The High Gate Mistress of Rebirth

Chapter 659 [Part] No colorful phoenix with double flying wings

Pei Yunqian was capable and reliable, and had always been trusted by Prince Yong the most. Therefore, Prince Yong left all the tribute matters to Pei Yunqian to take care of.

Pei Yunqian watched the boy put all the tributes into the treasury. After he registered them in the register, he went to find Princess Yongqin to report back.

Princess Yongqin was talking to Princess Lan. Because Pei Yunqian was Princess Yongqin's nephew, and the princess had always liked him, she did not deliberately avoid her when she saw Pei Yunqian entering the room.

Although Pei Yunqian only overheard a few words, he quickly realized that the concubine and the princess were planning to marry Pingyang to the Zhenguo Duke.

The family belongs to a high-ranking family and the family tradition is upright. This marriage seems to be the best destination in Pingyang.

Pei Yunqian didn't know how he got out of the princess's house. He just felt that his mind went blank and his body felt like it was drained.

He was walking back in despair when he happened to bump into Pingyang.


When Pingyang saw Pei Yunqian, she held up her undershirt and ran towards him. Aunt Li followed behind and quickly reminded her: "Hey, my little princess, why have you forgotten the rules again?"

She gently pulled Pingyang and taught her coquettishly: "A woman must be dignified. When she walks, her skirt does not move and her hairpin does not waver. This is how she behaves like a lady."

"You can't move this, you can't move that. Auntie wants to restrain me like a wooden figure." Pingyang frowned, displeasure appearing on his hibiscus-like face.

Seeing that Pingyang was angry, Mammy quickly confessed: "Tomorrow the concubine and the princess will take the princess to meet the nobles. I dare not not teach the princess as much as I can."

Pingyang said with a wooden face: "That's just me. Why should I change myself to please others?"

Although Pingyang was a bit pampered in the past, her temperament was extremely docile. Auntie etiquette taught her that although she did not do well, she would not contradict others. When grandma saw her suddenly saying such words, she was really Startled, he shut his mouth and did not dare to push.

Pingyang secretly rolled his eyes at Nanny. Seeing that she finally closed her mouth, Pingyang softened his tone and said, "I want to say a few words to my cousin. Nanny, please step aside for now."

Mammy agreed, but as she was ordered by the princess to teach Pingyang, she did not dare to leave without permission, so she only retreated not far away and waited.

Pei Yunqian felt a little relieved when he saw Pingyang. He looked at her with a smile on his lips and asked, "What's wrong? Haven't you been looking forward to going to Beijing? Now that you have entered the capital, why does it look like you are in a bad mood? .”

In the past, Pingyang felt that there were many people who loved her, including her grandmother, parents, and brothers. She was the favorite in the palace and enjoyed countless favors. But after experiencing the previous life and coming back, Pingyang understood more clearly that in this world , Cousin Pei is the one who loves him most.

He would never force himself to do something he didn't like, and he would treat her well without asking for anything in return.

Thinking of this, Pingyang felt aggrieved. She sniffed, turned her head and said, "I'm really not in a good mood. My grandmother and concubine have been forcing me to learn etiquette all day long. I'm going to die of suffocation."

Pei Yunqian knew that the concubine and the princess did this for Pingyang's good, but when he saw Pingyang looking so uncomfortable, his heart softened.

He blurted out: "Those rules are really restrictive. I can't blame you for not being able to bear them. If it were me, I would be tortured to death."

After Pingyang heard this, she felt that her mood suddenly brightened up. She turned her head, looked up at Pei Yunqian, and said with a smile through tears: "Cousin, it's better that you are nice to me." He likes to see her smile the most, if It would be great if he could guard her for the rest of his life. He would make her happy forever.

"Cousin Pei, I have something to tell you."

In this life, Pingyang is determined to be with Pei Yunqian, but she also knows that it will be difficult to realize her wish. Although her parents dote on her, they are never to the point of letting him do whatever he wants. At least, although they I like Pei Yunqian, but not enough to let go of my daughter.

After all, Pei Yunqian is the son of the guilty minister. After all, their family status is very different.

Therefore, if she wanted to be with Pei Yunqian smoothly, she had to tell him her thoughts, and they had to work together as one.

Pei Yunqian saw Pingyang's serious expression. He frowned and asked, "What do you want to tell me? Is it something important?"

Pingyang nodded, then glanced at the nanny standing not far away. She lowered her voice and said to Pei Yunqian: "Cousin, grandmother and concubine want me to marry the youngest son of my aunt Fuxi Emperor. He Called Li Xiang, he’s just my cousin, I don’t want to marry him.”

Pingyang was innocent. Pei Yunqian didn't expect that she could see the thoughts of the concubine and the princess. He frowned slightly and asked in confusion: "Why is this?"

Pingyang replied in a low voice: "Cousin, I had a dream yesterday. I dreamed that I had a very bad life after marrying into the Duke of Zhenguo's mansion. Therefore, I don't want to marry the son of the emperor's aunt."

This is just like her style, so innocent and adorable.

A smile finally appeared on Pei Yunqian's face. She looked at Pingyang and replied, "It's just a dream."

After saying that, he asked curiously: "What did you dream about? Tell me carefully and I will help you interpret your dream."

The two of them were talking here when several servant girls came to meet them. Aunt Pingyang called out quickly: "Princess, I saw Chunmei coming next to the princess, so I may have come to give you something."

The princess has already grown hair. Although Pei Yunqian is a relative of the palace, it is against the rules for a man and a widow to live together for a long time. Since this nanny has been ordered to teach the princess etiquette, she naturally does not dare to be vague about what she is responsible for.

Pingyang listened to the call of her grandmother, she turned around and looked over. Sure enough, it was the person next to the mother-in-law. She quickly lowered her voice and said to Pei Yunqian: "I will explain it to you in detail tomorrow. Tomorrow, the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law are going to the imperial aunt. You find an excuse to stay in the house, I have something important to discuss with you."

Pei Yunqian was used to Pingyang's innocence, but this was the first time he saw her look so solemn. He nodded and agreed, "Okay, I will listen to you."

Just as she was speaking, the maid next to the princess had already approached. She bowed slightly to Pingyang and said softly: "See the princess, this servant is here to give you clothes on the order of the princess."

Pingyang cleared his throat and asked, "I have enough clothes. Why is my mother and concubine doing this?"

The maid replied: "The princess said that she will take the princess to Princess Fuxi's mansion tomorrow. These are new clothes that the princess specially ordered for the princess to make. It took a lot of effort. The princess asked the princess to go to the princess's mansion tomorrow. Put it on."

It seemed that her mother had put a lot of effort into getting her married into the Zhenguo Palace.

Pingyang's heart sank, and he replied calmly: "I understand." After saying that, he ordered the nanny beside him to take away the clothes, and then replied to the maid: "Go back to your mother and concubine, and tell her not to take it. Don't worry, I will definitely behave well in front of Aunt Fuxi when I get to the princess's mansion tomorrow."

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