Chapter 290

Qingqing nodded, disapproving of the village chief's words in her heart, she directly expressed her thoughts:

"Why did you cut off the incense? Isn't she left? The daughter is also a family member. As long as she is still there, the incense will not be cut off. In the future, if she gets married again and has a child, the incense of your great patriarch will continue. "

Although Qingqing is very opposed to the idea that only sons can inherit the family, she also knows that in such a place where sons are regarded as superior to daughters, girls can also recruit husbands.

"You don't know, the patriarch's family seems to be under an unknown curse. They only produce boys. If they produce girls, they are destined to be barren for life. Even if they give birth reluctantly, the children born are often crippled , This is the price of spying on the secrets of heaven."

Most of the fortune-tellers have the saying that "one is missing", widows, widows, widows, widows, widows, widows, widows, widows and disabled, anyway, they have to account for one, especially if they are accurate.

The Yuan family's physiognomy used to be well-known in the world, but after a few generations, they could not escape the fate of decline. In this generation, there is only one little girl left.

"As long as the elder is willing to agree to me and let me be the next patriarch, I can hope to borrow her righteousness to resist the punishment of heaven. You don't have to be afraid, elder. You have too much righteousness and great merit, so lend me a little bit of righteousness." Your own luck will not be affected."

Yuan Chengyi's words caused suspicion on the faces of other people in Yuanjia Village. For the first time, they felt that this girl was also inaccurate.

Although Yuan Chengyi was only eight years old, she seldom gave divinations to others. It was not because she was half-hearted, but because she claimed that if she didn't wait for the opportunity, she would just help out with the calculations, which would damage her luck and lead to the final defeat of the Yuan clan, so She won't speak unless necessary.

This time there was a nobleman in the village, she was the one who said it, but after she finished speaking, she became seriously ill and lay down in the house. Everyone thought she was going to die, but unexpectedly, she appeared in front of several visitors, These bold words were spoken.

The reason why everyone in Yuanjia Village felt that what the little girl said was inaccurate was because she said that Qingqing was full of righteousness and returned to the official position to prosper, which is ridiculous.

Not to mention Dayan, even the previous dynasties, the previous dynasties, there is no precedent for a woman to be a high official.

So everyone felt that Yuan Chengyi was sick and confused, talking nonsense.

Qingqing was very interested. She didn't believe what the girl said, but she thought it was interesting to have such a cute face and say such old-fashioned words.

"What do I say about the appointment of the great patriarch in your clan?" Qingqing asked, poking her face.

The little girl didn't answer, but looked at her and said seriously: "I know that you don't believe me, sir, so, you write a word, and I will test it. If I get it right, we will talk again."

This time, not only Qingqing was surprised, but Buli was also surprised, walked over to stand with Qingqing, they looked at each other, Qingqing nodded.

"Okay, then I'll test this—"

She took the pen and paper from Buqi's hand, but Buqi used a self-made hard pen, and he was still not used to the brush.

The smooth hard pen wrote the word "Hui" on the paper.

"Is it wrong?" Buli reminded at the side.

Qingqing wrote in simplified characters, and the Hui here is traditional "Hui". There seems to be a slight discrepancy with his understanding of history, which is specifically reflected in these traditional characters, and some usages are not the same.

"It's okay, I can test—" Yuan Chengyi looked at the paper in thought, surrounded by more than 30 villagers, but they were very quiet.

Even Brother Hu Laoxi came over to see what new tricks this little girl could play.

"My lord, the word you is missing one side of the back word, which indicates that the place you want to return to does not belong to you."

Everyone didn't know if what the girl said was right or not, and they were still waiting for her to continue, but Qingqing and Buli had strange expressions on their faces. This girl really has some skills.

"You want to go back to the place that belongs to you. The side of the word walking indicates your urgent wish, but back is a small mouth trapped by a big mouth. You can't break through in a short time. This word should be written wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, but Your writing is steady and powerful, with clear edges and corners, to put it bluntly—”

Yuan Cheng moved his eyes from the paper to Buli's face, looked at Buli, then looked at Qingqing, "Ordinary people's house is where the sky is up and down, and the yin and yang are orderly, but your house is reversed, and this sharp The sharp edges and corners indicate that you have good abilities."

Most people in this village know a little about numerology, and they immediately understood after hearing what she said. Didn't this girl say that officials are afraid of internal affairs? !

This is a big taboo, how can a man be willing to be said to be afraid of his wife in front of so many people?

It is true, before leaving, I was still skeptical, but when I heard this, I became a little more serious.

Buli asked: "Then, can her wish come true?"

"It's hard to say. Your fate is locked in this celestial phenomenon. It is really difficult to fight against the destiny with human power, but the elder's pen is sharp and sharp. He must have great supernatural powers on him, and it matches your couple's dignified appearance—maybe There is still a lot to do.”

This sentence seemed to be vague, but it pointed out a clear way for Buli and his wife.

There is still a fight, it means there is still hope!
As soon as Yuan Cheng finished speaking, he covered his mouth and vomited blood. Qingqing was taken aback, and hurried up to help her.

She just saw that the child was cute and wanted to tease her, but she didn't want to make the child like this. She already blamed herself a little, and hurriedly said: "Forget it, I will help you go back to rest."

On the other hand, Yuan Chengyi waved his hands tenaciously, grabbing her sleeves tightly, and there was a trace of uncleaned blood on the corner of his mouth.

"Sir, I've done the calculation for you, do you trust me?"

"I believe you, but you can't keep forgetting."

Qingqing herself doesn't believe in this, but she doesn't reject it, because she studies architecture and knows some Fengshui. She knows that although most of the metaphysics and Yishu are liars, there are some mysteries in it for those who have learned it well, and there are many things that science can't explain.

"I can't count any more for this month, and if I count again, I should spend my lifespan. Today is my limit--Sir, if you believe me, can our deal count?"

Qingqing nodded.

"Do the math. As long as I can do it within my ability, let's take a step to talk."

As soon as Yuan Cheng heard what she said, a relieved smile appeared on his face, and there was a trace of tears in his eyes. Blessed by his ancestors, she finally waited for this day!
She was convinced that the pink-clad couple in front of her was the fateful person she was looking for who held the fate of the world!
Seeing Qingqing lead Yuan Chengyi to the tree far away from the crowd, everyone in Yuanjia Village looked at each other in blank dismay. The village chief looked at him and asked cautiously:

"Master, don't you need to follow?"

"No, my wife makes the decision." Without leaving the words to be concise, he could see that the child seemed to have a better relationship with Qingqing, but it was inconvenient for him to go there.

Everyone showed a stunned expression, and soon fell into deep thought.

From this point of view, Yuan Chengyi didn't seem to be wrong this time?This official, he is indeed afraid of guilt.

(End of this chapter)

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