Yo, grandpa is here

Chapter 231 I don't want to hide it from her, I can't say it

"What is this?" Hu Laoxi leaned over.

When Qingqing saw the thing in her hand, her expression turned serious, and her expression became subtle.

The inseparable palm held a transparent bag, as thin as a cicada's wing, filled with flat beans.

This transparent bag caught the attention of Hu Laoxi and Zhouquan. The two poked their fingers curiously. They had never seen such a strange thing.

"What is this? Cicada wings? Snake slough?" Hu Laoxi has never seen such a transparent thing. The texture looks very brittle, and it will make a rattling sound when poked with a finger.

"The cicada's wings don't have this kind of touch, and there are lines on the cicada's wings. It's the first time I've seen this kind of treasure." Zhou Quan also felt strange.

This kind of thing that was regarded as a treasure by the two of them seemed commonplace in the eyes of Qingqing and Buli. In their era, this thing was everywhere on the street.

This is a plastic bag.

Qingqing asked Buli in English: "This thing invented time, do you remember?"

"Probably in the 19th century."

It was rare for Qingqing to think for a long time. It had never taken Qingqing such a long time to solve the previous problem. It can be seen that the information given to her in the inseparable words made her re-evaluate the relationship between the two.

He must have his difficulties, and in that case, she doesn't need to make him more difficult.

Qingqing came to the conclusion after a precise analysis. Regardless of the gradually warming relationship between the two of them, she just couldn't leave this person. If he wanted to hide something from her, there was no need for him to hesitate to talk like just now.

Without frowning.

"We beat him, it's normal for him to be afraid."

"Is this thing edible?"

"I think you are acting very strange. You don't usually speak in this style. Buli, do you have information that I don't have?"

"Okay, you don't want to talk about this, and I won't ask any more. Just pretend that nothing happened, pack up your things and leave here. If the crab dies, it won't taste good." Qingqing broke the silence , said happily.

The two chatted in an encrypted way, but Hu Laoxi and Zhou Quan couldn't understand, but felt a huge pressure.

"But just in case, he just came here through time travel. I always feel that the fat man behaved strangely before committing suicide. The way he looked at us seemed to be terrified."

The atmosphere fell into silence again, so silent that he couldn't leave, and he was already mentally prepared to be kicked out by Qingqing.

"According to your IQ, if you want to hide me completely, there must be a more decent way, which is not enough for me to see through at a glance, and every word you said to me, I believe it is true, that's enough .”

"You're not fat, why lose weight?!"

Inseparable from silence.

"Who are you?" After a while, Qingqing asked.

Although Qingqing's rational performance always makes him scratch his head and scratch his heart, but when she uses her rationality in the right place, it is so just right. Working with such a leader, although there will be certain pressure, But never regret it.

Never leave the drooping eyes.

"Besides us, there may or may not be other time travelers. If there is, there will be no more than one person except that fat man. That's all I can say." After all, Buli was defeated by her and answered her question. question.

There was a pack of flat beans in a plastic bag, the color was light brown, and it looked very special. Thinking of the garlic-flavored peanuts that are always at home, Hu Laoxi stretched out his hand and squeezed one, muttering in his mouth:

At this moment, Buli's thoughts had drifted far away, and he was preparing for the worst.

Hu Laoxi withdrew his hand in fright, and couldn't help but introduce to Qingqing:
"This is jicama seeds, have you ever eaten jicama?"

Buli continued to remain silent, which seemed to be an acquiescence.

"Is that fat man also—" Qingqing immediately thought of three words, time traveler.

"You" carefully guessed her expression, without the expected alienation, and without anger, just like she usually did to him——no, it's not the same.

Buli let go of his gripping heart, it seems that he doesn't have to go out to make a bed.

If Qingqing alienates him because of this matter, he will not complain, this is his own choice.

"It's okay if you don't want to answer, I won't force you." Qingqing said with a smile that couldn't reach her eyes.

Looking carefully, she looked at him with softer eyes, which were trusting eyes.

"This place is originally an empty space-time crack. The plastic bag is an imported product. There is a time difference. It is not surprising that foreign countries invented this kind of thing in advance."

"Is it convenient to say it?" Qingqing had a feeling that this guy seemed to have learned his fault of only telling half the truth, and flexibly applied it to her.

"Then you just need to answer one question for me, besides the dead fat man, is it possible for people like us to exist in this space-time rift?"

Never leave a sigh.

"Your husband is someone you can trust. No matter what the circumstances, I will never betray you." Buli said this time while looking at her, his eyes full of sadness.

"Toxic." Buli replied.

This long thought made Buli feel suffocated. For him at this moment, every second is suffering.

After all, she and Buli are a couple in need, and they know Buli very well, and Buli never avoids her eyes when talking to her, and when they discuss issues, he seldom vetoes her opinions with a firm attitude.

This time it was Qingqing who lowered his eyes, and the two fell into silence at the same time.

This habit of telling half the truth is learned from her, so Qingqing is especially good at breaking through this way of speaking, and specifically asks the key points.

"We can sow this in a few months, and I'll make it for you to eat." Buli collected the seeds, and when he turned around, Jian Zhouquan and Hu Laoxi looked at him with strange expressions.

"I ate it when I was losing weight. It is a little sweet when eaten raw. It can be used as a fruit. It contains a lot of fiber when it is fried. It is said to be anti-tumor."

When she said she would turn over the page and not ask, that means she would really turn over the page and not ask any questions. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but relax her brows, and smiled at her, and Qingqing also smiled at him.

When the atmosphere fell into dead silence, neither Hu Laoxi nor Zhou Quan dared to speak, and neither dared to break the weird atmosphere.

"Did my colleagues make a fuss, and I just followed suit and persisted for half an afternoon?" She rubbed her belly, feeling hungry again.

Zhouquan and Hu Laoxi, who were not daring to show their atmosphere, saw that the two people were at loggerheads one moment, but reconciled the next moment, and they didn't dare to ask why, so they pretended nothing happened, and watched together the plastic bag in the palm of their hand. bag.

But even if she chased him away, he would not leave and would not let him go home, so he would camp outside the house until he thought of a way to calm her down.

She is not reluctant, but the favorability will decrease.

"Grandpa Clan, you want to kill your own wife by poison?"

"What nonsense?"

"Then why did you let the family grandma eat that thing, didn't you say it was poisonous?"

"Four or five seeds of this kind can poison people to death. The roots, seeds and leaves of jicama are poisonous, but the fruit can be used practically."

For Buli, this seed also has a magical effect.

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