Chapter 13
Lin Fuyue saw that the banknotes and money were on the benefactor, so she could only follow him quickly.

If you don't keep up with him, then you will be penniless, and it's not good to grab it hard.

After all, he was the one who saved him, without him, he would have already entered the belly of the python.

"Brother Qian, let's go buy food first."

"Didn't Dongyu and Dongshun already bought rice?"

"How about just rice? Don't you still have a hundred people, let's go buy some flour."

"En." Lu Shaoqian walked towards the food store after finishing speaking.

Lin Fuyue followed closely, and the two walked into the grain shop and asked about the price of the grain.

In an instant, he understood why Dong Yu and the others wanted brown rice. The price of brown rice was eight cents a catty lower than that of polished rice.

There are also black noodles sold in the shop, black noodles cost five cents a catty, if you buy a hundred catties of polished rice.

It is equivalent to buying 150 catties of brown rice, plus [-] catties of black noodles.

Black flour is actually not black flour, but some coarse grain flour mixed together.

Lin Fuyue had never eaten black noodles, but the original owner had eaten black noodles for several years, and the taste was very bad.

It can't be fermented either, and the steamed buns made are as hard as rocks. Rich people will never eat such unpalatable flour.

But it is cheap, only five cents a catty, that is, five copper coins, and it is the staple food of many poor people.

After the original owner got married, he followed a big family. If he has some money, he can buy it to honor the evil mother-in-law and the white-eyed wolves.

She and Xianggong, 360 and [-] days, ate Wowotou made of black noodles.

When the husband was out hunting, he might have barbecued meat before going home.

It's not Lin Fuyue's conspiracy theory, but the scumbag's virtue is the bomber among scumbags.

After getting rich, it's okay to hug left and right all day long, why not leave the original owner as a nanny, just give her a bite to eat.

It's worth beating people to death, and getting yourself beaten up, this revenge must be avenged.

"Shopkeeper, how do you sell white flour? How do you sell medium flour?" Lin Fuyue asked angrily.

Because she thought of something unbeautiful just now, and she was in a bad mood.

"The cheapest flour costs ten cents a catty, the better quality flour costs fifteen cents a catty, and the best white flour costs twenty cents a catty."

The shopkeeper's attitude was good, he didn't care about Lin Fuyue's tone, and some poor ghosts came in and asked the price for a long time.

After listening to the quotation, not only did they not buy it, they even cursed at the high price and left without looking back.

Are they easy to do business with?

It's okay to meet people who are grand, but there are also many people who have to talk about trivial matters.

"Help me weigh [-] catties of [-] wen flour, the best white flour of [-] catties."

Lin Fuyue said grandly, my sister is considered rich now, why should she treat herself badly.

When the shopkeeper heard Lin Fuyue's words, he laughed like Mira Buddha in the temple.

Immediately call the waiter in the shop to weigh two hundred catties of different flour, and he returns to the counter and cracks the abacus.

"The shopkeeper, isn't it just three, two, five hundred Wen? Does it need to be counted?"

Lin Fuyue didn't despise the shopkeeper, she just felt that the shopkeeper's actions were too exaggerated.

It may also be that she can't understand the excited mood of the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper didn't believe it at the time, he was still making calculations, and after a while, he was surprised.

"Little lady is really amazing, yes, it's three, two, five hundred, how did you figure it out?"

"Do the math, one hundred catties is [-] wen plus [-] wen, for a total of [-] wen, isn't it just three, two, five hundred wen?"

Shopkeeper: "...Yes, that's right, but...I can't figure it out."

Lu Shaoqian: "..."

A wimp, no, he is a powerful person now, when will he know how to settle accounts?
The powerful person bared his teeth at her: "Pay the money quickly, we have to buy other things."

hey-hey!You have to pay the bill with a wink when you have money in your pocket. You don't understand this. What a boring person.

After paying the money, she casually carried a bag of flour, hehe!One hundred catties, why is my sister so powerful.

Lu Shaoqian also followed closely with a bag in his hand, because there was a grocery store not far next door.

Lin Fuyue wanted to buy some seasonings, so she didn't need Lu Shaoqian to lead the way, so she went straight to the grocery store and asked for soy sauce.

99 Wen per catty, the price shocked her severely. Soy sauce was expensive, and ancient people consumed less.

Don't buy it, it's so expensive.

Looking back, my sister can make soy sauce when she buys soybeans, and when she comes out the next day, she will buy a hundred catties of soybeans and make it herself.

It was only later that Lin Fuyue found out that this soy sauce was not the soy sauce that Hyundai herself ate.

It is made with wild animal meat, and the process is very complicated, no wonder it is so expensive.

This soy sauce is basically what the rich eat, but the poor are still eating black buns, what soy sauce do you want!

Thinking of the current environment, she gritted her teeth and bought ten catties of salt. It is fine without soy sauce, but not without salt!

The oil is pressed from unknown raw materials. It doesn't smell as good as rapeseed oil and peanut oil, and the price is expensive. She only buys two catties.

After some buying, the ten taels of silver were gone. In an instant, Lin Fuyue felt that the money was useless.

The seasoning is so expensive, no wonder people in this era generally eat boiled vegetables in plain water.

No seasoning is added, the water is boiled and boiled, some salt is added to the pot, and some conditions are poor, even salt is not added.

Lin Fuyue has been unwilling to treat herself badly since she was a child. Salt and oil are the basic ingredients for cooking.

Lu Shaoqian didn't say anything when he followed her, he just slandered secretly in his heart.

The wretch has been beaten into a powerful person, and Hua Yinzi is no longer the same as before.

It's so majestic that he can't even compare it to himself!

He also wanted to go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine for the seriously injured subordinates, Lin Fuyue told him.

"My sister knows how to know herbs, so go back and see their injuries before making a decision."

What she didn't say was why waste money, but it hurt too much to say that.

Lin Fuyue also wanted to buy pork, but Lu Shaoqian said that they could hunt wild boars, so they didn't need to buy pork.

So the two of them walked back into the mountains the same way. Although they still had 200 taels of banknotes, the road ahead was vast, and they could save as much as they could.

When I returned to the cave in the deep mountain, the aroma of rice was already wafting out of it.

It turned out that Dong Yu and Dong Shun bought a hundred catties of polished rice, and went back to hook out the gluttons of other people in the cave.

Some half-disabled teenagers wished they could grab a handful of rice and put it in their mouths to taste it.

There was no woman in the cave, and there was a slightly older uncle who was only in his thirties.

He suggested to cook a pot of white porridge for everyone to taste first. If Lu Shaoqian is not around, Dongfeng is the boss.

He directed a few people to light a fire to cook porridge, and Dongshun carefully filled about ten catties of rice for the uncle who cooked.

"Uncle, just put in more water, so that we can eat for ten days."

(End of this chapter)

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