According to her and Buli's current strength, staying away from General Wei would do more harm than good.

"There is no need to contact him now, but he can be regarded as covering the sky with one hand here. We cannot guarantee that we will not borrow his power in the future. We have laid a lot of groundwork in order to contact him before. Taking the overall situation into consideration, this line cannot be like this broken."

Starting from a small person, it is necessary to take advantage of the situation. When encountering Kaner, maybe the other party can lead the whole family through the difficulties with a single sentence, so no matter how hard she responds, she will not bring her personal preferences to the business.

"At Zhao Si's side, I gave him a note with six characters written on it. Guess what I wrote?" Qingqing asked.

"Six words?" Buli thought for a while, and he felt that what Qingqing should write was, stand still.

But she said, it's six characters, if there are two more characters, what could it be?
"I can't guess, but I think it should be something similar to standing still." Buli replied.

"Well, that's pretty close, what I'm writing is, you don't know anything."

"." is really straightforward and colloquial enough.

"Zhao Si's brain is too complicated for him to understand. It's better to tell him straightforwardly that he doesn't know anything. No matter who asks him, he just needs to answer like this, and he can get away with it."

"That's my answer. I think I need a little reward. How about you come to my bed when the bed is cold at night?" Buli pretended to be calm, and said sinisterly that he had been holding back his long-awaited expectation.

What answered him was Qingqing's flamboyant fake grunt.

Stay close to the black line.

"You just don't agree, so there's no need to damage your image, right? You don't even snore when you sleep!"

What answered him was her "snoring" harder.

It might be due to excessive blood loss, but Buli didn't wait for her to fall asleep before bringing her over as usual, he fell asleep after only staying up for a while.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already morning.

There was no familiar temperature and fragrance in his arms, and the feeling of emptiness told him that Qingqing hadn't turned into his quilt last night. This realization made him instantly open his eyes and look sharply at Kang Shao.

Her quilt has not been folded yet, but there is no beauty in the quilt.

A pillow was placed there vertically, and Buli instantly understood.

She can't sleep well if she doesn't hug something, she must regard that pillow as his substitute.

Thinking of this, he turned over without thinking, stretched his arms to grab the pillow, hammered it twice, heard the sound of footsteps, quickly threw the pillow aside, lay back under the quilt and sulked.

"Are you awake?" Qingqing walked to the kang and asked, she saw his long eyelashes twinkling, and guessed that he was awake.

Buli wanted to pretend to be asleep to express his dissatisfaction with her replacing him with a pillow, but he still opened his eyes when he smelled blood.

Qingqing was wearing dirty clothes with some blood stains on the front of her clothes. She sat up impatiently, pointed at her clothes and asked, "How did you do it?!"

"I divided the pig."

"You can ask the villagers to do this kind of thing, there is no need to do it yourself-wait a minute, you won't use that dead pig to vent your anger?!"

Qingqing was noncommittal, but just snorted contemptuously.

"The next time I go into the mountain, let me meet the wild boar that hurt you, and I will kill it as well."

Twitching without leaving the corner of the mouth.

"Why are you competing with livestock? Let's go hunting, hunting people, why don't we let them resist."

"I don't care, I just hold grudges." She put her hands on her hips.

Bu Li waved his hand, okay, women who hold grudges are the most powerful, hurry up and change clothes, he is a little worried now, what will happen to that little wild boar by his angry wife, picking meat is also knowledge, don't make her angry If the meat is chopped up with knives, the subsequent jerky will not be able to be made.

Taking advantage of her changing clothes, Buli got up and went to the yard.

As soon as she went out, she saw the wild boar skin hanging in the yard. There were several pots on the ground, the meat and internal organs were placed separately by her, and the head of the wild boar was hung on the fence. It seemed that Qingqing handled it very well.

Buli was about to enter the room to praise her, when he saw Ermao coming over with a pot of minced meat.

"Where did you come from?" Buli asked.

Ermao replied: "The grandma of the clan chopped it by the stream early in the morning. I didn't see it. My father and the others saw it at work. She only took the cutting board and kitchen knife after chopping. The meat may have been forgotten. My father asked me to chop it. Bring it."

According to Yu Guang's dictation, Grandma Zu was attacking with two knives, and her knives were as fast as lightning, and the chopping board almost made her chop sparks.

Seeing everyone gulping their saliva, the majestic momentum literally frightened everyone so that no one dared to step forward to ask questions.

Those who are timid are already thinking to themselves, maybe the grandma of the clan came here to stand up, right?

Twitching from the corner of her mouth, she really is.
Is this for fear of waking him up at home?
They also took it to the stream and chopped it up. After the chopping, they tried to destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces so as not to bring back the minced meat.

It's really not like she would do such a childish behavior.

"Okay, you can take the minced meat back. She gave it to you to eat. Let your mother make some buns for everyone." Buli wanted to laugh, but he still maintained his usual calm face. It's a good face, if you don't want him to know such a cute side, then he will pretend not to know.

Ermao became a flower when he heard that there were meat buns to eat, and Buli gave him the pig's head again.

Together with a hind leg and two pheasant offal, let him take it back together, add some dishes and stew it in a few pots, and share it with everyone.

When Qingqing came out after changing clothes, Ermao had already left, and Buli was standing in front of several pots, as if thinking about how to process them.

"Did Ermao just come?" Qingqing asked.

Buli nodded, concealed the matter of sending the minced meat, and only said that he gave the pig's head to Ermao.

Qingqing nodded.

The prey he brought back yesterday included wild boars and pheasants, which were shared among the villagers, and one chicken was more than half a pig.

"You stay at home today, I will make a yellow book for you." Qingqing said to Buli.

Buli frowned, and wanted to argue for herself, but Qingqing didn't give him a chance, and walked out.

Seeing that she was determined to go, Buli didn't think it was tiring to make a book, so she could go if she wanted to. He just stayed at home and disposed of the meat.

"I asked the two little brothers to stay for you to help. You can direct them to do what they do, and you are not allowed to do it yourself." Qingqing predicted his prediction.

"." Speechless.

Did she send the children to help him, or did she send someone to watch him?

It doesn't matter, those two brats still can't stand him. After she leaves, he can do whatever he wants, and just threaten the two brats.

"If you don't take good care of your injuries, let me know, and I will move to the hut." Qingqing predicted his prediction again.

Buli remained silent, and now he also had the urge to chop up minced meat with a kitchen knife.

"Don't think about threatening the two children. I have plenty of ways to make them speak the truth."

Qingqing beat Buli with an expression of lovelessness.

Finding such a strong daughter-in-law, he has no possibility of resisting.

Qingqing saw that the beating was almost done, and told him about the real culprit who went to the ancestral hall to block the fire fighting in the morning.

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