Chapter 18 The Mountains Are Full of Treasures

Lu Shaoqian marveled in his heart, it was so delicious, why didn't she make such delicious pork before?
If she could come up with such a good craftsmanship, that person wouldn't beat her to death!

When Lu Shaoqian was the young son of the Duke's Mansion, he would attend the palace banquet every year.

The dishes made by the imperial chef are not as delicious as hers.

He was savoring it slowly, and before he had time to boast, he heard Dong Yu croaking: "Wow... oh... the taste is delicious."

Then came everyone, with their mouths full of delicious braised wild pork, and said vaguely: "It's a good time..."

Although everyone was gobbling it up, there was no ugly scene of grabbing food.

The main reason is that Lin Fuyue made enough servings, so everyone can rest assured to eat with their stomachs open.

At this moment, Lin Fuyue was aroused by the aroma of rice and braised wild pork.

Although she hadn't eaten for only a few days, no one knew that Lin Fuyue had lived for two lifetimes.

She gorged on meat without any image, and she could also use wolfing to describe her eating at this time.

But Lu Shaoqian didn't think there was anything wrong with her eating like this. It was especially delicious when everyone gathered around to eat together.

In the past, their Duke's mansions ate in their own courtyards, and only when his father returned to the mansion would they sit and eat together.

When he was in exile, Mrs. Guo took her group of grandchildren to sit at the table to eat, and he would occasionally sit and eat together.

But he couldn't bear the abuse from the Duke's wife, and often went out to eat before going back.

And she ate in the kitchen, and no one knew whether she was full or not.

After dinner, Dongfeng, Dongyu, and Dongshun took a few clever teenagers to the town to sell wild pork.

Lin Fuyue still instructed them to smear their faces with black lotus juice, all of them were as dark as coal diggers.

It's all like this, no one should find out their identities, right?
Lin Fuyue was still thinking, if no one found them, could she also go to the town to sell wild pork tomorrow.

But it is not ruled out, so Lin Fuyue arranged for Lu Shaoqian to take a few people to buy rice directly, and it is always right to stock up on more grain.

"Qian Xiaolu, take a few more people to buy rice, twenty catties of sugar, and salt. You should buy them separately, don't buy them in the same store."

Lu Shaoqian is now used to Lin Fuyue calling him Qian Xiaolu, and her thoughts coincide with his: "Well, come out and follow me."

Seeing that everyone had left, Lin Fuyue went to see if the wounds of the wounded had deteriorated.

The old doctor who accompanied her admired her yesterday, "... Ma'am, none of their wounds have worsened."

He is an old man in his 50s. It is impossible for him to call Sister Lin, but Madam.

"Old doctor, you can just call me Xiaolin, we all live together, don't call me Madam."

What's more, your master is already married, but Lin Fuyue didn't say this, as if she cared about him very much.

She doesn't care about him, but she really cares about getting involved with him. She is a big girl and a married man, what is involved!

The old doctor looked at Lin Fuyue and hesitated to speak. It was difficult for him to say anything about the matter between husband and wife.

So the old doctor said kindly: "Xiao Lin, where did you learn these skills? They are better than the old man, a professional doctor like me."

"It's just that if you get hurt too much, it will be fine. As long as you understand the pharmacological effects, it's not difficult. I'll teach you slowly when I have time."

Lin Fuyue said indifferently that her grandfather taught anyone, but not everyone was interested in studying medicine.

In their village, there are not many who have really learned it, but there are some who have no knowledge and no skills, and go out to the big cities to bluff.

Said that he was a powerful Miao doctor, and ran back to the mountains to hide after he cured people.

"Really...Really...?" The old doctor stammered excitedly.

"It's true, if you are interested, you can learn from me, and we will go to pick herbs together later."

Several teenagers were tortured half to death by the pain. Lin Fuyue applied medicine to them once, and the pain disappeared.

"Sister Lin, will I become a cripple? A cripple cannot be a doctor."

Lin Fuyue asked strangely: "Who says you can't be a doctor if you're lame?"

"Sister Lin, think about it, a doctor who can't heal himself, who would ask him for treatment? But I am good at martial arts, and when I am cured, I will help you gather medicine. I dare to go anywhere."

"Sister Lin, I am also very good at martial arts, and I will help you pick herbs, even on steep cliffs."

"Don't worry, you will get better soon, and you will be as healthy as before."

Lin Fuyue continued to comfort the patient in a gentle voice, "My sister just checked again, and none of you will be limping, but those who are seriously injured need to spend more time."

"Sister Lin, we are not afraid of the length of time, anyway, we can't get out in this deep mountain, as long as our legs are not lame."

A seriously injured teenager said that he thought he was going to die, but he never regretted that he saved his master.

Because his life was saved by the master, if not for the master, he would have been killed by the enemy on the battlefield.

He didn't expect his wife to save him, why didn't he get excited.

Not to mention a longer cultivation, he is willing to lie down for a year, nothing is more important than living.

These more than 60 injured patients and old doctors already had unlimited hopes for Lin Fuyue.

The slightly injured patient said: "Sister Lin, you told us what kind of herbs to pick, we will pick them now."

"Well, that's fine. The old doctor stays to take care of the seriously injured patients. I'll take them out to gather herbs and come back soon."

Lin Fuyue took a dozen or so teenagers to the deep mountains to collect herbs. When she saw small things like wild rabbits, she cleaned them up.

Thinking that they didn't have any food in the cave, "I tried to catch the wild rabbits alive, and we went back to raise them ourselves."

"Okay, sister Lin." The shy boy blushed and quickly agreed.

The pheasants and hares were really caught by them, and more than a dozen live ones were caught, and five wild boars were killed in the cave.

Lin Fuyue asked the teenagers to pick peppercorns and dig wild ginger, and Lin Fuyue saw a piece of wild onion.

My dear, this is a good thing!

"Two people came over and chopped up all these wild onions. This is a good thing, not only is it delicious to cook.

There are also pharmacological effects, which can achieve the effect of dispelling blood stasis and relieving pain. After taking it, it can treat clots, blood in the abdomen, stagnation of food, fullness, carbuncle, etc.

If local skin pain, swelling and bruises appear after bruises, wild onions can also be used for treatment. "

After hearing what Lin Fuyue had said, the teenagers started to do it without saying a word, oh my god!Such a good thing, why didn't they know about it before!

While a few teenagers were pulling wild onions, Lin Fuyue taught the others to chop some rattan cages for hares and pheasants.

It has to be said that there are treasures everywhere in this deep mountain.

There are still lilies, which are many times better than the lilies in Lin Fuyue's back mountain.

Lin Fuyue was thinking about how to pick when she heard: "Woo..."

(End of this chapter)

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