80s Raising a Baby

Chapter 250: Chapter 250: The Unbearable King Jin

Chapter 250: Chapter 250: The Unbearable King Jin
Besides, there are so many children in their family, even if they are old in the future, someone will share the burden, so why should she suffer this again.

She once talked with a mother who had a second child, why it is so hard to give birth to a child and still have a second child.

Their unanimous answer is that they don’t want the boss to be too lonely, and they are afraid that he will be old and gone.

Seeing Ye Qian's resistance, Chen Zhongwu asked hesitantly, "You really don't want to?"

Ye Qian turned her back to him and replied angrily, "What are you thinking about?"

Chen Zhongwu looked at Ye Qian's back, and a look of deepness flashed in his eyes. In fact, he had already realized that she was not "her."

A person will not change so much when he wakes up, unless he has changed people, but he has observed that the body is indeed Fengqin's, so it can only be said that the "soul" inside has changed.

He knew that his idea was unbelievable, but it seemed to be the case.

He always wanted to have another child with her, firstly because he was afraid that she would have regrets.

The second is that she is afraid that she will leave suddenly.

But seeing her so disgusted today, Chen Zhongwu suddenly felt relieved, it doesn't matter if she has children or not, the most important thing is that she is happy.

In fact, when he came back that day, he had thought of divorcing Fengqin, because he couldn't bear the children in his family to live like that, and he couldn't stand a Voldemort.

But he didn't expect that such a big change would happen after returning home. She was like a completely changed person. She knew how to protect her child, knew how to command him, and even dared to fight against his mother.

Facing such a person full of vitality, he suddenly had the courage to live on.

Looking at the person with his back turned to him, Chen Zhongwu suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth to reveal a touch of tenderness, leaned forward, hugged Ye Qian from behind and said, "Okay, listen to you, if you say no, then don't."

Ye Qian was in a drowsy sleep at this time, she lazily responded to these words, and soon fell asleep in Chen Zhongwu's arms.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed, and everything at home was on track.

"Auntie, I'm here to discuss something with you." Jing Jin swaggered on the sofa and said to Ye Qian with his nostrils upturned.

Ye Qian sat on the small sofa next to her, looked at the two people on the couch, and joked with a smile: "What's the matter, are you two here to send me wedding invitations?"

Since Jing Jin took over the store, he immediately made a girlfriend.

Jing Jin glanced at his girlfriend beside him, looked at Ye Qian and replied carelessly: "We are planning to get married next month, but my mother will come to inform you about this, I have other business with you."

Ye Qian: "What's the matter?"

Jing Jin: "I don't think you care much about the business in your store, so why don't you quit."

Ye Qian slowly poured a glass of water for the two of them, and asked, "Does your mother know about this?"

Jing Jin panicked after hearing this, he mentioned to his mother many times to kick her out, but every time his mother disagreed, he had no choice but to do it secretly.

Jing Jin's girlfriend saw that Jing Jin didn't reply for a long time, and quickly said: "Of course Auntie knows."

"Auntie has now handed over the shop to Brother Jin, which means that Brother Jin will take over with full authority." As she spoke, she stabbed Jing Jin.

Jing Jin came back to his senses and immediately replied carelessly: "That's right, my mother must know that I can come to you."

Ye Qian looked at the little actions of the two of them and replied with a half-smile: "Well, let your mother bring the money and let us do the math."

Jing Jin's girlfriend was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "What is it?"

Ye Qian: "Of course it's a dividend."

"I invested so much money in the store, if you want to go it alone, you must give me the money!"

As soon as Jing Jin heard that he wanted to share the money, Hu Jin immediately came up: "Why, you didn't contribute."

Ye Qian: "In the early stage, I contributed money and efforts. Besides, this is what I agreed with your mother. If you don't agree, then forget it. Just pay me dividends on time."

Jing Jin's eyes turned red immediately after hearing this, and he opened his mouth to start a fight with Ye Qian, but Ye Qian glanced at him coldly before he could speak.

"It's okay, if you say nothing about it, I'll discuss it with your mother and father."

Jing Jin's girlfriend panicked when she heard that, she stretched out her hand to tug Jing Jin and said, "Brother Jin, why don't you just listen to your auntie!"

In the past few days, she has seen that the profit in the store is higher every day than her month, so kick her out quickly, and the money she earns in the future will not be all hers.

Jing Jin glanced at his girlfriend, hesitated for a while and replied, "Okay!"

"After I give you the money, this store has nothing to do with you."

Ye Qian: "Of course."

"But when you pay dividends, you have to bring the ledger."

Jing Jin: "What do you mean?"

Ye Qian: "This dividend is a clean score. If there is something tricky, it will be bad."

"There is one more thing I have to remind you. I made up this account book. I can see any problems."

Jing Jin understood what he meant in an instant, and replied angrily: "Don't worry, you will get a lot of money." After speaking, he got up and pulled his girlfriend, "Let's go."

Ye Qian replied calmly: "Then I won't see you off."

As soon as the two of them went out, Jing Jin's girlfriend couldn't help complaining: "Your aunt is too powerful, and you won't suffer at all."

Jing Jin: "It's easy for someone who can convince my mother so much."

Said that the woman asked hesitantly: "Brother Jin, you said we are so good, Auntie knows if you will..."

Jing Jin embraced the woman's shoulders, and replied confidently: "Don't worry! My mother can't do anything with me."

After hearing this, the woman smiled sweetly at him, "Brother Jin, you are the best."

"But it's true that we're getting married next month?"

Jing Jin: "Really, my mother has already started preparing the bride price, don't worry, you will be indispensable."

The woman smiled shyly, lying in Jing Jin's arms, and said coquettishly: "It's better for you to treat others well."

After they left, Ye Qian sat on the sofa alone, thought for a long time and finally decided not to talk to Mrs. Chen.

First: She is not optimistic about Jingjin opening a store, and it will be a matter of time before the two have conflicts.

Second: "She needs the money to invest."

After thinking it over, Ye Qian packed her things and went out.

Now that the children are grown up, she has also returned to her job. She has no choice but to send out the capable children in their shop, and the ones left behind are relatively small.

"Auntie, you're here." As soon as she entered the store, Ji Liang from the third sister's family surrounded her.

Ye Qian asked while passing the bag over, "How is your mother?"

Some time ago, Tian Fenglan fell while cutting pigweed on the mountain, and Ji Liang asked for leave to go back and take care of her for a few days.

Ji Liang: "My mother is fine."

"that is……"

(End of this chapter)

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