Chapter 287
This year's crop harvest costs are not good. After paying the grain tax, it is very difficult for the villages to maintain food and clothing.

Buli predicted from the astronomy that this year will be a cold winter.

This can be said to be a leak in the house when it rains all night, and the hemp rope is broken at the fine point.

People's lives are not good, and conflicts between villages will arise. Weapon fighting is unavoidable. If the surrounding villages do not know the strength of Dayu, they will use various excuses to find fault, triggering large-scale fighting. To plunder resources.

The government has also had a lot of personnel changes this year, and it is unlikely that the newly appointed county magistrate will intervene in the battles between several clans.

According to Dayan's unwritten rules, the government will not care about the fights between villages, and the deaths of several people will be digested within the village, and the government will not intervene unless necessary.

To quell large-scale fighting, it is necessary to mobilize the barracks, and the government is too lazy to take care of it.

"If we really start to fight, we don't need to be afraid of the strength of our village. I watched Hou Xiaopo's team training today, but that's all."

It's not that Qingqing overestimated her own village.

Dayu's men have all undergone special training, and their combat effectiveness is by no means comparable to that of ordinary villagers. Even if they pull out the most capable villages nearby, they will definitely not be able to beat Dayu.

"Although the population of our village is small, with the two of us here, we can train formations and make up for the lack of numbers. In time, I can build up the infrastructure of the village, and it is not impossible to defend against a regular army of 800 people. But the problem is-"

Qingqing paused.

"They are all miserable people, what's the point of killing each other?"

She was not afraid of fighting, nor could she afford to lose, she just felt that there was a better way to avoid bloodshed.

"What better way do you have?" Buli asked.

"Do you still remember the Japanese people I met at the beach last time?" Qingqing twitched her lips, "They gave me inspiration."

"Them? What inspiration?" Buli asked, and at the same time, the meeting with the Japanese came to mind.

The scene of the wretched Japanese dancing the soul dance is really too impressive.

"Didn't they dance a soul-calling dance? It suddenly occurred to me that our Chinese civilization has so many intangible cultural heritage items. In addition to the Blood Society Fire that I frightened Yu Sanlu last time, there is also a very powerful exorcism dance."

"You're talking about Ying Ge?" A group of mighty dancers with exquisite facial makeup and sticks in their hands appeared in Buli's mind, bouncing majestically.

Qingqing nodded.

"Although it is a Chaozhou custom, we can learn from it. A good culture can be carried forward. The English song and dance is a combination of dance and martial arts. It is magnificent. Let the villagers practice it on weekdays. It can not only improve combat effectiveness, but also deepen The cohesion of the village."

Regarding the origin of English singing and dancing, there is not very detailed information in the existing materials. Some people say that it originated from sacrifices, while others say that it was a war dance to resist foreign enemies. Take double sticks, but double knives.

The inspiration that Qingqing thought of was to organize regular training for the whole village, so as to deter the surrounding small villages.

In a few days, the village will formally hold a ceremony for Buli to become the patriarch, and this is a good opportunity to invite people from the surrounding villages to come. When the time comes, the whole village will dance English songs and dances, which will definitely have a good deterrent effect.

It is equivalent to the military exercises of later generations.

"Let's improve the dance steps, change all the movements into fighting moves, and don't let everyone use sticks, just use double knives. The village pays for the customization. All men, women, and children in the village have to dance, and you—"

Qingqing cast her eyes on Buli, and smiled brightly, Buli had an ominous premonition, what was she holding back?
And Buli has a hunch that her bad news must be related to him!

"My dear husband, I remember, you seem to like animals very much?" Qingqing continued to laugh.

Without leaving his face expressionless: "I don't like it very much either."

"No, you like it." Qingqing kept her tricky smile, pretending not to hear his refusal, "The one who started the song and dance was Shi Qian who was playing with snakes, and he was going to wave a fake snake in his hand. I think we If it was replaced by a real snake, it would definitely be very shocking, I think it is most suitable for you to start."

Well, the visual effect must be shocking, but Buli refused.

"Are you sure, you want me to jump time shift? I jump time shift as my identity, what do you want other people to do?"

Ying dance is based on the 108 generals of Shuibo Liangshan, and it shows the rescue of Lu Junyi by the 107 generals, while Shi Qian ranks second to last among the 108 generals.

The reason why he led the way with the snake dance was because when he attacked the Daming Mansion to rescue Lu Junyi, he inquired about the information as a snake charmer and led all the heroes to save people.

Not leaving this identity, let him act as the penultimate, it is true that it will make it difficult for other people in the clan, even if it is to pretend to be in front of the ancestors, they dare not rank in front of their ancestors.

Although Qingqing knew that this was his excuse, she still couldn't help feeling regretful, and muttered in a low voice: "I think you must be very handsome playing snakes—or, when you close the door, put on your makeup, and only show it to me ——Hey, don't run away, let's discuss it again!"

Not leaving this man is burdened by some idols. As for whether Qingqing can persuade him in the end, it depends on her unwillingness to part with the money—the money on the kang.

Buli said that as long as Qingqing is willing to bend his waist, not to mention asking him to dance the Snake Dance, even turning him into a snake, he is also fine.

Qingqing rubbed her chin and thought about the last sentence for 5 minutes, and she always felt that this kid drove a stroller.

But she has no proof.

Buli is a man of action, since Qingqing intends to use the singing and dancing as an opportunity to frighten the surrounding villages, he will start to deal with this matter early in the morning.

Several backbones in the village were called to tell the plan.

"Grandpa Clan, what do you mean—let people in our village sign up for the county spring festival?!" Yu Guang was full of surprise, and the people around him responded similarly.

Every year when the Spring Festival approaches in Cunhe County, a place will be set aside in the county to organize a large temple fair, which is the Spring Festival.

Those who can participate in the spring festival are all nearby villages with relatively strong strength. The content includes twisting yangko and stepping on stilts. Through this form of rewarding the earth god, the strength of each village is also reflected here.

In the past, in Cunhe County, it was not the turn of a small village like Dayu to go out.

"You don't have to worry about registration, just practice according to the method I gave you, and then you won't lose face to the village." Bulihui said that with full confidence.

Their village is indeed small, but this kind of thing is just a matter of talking to Zhao Si, and it is impossible for Zhao Si to disagree.

"That's not what we're worried about—it's, who we are, who we are."

Yu Guang didn't continue, and everyone else nodded in understanding.

They all escaped from the Wei family army, and everyone felt that they had to behave with their tails between their legs, and don't go out if they can.

In the end, Grandpa Zu said, let everyone participate in the Spring Festival? !
Isn't that just pulling the whole village to Cunhe County for people to watch?

"At that time, you will be put on makeup, and no one will recognize you, and after passing this incident, you will be completely safe in the future."

Everyone would be skeptical about Buli, but no one dared to question it. Buli and Qingqing were the gods of the village, and everyone believed in them more and more.

Qingqing got up and couldn't find Buli, so she went out to look for it all the way. As soon as she reached the entrance of the ancestral hall, she saw a shocking scene.

(End of this chapter)

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