The comments on the Internet were the same as usual, Yang Zhao put down his phone without looking carefully, and went out to find a new place to eat.

But as soon as she went out the gate, she found many nearby children secretly watching the gate of their house.

Yang Zhao glanced around, and the children shrank their heads back in fright.

She looked away inexplicably, and continued to walk out.

There are no big families around here, and the food they sell is cheap.

Yang Zhao drank two bowls of broth at a stall, and ate a few Yang wheat cakes, and then wandered back home.

When she got to the door of the house, she found that the children were still looking at her secretly.

She looked at the courtyard wall, which was a little over two meters away, and understood.

It is estimated that she was seen by these children when she was learning to fly, so one or two of them were watching her secretly. It seems that learning to fly in the future cannot be done in her own yard, so as not to attract too many people's attention and bring unnecessary troubles. Trouble.

The next day, Yang Zhao and Shen Ruoyu came to the beach to practice floating and dodging.

This is actually easier to learn. Except for the first two days, I would fall to the ground. On the third day, I was able to do two things at once, avoiding blocks while flying.

On the fourth day, Shen Ruoyu put forward a new request, asking Yang Zhao to cast other spells while avoiding the wooden blocks in the air, which required her to use three things at once.


Bang bang bang!Bang bang bang bang!

bang bang bang bang bang...

After finally suffering enough, when Yang Zhao was able to avoid the wooden blocks while casting spells, Shen Ruoyu's request changed again.

"This time use your gun to pick up these wooden blocks. You have to practice flying as your instinct. Flying should not consume too much of your attention, otherwise when you fight against people in the air later Will be at a disadvantage, do you know it?"

"Master, don't worry, I understand."


Bang bang bang bang bang!

This time Yang Zhao threw the Flood Dragon Spear together, and she could even hear the mocking laughter of the Flood Dragon Spear in those few days.

The beach is full of fish scale patterns that she smashed. At night, the tide turns into small puddles. Every morning, I can find a few seafood in the puddles. Her happiest thing every day is picking up a bunch of seafood and steaming them for food. .

By the time she was free to look at her phone, more than ten days had passed.

Yang Zhaoxian flipped through the video comments on the online platform.

"Hahahahaha, what the hell was it in the first place, everyone was so ecstatic, she is a psychedelic ghost ()."

"Miss sister, you have to pay attention to your own image, don't get too attached to funny people, you have to know that funny girls don't have love!|) I found out!."

"Only I want to know, did Miss Yang Zhao in the video really fall from mid-air to the ground?"

"The sound is really scary, and it feels like the fall is very real."

"It's probably a special effect. There should be a wire hanging. Otherwise, how can a person be able to fall so many times and be fine. I have already gone to improve the performance of the hospital."

"But it doesn't look like Diao Weiya!"

"This is the lightness kung fu that was popular in ancient costume martial arts dramas before?! Does anyone want to film ancient costume martial arts? Please let this young lady go! Teach those stars what lightness kung fu is!"

"Miss Yang Zhao is cultivating immortals, can't you tell? This video is shot by a mobile phone, and the fall is very solid. Didn't you see that there were marks on the ground?! Master, please be an apprentice. Bless!"

"I also want to cultivate immortality, I also want to live forever, I don't want to go to work () 嘤嘤嘻~."

"On the forehead, you only have the last sentence to be true, right?! () Distressed"

"If you want to cultivate together, please join the group XXXXXXX."

"Cultivation of Immortals is recruiting today. Those who can speak foreign languages ​​and fool around are given priority. If you want to contact me, please click on my avatar."

"The above are all liars, please download the Contrast APP, don't transfer money, don't transfer money!"

"Kids these days are too gullible!"


The number of people on this account is close to 40, and the growth rate is much faster than before. It is estimated that someone opened a traffic slot for her as a reward for her cooperation in the experiment.

The detailed physical examination by the experimenters over there has already produced the results, and they applied to Yang Zhao for a second contact experiment a few days ago, but she was being thrown and had no time to talk to them.

There are 26 people coming this time, five old people from last time, plus 21 newcomers.

The summoning process was the same as last time. Yang Zhao first handed back the last five Xiaodouman amulets to the small yamen next to the square, and waited for them to stamp Qianjidou one by one, then took 26 charms from them and came to On the square, summon the little bean man, and hand out the spells one by one according to the number.

This time, the people in Xiaodou were all mentally prepared, and there was no such case that someone quit halfway due to respiratory alkalosis.

But the excitement was palpable, looking left and right to see which side was strange, a group of people were as reluctant to blink as their eyes were open like frogs.

Yang Zhao rented five beast carts before taking them back to his home.

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