Chapter 279
"You are all traumatized, but we are all children here. These children should be the pillars of the country. Maybe they will be Zaifu Genmiao in the future. Today you let these Genmiao see the shamelessness of human nature. Maybe they will not leave in the future The official career is over, isn't this loss big enough?"

The old man was so angry that he didn't come up, and almost pouted.

He has seen what it means to call the dead alive!

"Of course, if you can't accept our conditions, we can go to the Yamen to reason."

"But we can't make up so much money for a while, we are all ordinary farmers."

The old man would say that he was very aggrieved, as if those who carried out the drill with a knife just now were not theirs.

The people around the old man also showed miserable expressions, weak, helpless and pitiful.

There was another noise in the front yard, followed by screams from the crowd. The old man was startled when he heard the sound, and saw a man covered in blood running over, crying to the old man:

"Patriarch, the two people we tied up during the day ran out for some reason, holding our knives, and hacking in front of them. Many people were injured, and his accomplices didn't know where they went—ah!"

The person who was speaking raised his eyes and saw Qingqing, who waved at him.

Companion, are you talking about her?

The old man hurriedly looked at Qingqing, thinking that since Qingqing claimed to be a member of the government, she must not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and would definitely stop her people from harming the village, right?

But this glance made the old man feel cold.

Because Qingqing still has a smiling expression, the same as when she was ridiculed for being incompetent by Hou Xiaopo Villagers, even the eyes are the same.

She is like a passer-by in this world, watching the clouds roll and clouds with a smile, watching the flowers bloom and fade quietly, neither happy nor sad.

At this moment, everyone in Hou Xiao Po did not dare to despise her smile anymore, and even felt an inexplicable coolness, because their lives were all in the eyes of this young man.

The old man looked at Qingqing for a long time, seeing that she had no intention of intervening, and the wailing from the front yard continued, so the old man could only kowtow again and prostrate on the ground, his voice seemed to have aged several years.

"We agreed to your terms. It's just that the village can't make up that much money for a while. Can you give us a few more days?"

"It's ok."

The corners of the old man's mouth rose wildly, but Qingqing added another sentence.

"We also collect chickens, ducks and live poultry, and pay them back to you according to the market price, so we don't take advantage of you."

The old man wanted to cut her into pieces, immediately, immediately!

It's a pity that I can't beat it.
"Tell them to stop, we promised."

Qingqing put two fingers into her mouth and blew a loud slogan.

The screams in the front yard stopped, only the occasional humming sound, which should be the humming of the injured person before.

After a stick of incense, Qingqing and others returned with a full load. In addition to the more than 100 taels of silver in the purse, there was also a small fat pig in the car. Qingqing waved enthusiastically while sitting in the car.

Under the carriage, no one in the village could laugh.

They helped each other, either injured arms and legs, or were terribly frightened.

Those who were knocked down by Qingqing with drugs are still in a coma.

"The chickens and ducks that are owed to us will be given when we go to the village to make a book next time. There is really no room in the car." Qingqing's tone was warm, and those who didn't know it thought they were visiting relatives.

The patriarch of Hou Xiaopo Village had a gloomy face, and he had already planned in his heart that he would go to the county government to find connections and see if he could sue these arrogant bandits.

In the eyes of everyone, Qingqing and the others have become bandits.

The wheels moved slowly, Qingqing seemed to understand the mind of the patriarch, and said again:

"Oh, that's right. If you want to sue us, you can start now."

"Aren't you afraid?" the patriarch said subconsciously, wishing to slap himself after he finished speaking, didn't he just admit that he wanted to go to the city to file a complaint?
"What are you afraid of? You want to sue me, if you have a life, you have to come out."

Qingqing left a meaningful sentence, and the carriage slowly drove away.

The wheels pressed against the road, making rattling noises, and every sound meant that the money in the village was gradually drifting away.

Everyone in Xiaopo Village gritted their teeth, and when the carriage disappeared at the end of the road, a middle-aged man standing beside the patriarch stood up and said:
"Second uncle, let them go like this?"

"Otherwise?! Can you chase, or I can chase, or you can chase?!" The patriarch swept over the crowd angrily. These bandits are powerful. The village is now seriously injured, and there is no possibility of fighting back. .

"Then let's go to the city and find someone?" The middle-aged man suggested again, this time, the patriarch raised his hand and slapped him in anger.

"Are you sick in the head? Didn't you listen to what the bandit leader said? We have lives to come in, but not lives to come out! Forget it, it's just some money, just go to Qianxiaopo Village to grab some in a few days."

The middle-aged man who was slapped touched his face and didn't dare to speak, but there were 1 dissatisfaction in his heart, and he muttered silently, is my brain sick?Your son is sick, really sick!

Qingqing sat in the carriage and continued to rest with her eyes closed.

Ermao and Dafa are still immersed in this victory, exchanging ideas excitedly.

"Uncle Xi, why are you so powerful? Just the two of you beat more than a dozen of them to the point where they couldn't fight back? Didn't they also practice?"

Hu Laoxi laughed loudly and said: "If they were in the state during the day, our brothers would not have won so easily. Get under the table."

It's wrong to drink.

Hu Laoxi and Jiang Laosan walked around the village from the left and right, and they didn't meet anyone along the way. Seeing the brightly lit and noisy noise in the patriarch's house, they walked over and saw them all staggering from drinking. Come in.

It didn't take much effort, most of the people were drunk, they were caught off guard by the two of them, and the rest who still had fighting power were cowards. Seeing that these two brothers were unstoppable like evil stars from the sky, they had already jumped over the wall Run away.

"If they can unite as one and fight collectively, maybe our two brothers will also be injured. Seeing them wielding guns and sticks when they are fine, I thought they were united, but that's all."

Qingqing nodded, indeed.

The cultivation of combat awareness is also an important part of combat effectiveness. On weekdays, only individual training, lack of faith and cohesion, no matter how strong an individual soldier is, it is useless. Fighting is like a mess.

"We've won a lot this time, but we'll come to Xiaopo Village in two days, not only to collect the balance they owe us, but also to prevent them from robbing the surrounding villages. We kind people are the most important You can’t see good people being wronged.”

What Qingqing said was just and awe-inspiring, and everyone wondered, this is Grandma Zu, is there something in her words?
Just how "kind" she is can be seen just by looking at this cart of trophies, and she will definitely take some action in the future.

"By the way, grandma, when I was looking for people in the village, I found a strange place." Jiang Laosan said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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