Chapter 104
Only then did Lu Yan discover Feiyun and Xia Yan standing in the corner, "Hey, are you two here?"

Feiyun: "..."

Xia Yan: "..."

Had she just seen the two of them?Are the two of them so insignificant?

Feiyun: "Miss Lu, we've been here all along, but you didn't see..."

Lu Yan continued to make up the knife: "It's not why you two are wearing such black clothes, who can see it like a carbon."

Fu Siyi dressed in black: "..."

As if realizing that Fu Siyi was also dressed in this way, Lu Yan hurriedly apologized and said, "Boss Fu, I'm not talking about you, you are so handsome, I can see you for the first time wherever you stand!"

Feiyun: "???"

Xia Yan: "???"

Why is she still playing double standards!
Everyone was shocked when they heard the girl's sweet voice on the screen.

Master like this one?
And why does the master speak so softly?This unscientific!
Since the screen was facing Fu Siyi, Lu Yan couldn't see the hidden guard and Zhao Shan who were standing in front.

"Oh, by the way, is Boss Fu's Xu Danjie still in your place?"

When Xu Danjie heard his name, he immediately raised his head and wanted to open his mouth, but without his tongue, he could only make a strange whimpering sound and could not speak a word.

What else does this woman want!
Feiyun breathed a sigh of relief to Xia Yan and was too scared to speak, Fu Siyi was silent for a moment but still nodded.

"How is he?"

Fu Siyi paused, closed his eyes and said coldly: "You... want to intercede for him?"

Feiyun couldn't guess what Lu Yan was thinking at this time, he just hoped that this Miss Lu would not be like other women pleading for mercy.

The master has always been one-sided, and he will never listen to Miss Lu on this kind of matter.

After all, in Feiyun's opinion, if Lu Yan knew what Fu Siyi did to these two people, it would be hard not to sympathize with these two people. After all, he saw most women like this, and his heart softened too easily.

I think they are vicious and cruel.

Lu Yan looked like a weak and fragile little girl. If she saw this bloody scene, she might hide away from her master in the future.

In order to avoid leaving any bad impression on Lu Yan about the master, he must maintain the image of the master!
Lu Yan looked confused: "Pleading? What are you begging for? I want to tell you that if that thing slapped me at that time, he would have slapped me a few more times if he was still at your place."

Lu Yan's face was filled with righteous indignation like a cat with fried hair. Her face was hurting for a week, and her cheeks were so sore after eating. It can be said that she couldn't eat. Get it back!
Delay her cooking!
As if the coldness in Fu Siyi's eyes had been frozen in an instant, he froze.

Feiyun also made a big move in confusion: "Huh?"

Why didn't she play her cards according to the routine?

Logically speaking, she shouldn't be begging this scumbag for mercy, right?
Fu Siyi was a little surprised, but still nodded.

"By the way, is Zhao Shan also with you?" Lu Yan scratched her hair on the screen, seeming a little annoyed: "This thing has disappeared for half a month, and I haven't found anyone here."

Now Fu Siyi shook his head: "No."

Just when Fu Siyi denied it categorically, Zhao Shan suddenly went crazy and bit the hidden guard next to her.

The dark guard was in pain for a while and didn't notice that the force in his hand was a little loose. Zhao Shan probably realized that this was her only chance to survive, so she used all her strength to move the phone far away from Fu Siyi's hand Shouting: "Yu Sheng save me, save me! I'm Zhao Shan!"

 Does any friend write a long review for me to read?

(End of this chapter)

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