fighting for Hegemony, there is a problem, Liu Bang is the winner, but he is an old hooligan..."

Shen Xudong was surprised: "Liu Bang is an old hooligan? Who said that?"

"...Many people say that, saying that he is a rogue emperor..."

Shen Xudong was speechless: "Machiavelli's "The Prince" said very clearly that the criterion for judging an emperor should not be personal virtue!

Look at the people gathered around him.It is not an exaggeration to say that they are diverse.From Zhang Liang, who was born in the aristocratic "Fifth Prime Minister of Han", down to Fan Kuai, the dog slaughterer, and Zhou Bo, who played the elegy on the flute.Wang Ling's mother committed suicide, only asking him to follow Liu Bang wholeheartedly and not let him be distracted.

In order to save Liu Bang, Ji Xin died generously.

Even Lu Zhi, after marrying Liu Bang, devoted himself to housekeeping.He rebelled, but Lu Zhi still supported him. "

"Is this a gangster? Married at 38, raised troops at 48, and destroyed Qin at 50. He ruled the world at 54, and at the age of 55 to 59, he personally led troops to quell many princely rebellions. It can be said that the latter half of his life did not stop, and he was a soldier all his life. And Most of them were recruited by themselves.”

"What about Xiang Yu?"

"Xiang Yu is a typical aristocrat, a refined egoist. Han Xin complained about him: Xiang Yu is hypocritical, very polite when meeting, respectful and loving, nice to speak, and when he is sick, he will give you two bites while crying. , as good as your own father... When you should be rewarded for your meritorious service, he holds the official seal in his hand and refuses to stamp it for you, as if giving his life to an official... Enough good words, don't do shit .”

"The Liangshan hero also talks about rewarding meritorious deeds, dividing gold by scales, drinking in large bowls, and eating meat in large pieces. When you arrive at Xiang Yu, do you expect everyone to generate electricity for love?"

"Sima Qian tried to portray Xiang Yu as a tragic superhero who is invincible in the world and a "crime not of war", but I saw this person's hypocrisy, arrogance, pettiness, double standards, short-sightedness, cruelty and selfishness...I understand why the "noble spirit" It's a lie!"! The earliest record of massacre in the history of our country may be Xiang Yu..."

"That's nothing!"

"Bai Qi is called Sha Jiang. Tucheng is a killer of unarmed ordinary people. Of course, he has learned how to kill surrender. He created Tucheng himself! The earliest implementer of the Sanguang policy in China!"

"Liu Bang went out to attack Xiang Yu, and the princes of the world responded. Xiang Yu became an orphan directly. Liu Bang, who had joined forces in the war, betrayed him, and his most powerful general Yingbo betrayed him. The common people hated him, the nobles and princes attacked him, and his comrades in arms betrayed him. !"

"Xiang Yu is the typical second-generation official and rich second-generation. They are easily moved by their own efforts, but ignore the desires of others."

"If I were to film Chu and Han Struggle for Hegemony, Liu Bang would definitely be the core character, and Xiang Yu would be the villain!"


"No, but, among other things, if you travel back, you can only follow Liu Bang. With your current status, the group of princes at the end of Qin Dynasty, only Liu Bang will look at you, just like only Liu Bei and Cao Cao at the end of Han Dynasty. Seeing that you are the same, Yuan Shaozhi will not even talk to you!"

"Liu Bang was rated as the most powerful feudal emperor by the teacher!"

"Then why do everyone say that Xiang Yu is amazing?"

"Because everyone first thinks that Liu Bang is a villain, then Xiang Yu on the opposite side must be a hero. Based on the principle that the enemy of an enemy is a friend, in the hearts of literati and directors, Xiang Yu has become the incarnation of a hero. He is tall and brave. Love, a whole body of magnanimity. And because of the box office and ratings considerations, generally those who come to play Xiang Yu are handsome guys!"

Ren Zhonglun interrupted: "Who do you want to play Xiang Yu?"

Without even thinking about it, Shen Xudong said casually, "Jin Chengwu or Wu Yanzu!"

Ren Zhonglun was stunned for a moment: "I see what you said... thought you would find someone with a vicious face to play Xiang Yu..."

Shen Xudong was speechless: "I just think so. The shooting of film and television dramas is still different from my personal ideas. After all, it is a commercial blockbuster. Xiang Yu is a young hero in the eyes of the public. In other words, he is handsome, good-looking, and powerful. Unparalleled! With such an image, if you don’t cast a handsome guy, you want to lose money?”

"...Then Liu Bang, who do you want to find?"

"This... I haven't thought of a suitable candidate yet, let's talk about it..."

"Yes, yes, this is the celebration banquet of "The Ancient City of Essence"!"


Chen Daoming played Liu Bang, to be honest, his performance is terrible, not as good as Lu Liangwei in "Great Wind Song", and also not as good as Zhang Fengyi in "The Overlord of Western Chu"...

In fact, Lu Liangwei's acting skills are not bad. He played Xiang Yu in "The Overlord of Western Chu" and Liu Bang in "The Great Wind Song", both of which are quite good.

By the way, "The Overlord of Western Chu" is a good movie, Gong Li plays Empress Lu.

Shen Xudong's interest in the subject of "Chu-Han Struggle for Hegemony" is just that...

It couldn't compare to his interest in Tang Chuanqi.

But Shanghai Film Group proposed, and the funds are in place, so let’s do it.

First shoot a film to test the waters, and if the market response is okay, then continue shooting.

This topic is just a mention. After all, this is the celebration banquet of "The Ancient City of Essence". Apart from the box office, everyone is more concerned about the follow-up series.

"The configuration of "Longling Miku" will not be weaker than Jingjue Ancient City, and the level of excitement will not be inferior... To be honest, I am more worried about the follow-up Yunnan Chonggu..."

"Why do you say that?"

""Longling Miku" is mainly about exploration, there is no part of hunting treasures, what is going to be displayed is mechanism skills, "Yunnan Insect Valley" is different, a bunch of monsters, with a strong atmosphere of horror, if it is presented according to the original work, I'm worried that someone will get in the way..."

Most of the people present understood the meaning of Shen Xudong's words...

There are really a lot of people reporting "The Ancient City of Essence"...

(End of this chapter)

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