Chapter 353

Enduring the excruciating pain in his body, Gu Linjiang crawled several times, but failed to get up.

The side of his face was covered with blood, Qiu Shen took out a tissue from the table and wiped the blood off Gu Linjiang's face, but he didn't wipe it off, the dried blood stuck to his face, making him extremely embarrassed.

The pain of broken bones spread to all limbs, he slightly raised his head to look at Qiu Shen, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

"Remember, my name is Qiu Shen, the gentleman Shen alone Shen."

This was the third sentence Qiu Shen said to him.

The gentleman is careful not to deceive the dark room.

Unfortunately, Qiu Shen has never been a gentleman.

He woke up again seven days later, not in the hospital, but at Qiu Shen's home.

When he woke up, he felt like he was falling apart, and before his injury healed, Qiu Shen came in directly and threw him a gun.

"Dare to kill?"

This was the fourth sentence Qiu Shen asked him.

Gu Linjiang shook his head, then nodded again.

That night was the second time he saw someone killing someone before his eyes.

The first time was Huaguo, Wei Shengyue hired murderers to find their mother and son.

"Load and shoot."

Qiu Shen still had a smile on his face, but his eyes were completely cold.

Gu Linjiang took a deep breath, picked up the gun that Qiu Shen threw to him, his eyes were full of hesitation.

Qiu Shen glanced at Gu Linjiang, "Moji!"

After finishing speaking, he snatched the gun from Gu Linjiang's hand, loaded the bullet, held the butt of the gun with one hand, pointed the muzzle at the glass on the window behind Gu Linjiang, and pulled the trigger.


The glass shattered to the ground.

The whole set of movements is smooth and flowing, very straightforward.

"Have you learned?"

Gu Linjiang didn't respond the whole time, until Qiu Shen's demonstration was over, and finally there was a ripple in his eyes that had been calm all the time.


This time, his tone was firm, as if he saw the hope of life.

Qiu Shen returned the gun to him, and said calmly, "What's your name?"

"Gu Linjiang, just call me Lin Jiang." Gu Linjiang held a pistol, looked at Qiu Shen and said, "Why did you help me?"

Qiu Shen put one hand in his pocket, "You are very similar to me before."


"Remember, in Law City, violence is the best solution to problems that cannot be solved by law and discipline." Qiu Shen chuckled, "It's better to shut them up forever than to reason with them."

It was only later that Gu Linjiang found out that Qiu Shen was the veritable king of Lucheng.

This ghost town has no owner, whoever takes it down will own it, and Qiu Shen has the absolute right to speak here.

Gu Linjiang kept holding that gun, but never fired.


Recalling this, Gu Linjiang said calmly: "You know, I have actually remembered what you said to me back then. You are right. It is better to tell them to shut up than to reason with them."

This sentence is a belief in his revenge that he lived for back then, and it supported him to survive the night in a foreign country.

"To be honest, from the first time I saw you back then, I thought we would be the same way." Qiu Shen said bluntly.

A large part of the reason why he took the initiative to save Gu Linjiang was because he saw a bit of himself in Gu Linjiang.

"Qiu Shen, I owe you a favor for this matter." Gu Linjiang rolled his eyes, "But my sister, don't get her idea. If I find out that you touch her, don't blame me for being rude."

His tone was light, with a hint of warning.

"You also said that you are not interested in that girl, but you really care about her." Qiu Shen joked.

Gu Linjiang looked at Qiu Shen, staring slightly.

He knew that Qiu Shen was an ambitious man, every step he took was above calculation, and everyone was his pawn.

Gu Linjiang had no doubts that if something happened, they would be the first to bear the brunt of being abandoned.

 The male second is really not a thing, he has never been a good person.

(End of this chapter)

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