Chapter 288

When Li Yu came back after freshening up and changing his clothes, several clan elders, uncles and brothers were present, chatting cheerfully together.

There was an obvious smile on Grandpa Gu's face, and his eyes were much gentler.

At this moment, Li Yu realized that his grandfather really hoped that the Gu family would be lively. It does not necessarily mean that the Gu family should be prosperous. Maybe this is a hope but it is not certain, but he hopes that the children and grandchildren of the Gu family will flourish and face the difficulties and sufferings of life positively and courageously. , instead of being lazy and cheating.

"Yu'er, come quickly, we are talking about the return of the workshop."

When they came, the uncles brought the account books and announced the good news, which made the old man and sisters-in-law happy. Everyone devoted all their efforts to these two workshops, especially the widows, who worked hard to manage them.

"Really, so fast, all kinds of throwing fees are counted?"

Li Yu came over and stretched his head to look, with anticipation in his eyes.

"It's all clear, you see..."

Uncle Ba happily showed her the account book.

Li Yu took a quick look and found that he had just paid back his capital and hadn't reached the point of profit yet, but anyway, he was making progress.

"That's great, everyone's hard work was not in vain. In this way, I think it's time to reward the grandfathers of the clan. They are so old and have worked hard again. It's all for our unsatisfactory children and grandchildren. Every family is in difficulty. Let me give a reward first. ..."

Grandpa Zu waved his hand, "Good boy, it's all thanks to you that this workshop is able to survive so quickly, we don't need to reward you, no need."

"Fourth grandpa..."

Grandpa Zu raised his hand to stop her from continuing, "When the children grow up, it's time for them to go out on their own. No one should carry them on their backs for the rest of their lives. I taught the crafts. What kind of skills they can learn and what kind of life they can live depends on what they can do. Own."

Li Yu looked at the grandfather of the clan, and felt the sincere expectation and upright temper from these gray-haired old people.

It may not be pleasing, but they are really willing to sacrifice their lives for the Gu family.

"Grandpa is right, sister-in-law, thank you."

The brothers stood up straight and bowed to her.

"Hey, there is no need for such a big gift, we are all a family, what's the matter?"

Li Yu blushed from embarrassment.

"Sister-in-law, we are ashamed. If you didn't despise us, you have been leading us, persuading us hard, and you must pull us to the right path. We are not worthy of today. You have worked hard."

Less than a year after entering the house, Li Yu has not been idle for a day, taking care of the elderly and the weak, training martial arts and military arts for the sons, doing workshops to find work for the young sons who are idle at home, being an upright person, doing things in a down-to-earth manner, and living a serious life.

She really tried her best to help the Gu family to stand up again.

It is not simply to make money, but to rekindle hope for life.

"I am a housewife. We are a family. I want everyone to live a good life. I have no other skills but to make money. We have come out of the capital with such difficulty. We should live a good life and live a good life." , Live up to the elder brothers who sacrificed for us."

"Yeah, we can't let them die in vain..."

The brothers lowered their heads to hide the pain in their hearts.

"Come and help me take care of grandpa when you have time. If you don't come, grandpa is boring alone. Only when you come can you take the initiative to teach you. Could it be impossible to let the old man come to your house to teach you?"


"It's not that Grandpa doesn't care about you, it's that you haven't done enough. If you choose a young boy to manage things, you have to choose a smart and capable one. How can the officials outside be so easy to fool."

"Your elder brother's face is turning blue, he is the fifth-rank official. You know what he has done in the past few years. It is not wrong to want a future, but you have to show your skills to make people look at you and give you a chance. "

"Sister-in-law, it's our fault. I thought about the wrong way before."

"Work hard, you are all the best sons, grandpa hopes that you will all be outstanding. You can see that the workshop has returned its capital, and next year it will be able to earn less. Life is getting more and more prosperous. Our family is not on the shelf yet. Don't give up so early."

"You are right."

"This time your brother has gained face, and there will be other opportunities in the future. Wait a minute. If you have a good opportunity, you must not forget your brother. The prerequisite is to work hard."

"We remembered."

"Eat, have a good meal with grandpa. I promise you a drink today, but you can only have one drink, grandpa."

"Three cups."

Grandpa Gu stretched out his finger to negotiate terms with her, like an old urchin.

"Two glasses, no more, or you won't be allowed to drink for a month."

Grandpa Gu pursed his lips with regret, "Okay, two cups are fine."

Smash your mouth and look forward to drinking.

The grandfathers of the clan coaxed the old man to be happy.

The banquet came, the gentlemen sat at the same table, the female relatives sat at the same table, and Li Yu sat at the same table with grandma, aunts and sisters to eat and drink plum wine.

"Yu'er, my old woman toasts you. You have worked hard. Within a year of marriage, you raised the Gu family. It's a big change. I'll toast you for the big guy. You are tired."

Uncle Gu stood up and held the wine glass with a look of relief.

"Uncle, grandma, you have spoiled me. I hope our Gu family will get better and better."

Li Yu hurriedly got up and bent down to return the salute.

"Good boy, the Gu family will be handed over to you in the future. If anyone refuses to obey you and opposes you, tell me and I will kill him."

The uncle and grandma's words were sonorous and powerful.

"That's right."

The other old ladies and aunts also nodded.

"I know that the elders love me, and the brothers give me face. I can't let the big guys down. I found an opportunity to discuss with the elders a while ago."

"What opportunity, you just say, what need to speak, we will give you money and effort."

The old lady and aunts agreed.

"It's like this. I want three places at the academy, but I need to be a child student or above. If my family has one, I will take it. The condition is that I go to the academy to attend classes regularly."

"Then what's the problem? You can go anyway. This is to save face for our Gu family. You don't have to worry about it at home. We haven't reached the point where we can't walk. Go. It's a good thing."

The old lady was very happy when she heard that, finally the Gu family could walk in front of others without relying on other people's support.

"I'm afraid that people's words are scary, so I haven't agreed yet. I want to discuss it with the elders first."

"Brother, the academy invited Yu'er to teach martial arts, and gave our family three places to study. Those who want to be famous, Yu'er dare not go, do you think you can go?"

My uncle asked Grandpa Gu on the spot.

"Good thing, I can go, you go, I'm sure."

Grandpa Gu loves Li Yu very much, he is obedient and supports her.

"Grandpa, I'm afraid that people's words are terrible. Last time I was the instructor, I was talked about by others. This time I..."

Li Yu is also a little worried, people can't be too selfish, just care about showing their face, regardless of the life and death of other children, the damage to their reputation will affect the marriage of the whole family's children.

(End of this chapter)

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