As the saying goes, a stone stirs up a thousand waves.

In the blink of an eye, the news of winning the World Youth Championship came overwhelming.

Domestic fans and non-fans alike were stunned by the sudden good news.

champion? !
Or the champion of the World Youth Championship?

Wasn't it still the top eight last year?

How did you win the championship this year? .
Various media, headed by the official media, reported the process of the Chinese youth team winning the championship.

From the selection of the Asian Youth Championship, to the temporary transfer of the World Youth Championship.

An in-depth analysis of this China Youth Team from various aspects.

Players are elected every two years, but the coach remains the same.

"Northern Youth Daily" said, "The last World Youth Championship has accumulated countless valuable experiences for the young coach Zeng."

"It is precisely because of these invaluable experiences that the current Chinese youth team has been blacked out in the World Youth Championship."

"It is strongly recommended that the future Chinese youth team and domestic youth training be fully entrusted to coach Zeng."

"With coach Zeng here, we don't have to worry about not being able to train outstanding young football players!"

This report has indeed won the support of many people.

A strong youth makes a country strong.

Sending Zeng Zheng to check in on the youth team can't be said to be overqualified!
But the problem is that at this stage, what most fans like is not football itself, but the championship.

The national senior team has no championships, which has always been a big problem in the development of football.

And a champion like the Dunhill Cup can't satisfy everyone's appetite.

After entering the World Cup, many fans even looked down on the Asian Games.

In this way, the requirements for the quality of the championship have at least mentioned the height of the Asian Cup.

Many people even wrote to suggest bamboo shoes, let them take the Asian Cup in the millennium as their next strategic goal, and then let Zeng Zheng lead the team.

Successive championships gave domestic fans a blind confidence in Zeng Zheng.

It seems that as long as Zeng Zheng gets involved, everything will fall into place.

When the China Youth Team won the championship, Xu held a national youth football development seminar in Shanghai.

According to Yang Yimin, director of the technical department, the meeting was attended by the secretary generals of the bamboo shoes member associations and the general managers of the first-level clubs, as well as specially invited Kunming, Shenyang, Changchun, Tianjin, Beijing, Chengdu, Xiamen, Jinan Football Association and Chinese football schools. represent.

At that time, the above-mentioned areas will be used as pilots to carry out more scientific cultivation and training of youth football from both theoretical and practical aspects.

At the same time, an in-depth discussion was also conducted on how to popularize football more comprehensively and how to avoid conflicts with other sports.

In fact, Zhuxie holds many similar meetings every year.

A group of big bosses and officials ate and drank, "discussed" with each other, and then released some innocuous reports at the meeting, and finally said some nonsense circle words, and the conference can be successfully concluded.

But this time, the conference on the development of youth football led by Xu Fang finally came to fruition.

First of all, eight cities will be used as the pilot area, and the first U16 youth competition will be held in the following year.

Students who have just entered the first year of high school have neither the pressure of the senior high school entrance examination nor will it affect the college entrance examination. Try to avoid confrontation with exam-oriented education.

Secondly, Xu Fang said that the special funds allocated to the clubs are specially used to help them cultivate their reserve teams and promote the growth of the clubs, and they must not be used for other purposes.

In terms of venues, Xu Fang plans to implement the construction of football squares in 6 cities across the country.

The first football square will be located in Wuhan, and it will also be built in the city center.

The football square must have at least four standard fields, and charges are charged to adults and free to teenagers.

In any case, with the youth league and the football field, Zhuxie has taken a big step in the development of football.

The Chinese youth team won the World Youth Championship, which also caused waves of influence around the world.

Bear the brunt of the Asian team in the next World Cup.

On the second day after the Chinese youth team won the championship, FIFA officially announced that 0.5 places in South America will be assigned to the Asian region.

So far, in the next World Cup, in addition to Japan and South Korea, there are at most three teams in Asia that can qualify.

In addition, some European and American teams have gradually begun to set their sights on East Asia.

Both China and Japan have reached the semi-finals, such a result is unprecedented.

Counting the history of the rise of Chinese and Japanese football over the years, it is found that they are all related to Brazil in South America.

First send the players to Brazil to cultivate their skills, and then combine the delicate South American football with the execution of the Asians after returning to China to create their own style of play.

The achievements of China and Japan not only won football honors for Asia, but also provided a development path for other Asian teams.

First go to football developed countries to learn experience, and then combine the actual situation of the country to learn from each other's strengths.

According to Argentina's "Ole", the Chinese team is challenging South Korea, the big brother of Asian football.

I believe that it won't take long to surpass South Korea and North Korea and become the leader in Asia.

In fact, the Chinese team's ranking in FIFA has long been number one in Asia.

In addition to the national team, the shining players in the World Youth Championship also received invitations from major clubs after returning to China.

Among them, Beijing Guoan, which owns the Golden Boot Shao Jiayi, has even broken the threshold.

According to Zhuxie's newly adjusted study abroad policy, players like Shao Jiayi are fully qualified and able to go to Europe to study abroad.

Now it depends on how much money Guoan wants to make.

During Zeng Zheng's departure, Gao Hongbo led the Jianglong team to 3 consecutive victories.

Although the China Youth Team has transferred some of its main players to leave, the Jianglong team is still at the top of the A-B standings with a record of 7 wins, 0 draws and 0 losses.

With such a starting level, it's hard not to get an A at the end of the year!

Zeng Zheng also thought a lot about the World Youth Championship these days.

He also brought out Jianlibao, Xuemiao was not abolished like in the previous life.

The club has also been built, and the youth training base has also been established.

According to Sun Xianlu's report, the young people who signed up for the Jianglong Youth Team were all over the threshold.

Gao Hongbo is capable, and her main players have solid basic skills.

Even if A and B are a hand-off shopkeeper, there will be no big difference.

Zhu Xie, headed by Xu Wang, is making drastic reforms, and he still needs himself as a "thug" to establish a reputation outside.

Just leading the national team has already consumed most of my physical strength and energy. Now it seems that I have to either delegate power step by step and hold the rudder in my own hands; or find a like-minded partner.

After the China Youth Team won the championship and returned home, Zhuxie held a grand welcome ceremony in the capital.

On the second day after the party, the team members disbanded on the spot, went back to their homes, and went to their mothers.

As for media interviews and various talk shows, they will be handed over to local TV stations.

"Xiao Zeng, you performed very well in this World Youth Championship!"

At the celebration dinner, Xu Fang sat next to Zeng Zheng, full of praise.

"Uncle Xu, I heard that we are applying to host the 04 Asian Cup?"

"That's right!" Xu Fang nodded, "Sigh, if I hadn't been ill, we would have held the Millennium."

"In other words, it's settled in 04?"

"Well, it's settled, let's hold it."

Zeng Zheng nodded and continued to ask, "Uncle Xu, when will we apply to host the World Cup?"

"World Cup?" Xu Fang hesitated when he heard this unfamiliar yet familiar word.

"For the World Cup, do we have to score one more time to look good?"

"Where is that!" Zeng Zheng stretched out his hand and shook it vigorously, "Uncle Xu, to tell you the truth, Verapan gave me some information. He said that with our current ability, we will continue to apply from now on, no more than three This year, the World Cup will be held here!"

"Three terms?" Xu Fang snapped his fingers.

The first term is 4 years, and the third term is 12 years.

If it is true what Zeng Zheng said, you can see yourself hosting the World Cup in 14 or 18?

Thinking of this, Xu Fang couldn't help but feel excited.

"Xiao Zeng, is this reliable? Don't frame me!"

"What did I frame you for? Verapan told me this personally!" Zeng Zheng patted his chest, as if bragging and not drafting, "Uncle Xu, you have time to chat with Uncle Zhang, it's time for us to Looks like it’s hosting the World Cup.”

"And you think, this year our junior team won the championship."

"After 12 years, these players will definitely not all retire, at least there are still a few who can play!"

"We can't waste the resources of this championship, can we?"

Xu Fang's heart was pounding when he was told by Zeng Zheng.

It would be a lie to say that you are not excited about hosting the World Cup at your doorstep.

Seeing this, Zeng Zheng continued to add more firewood, "And Uncle Xu, isn't Zhuxie engaged in national youth football?"

"It's the time when the wind blows the loudest."

"Let's take advantage of this opportunity to do as much as we can!"

"At the very least, you can use this to build a few more football fields, can't you?"

Hearing this, Xu Fang nodded.

"Okay, Xiao Zeng, I'll talk to Uncle Zhang about your matter later, and we old guys will think about it together."

"you know too."

"Our Sports Bureau is focusing on the Olympics recently."

"I guess it's the fastest, and we have to wait until the Olympics approve it."

Xu Fang moved the Olympic Games out, but Zeng Zheng didn't say anything.

After all, what we promote here is that the Olympic Games is the world's number one sports event.

But sports fans who know the content here know that the total number of spectators for so many events in the Olympic Games is not as large as the number of fans for a World Cup game.

Just as Zeng Zheng and Xu Fang exchanged cups, secretary Xiao Zhao came behind Xu Fang and whispered a few words.

"Oh? Mr. Qian is here?"

"Hurry up!"

"Invite Mr. Qian in!"

Seeing that Xu Fang had guests, Zeng Zheng finished his drink and prepared to leave.

As soon as he stood up, he was grabbed by Xu Fang.

"Xiao Zeng, tonight is your youth team's celebration dinner, where are you, the hero, going?"

"Uncle Xu, don't you have guests here?"

Xu Fang gave Zeng Zheng a blank look, "A guest is not here to see me, but to see you! Who will accompany you if you don't?"

Before Zeng Zheng refused, Xu Fang whispered again: "Xiao Zeng, tonight's banquet is sponsored by Mr. Qian!"

"Oh oh oh!!"

After hearing this, Zeng Zheng was stunned.

"That's why I should accompany you well!"

After a while, a white-haired old man in a suit and leather shoes with pomade was invited into the private room by the secretary.

As soon as the door opened, Xu Fang, Wang Junsheng and others immediately stood up to show their welcome.

"Mr. Qian, sit down quickly!"

Facing the stool that Xu Fang pulled open, Mr. Qian sat on the main seat without hesitation.

From the moment the other party entered the room, Zeng Zheng felt two sharp eyes staring at him.

Mr. Qian's eyes looked up and down at Zeng Zheng like lasers.

After being scanned to the end by the other party, Zeng Zheng himself felt a little embarrassed.

Xu Fang is also a good person, and immediately introduced: "Mr. Qian, this is Zeng Zheng, the champion coach of this year's China Youth Team."

"Xiao Zeng, this is the Mr. Qian that I often tell you about. If it weren't for Mr. Qian, we wouldn't even be able to book this hotel!"

Mr. Qian nodded, raised his hand and was praised: "Coach Zeng is really young and promising."

"Leading the Chinese youth team to win the World Youth Championship at such a young age."

"It is not an exaggeration to say that you are the number one coach in Asia!"

Hearing this, Zeng Zheng immediately raised a glass of Moutai: "Mr. Qian, thank you for your love and support for Chinese football. If nothing else, let me offer you a toast to today's big meal."

After finishing speaking, Zeng Zheng raised his head and drank a glass of Moutai.

Mr. Qian smiled slightly, watched Zeng Zheng press the empty cup in his hand on the table, and spoke slowly.

"This time, the winning bonus for the middle and young players is also sponsored by me."

Zeng Zheng glanced at Xu Fang who was on the side, who nodded.

"Mr. Qian, I'll toast you three more glasses!"

After finishing speaking, I drank another three cups of Moutai.

After Zeng Zheng finished speaking, Mr. Qian said again: "If the National Olympics can break into the Olympic Games, I will also pay the prize money."

Looking at Zeng Zheng, who had already begun to burp, Xu Fang turned his head away in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Zeng Zheng couldn't help complaining.


No wonder you want me to accompany you!

If you don't have any skills, you have to go to grandma's house with you right now!

"Mr. Qian, I'll toast you five more glasses!"

China Youth is no better than the National Olympics, and the World Youth Championship is no better than the Olympics.

Therefore, the winning bonus of the National Olympics must be higher than that of the Chinese youth team.

After drinking five more cups in a row, Zeng Zheng wiped his mouth.

Isn't it money?

What else are you sponsoring?

If you dare to say that you still sponsor the national team, I will immediately call the old man Ladd to drink with you.

Anyway, in the past two years, my focus has not been on the national team.

Looking at Zeng Zheng's provocative eyes, Mr. Qian put his five fingers on the table and tapped rhythmically.

"The Group intends to sponsor Harbin Jianglong Team 1000 million for infrastructure construction, player trading, youth player training and club operation."

Hearing the number of 1000W, everyone in the room fell silent.

Wang Junsheng gave Xu Fang winks again and again.

If the money is obtained, the football center in Wuhan will be at least half successful!
Xu Fang is not in a hurry.

Instead, under the table, he signaled Zeng Zheng with his feet.

He knew that with Zeng Zheng's drinking capacity, it would not be a problem to "swallow" this 1000W.

But after all, I have been drinking so much.

Xu Fang wanted to ask if he should come forward and buy him some time to slow down.

But this time, Zeng Zheng did not toast again.

Facing the opponent's laser-like eyes, Zeng Zheng suddenly stiffened.

"Mr. Qian is sorry, the Jianglong team does not need shareholders at present."

Mr. Qian laughed when he heard the words, "Coach Zeng, you misunderstood. I don't plan to take a share, it's just a sponsorship."

"You, would you like to?"

Speaking of this, Mr. Qian looked at Zeng Zheng's right hand again.

There, there is already an extra glass of Moutai that has been filled.

"forget it."

After learning that the other party did not plan to take a stake, Zeng Zheng still chose to give up.

Hearing Zeng Zheng's answer, even Xu Fang became anxious and stomped Zeng Zheng under the table.

That meaning seems to say, are you crazy?

Zeng Zheng remained unmoved.

"Mr. Qian, thank you for your kindness, and thank you for your support to the China Youth Team and the National Olympic Team."

"We will always remember your contribution to the development of Chinese football."

"As for the Jianglong team, that's my personal business, so don't bother you."

Zeng Zheng's words were sonorous and forceful.

But everyone in the room thought Zeng Zheng was crazy.

Especially Wang Junsheng, who remembers that his mouth was crooked to his nose.

Is Zeng Zheng the kind of high-minded person who sacrifices his ego for the sake of the big self?
Obviously not!

Then why not this 1000W?

With Mr. Qian's extravagance, this 1000W is nothing to him!
At the same time, Mr. Qian was staring back at Zeng Zheng, as if trying to figure out why he didn't accept the money.

"Coach Zeng, as far as I know, Jianglong team members still live in the dormitory of Harbin Sport University, and the training venue is also the football field of other universities."

"You have exhausted all the working capital to repair the city stadium. It is said that this month even the team members' bonuses have not been paid in time."

"Not only that, but you have been sending Maradona's old teammate to various local TV stations to do various advertising endorsements, and even take on jobs such as psoriasis and pig feed."

"Judging from all these situations, the Jianglong team shouldn't be a team that doesn't lack money, right?"

"Isn't it good to have this liquidity in the account at this time?"

Mr. Qian was right.

The guys from Jianlibao are too fierce in A B!

With 7 consecutive victories, just winning and scoring bonuses are enough to bankrupt Zeng Zheng.

For this reason, in his spare time these days, Zeng Zheng also took on a few video editing jobs to subsidize his "household".

At this moment, Mr. Qian said that he sponsored 1000W for nothing, but it is a lie that he is not tempted!

But Zeng Zheng dared not agree.

If Mr. Qian's sponsorship of the China Youth Team and the National Olympic Team is for commercial promotion, Zeng Zheng thinks this is a matter of course.

But the other party gave him 1000W for no reason, and didn't take a share. Zeng Zheng didn't think the other party was so kind.

Seeing that Zeng Zheng was still shaking his head, even Wang Junsheng felt that Zeng Zheng was a little ignorant.

When someone gives you money on the pole, you not only don't thank you, but also push him away.

What's the point of this?
Just when the atmosphere seemed to freeze here, Mr. Qian raised the wine glass in front of him and drained the Moutai inside.

"Then Coach Zeng, can you tell me why?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Junsheng immediately glanced at Zeng Zheng, winking constantly.

Looking at the empty cup in front of this old man who was older than Wang Junsheng, Zeng Zheng said slowly: "There is no special reason, it's just what I think, you don't get paid for nothing!"

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