Chapter 48 048. Kindness is not a fault

Seeing this, Gu Xiaoxiao glared at Zhou Zeyun.let him ask!She managed to adjust Dabao's mood on the road, which made him feel guilty again!Really good!

Zhou Zeyun didn't care about Gu Xiaoxiao's eyes, his mind was all on Dabao's words.Blocked a knife? !It's all right!
Then I felt even more uncomfortable.Dabao was arrested in order to save Sibao, and Gu Xiaoxiao was seriously injured in order to save Dabao. In the final analysis, he was useless as a man. This kind of thing actually caused a woman to charge forward and let a child face it alone!It's his fault!
Seeing Zhou Zeyun blaming himself again, Gu Xiaoxiao immediately changed the subject and urged them, "Okay! They're all back intact, everyone should go to sleep, I'm tired!"

Xu Jiaoxi's expression was gloomy, and he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. Tired of listening to Gu Xiao's novel, he lowered his head and went back to the room alone.

He has no face to face this family!It was his ineffective supervision that caused the child to have an accident, which caused Gu Xiaoxiao to rescue him and was injured!To be able to get stabbed with a knife, you can know that the situation at that time must be dangerous, and all the reasons are his fault!
Dabao sensed the mood of the master, and followed the master into his room.

The other three children also obediently went back to the house to sleep.

Sibao is the most uncomfortable one. If he hadn't meddled in other people's business, he wouldn't have had so many incidents!

He was lying on the bed, the fear of being frightened during the day, coupled with the self-blame that his eldest brother was arrested and his stepmother was injured, made it difficult for him to fall asleep, and he was very sad and depressed!

Gu Xiaoxiao and Zhou Zeyun briefly talked about what happened, and went back to the room to rest.This day, I am too tired!
Then there was the sound of "creaking" scratching the door, Gu Xiaoxiao went to open the door suspiciously, and suddenly a brown and yellow dumpling rushed towards her face.

She felt that there was something missing in the house, and it turned out that one of them was missing!
Seeing Rhubarb rubbing back and forth in Gu Xiaoxiao's arms, and smelling the bloody smell of her wound, he let out a "owwow", as if caring about her.

Gu Xiaoxiao smiled and said to it: "I'm fine, Da Huang doesn't have to worry about me!"

Rhubarb licked Gu Xiaoxiao's hand again, and responded to her.

She raised her hand and rubbed Rhubarb's head and said, "Rubarb is awesome today! I'll give you an extra meal tomorrow!"

Rhubarb gave another "owwow", beaming with joy.

Everyone in the family, Gu Xiaoxiao, told them that Rhubarb was actually a tiger, and only Xu Jiaoxi, an outsider in the whole family, didn't know.

At this time, Zhou Zeyun watched the interaction between one person and one tiger, and his mood finally improved. He smiled slightly and said to Gu Xiaoxiao: "Aren't you tired, go to rest quickly, get up later tomorrow, and take care of your wounds!"

Gu Xiaoxiao nodded, "Okay, you should go to bed early too." Then she walked back with Rhubarb in her arms.

Zhou Zeyun also returned to his own room.

And when Gu Xiaoxiao was about to go back to his room, he heard Sibao still awake in his room, sobbing softly!

After thinking for a while, she knocked on the door.

"Sibao, can mother go in?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked softly.

After a while, there was a muffled sound from inside, "Yes."

She opened the door and walked in, and saw Sibao sitting on the bed, his eyes were still a little red, but he had already wiped away the tears.

Gu Xiaoxiao hugged Rhubarb, sat gently on the side of the bed, and asked, "What's the matter? Tell mother?"

Sibao pursed his mouth, unable to speak for a while, and buried his head deeply.

"Alas! Sibao has grown up and started to learn how to hide from mother!" She said pretending to be sad.

Hearing this, Sibao immediately looked at his mother and shook his head, then he glanced at his stepmother's shoulder calmly, his nose sore again.

It took him half the salary before he cried in frustration and said, "Mother... Four Treasures are wrong!"

Gu Xiaoxiao was a little puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"I was caught by them because I trusted that old lady. At that time, I really thought I would never see my mother again! But... But in the end, the elder brother saved me, and it was precisely to save me that he would He was taken away! Those people's territory must be terrible, and my eldest brother must be scared if he is there alone, I'm terrified just thinking about it at home!" As he spoke, tears fell again, and his mind was full of his imagination.

Often what is imagined in the heart is much more terrifying than what is actually seen!Because imagination knows no bounds!

Sibao sobbed and continued: "Mother, if it wasn't for me, I wouldn't have saved my elder brother myself, and he was injured! I'm all to blame, and I'll never talk to outsiders again!" Speaking of sadness, I no longer covered it up, opened my mouth wide and cried out!

I have been crying for a long time during the day, but if I continue to cry now, I am afraid my head will hurt when I wake up tomorrow!
Gu Xiaoxin looked at him painfully, experiencing such a thing at such a young age must have had a serious impact on his mind, and must have been frightened!

Then he thought for a while, and enlightened him aloud, "There is good and bad in this world. There is nothing wrong with kindness. What is wrong are those who take advantage of your kindness!" After a pause, he said: "Life must continue. Go on, you will meet all kinds of people in the future, no one can guarantee that you will meet all good people, so you have to have a steelyard in your heart, and observe more. Which is good and which is bad? Judge carefully for yourself!"

Sibao nodded half-understood, with tears on his face, very pitiful.

Seeing Gu Xiaoxin's soft heart, he couldn't help but tease: "Why did I get hurt, and you all lined up to blame yourself, I'm tired of coaxing so many people!"

Sibao smiled through tears, bared his teeth and said in a nasal voice, "Mother, just coax me once! I'm a child, and others are strong, so it's okay if you don't coax me!"

Gu Xiaoxiao scratched Sibao's little nose with a smile, "You are really good at your little abacus! Sibao will be as strong as his brothers in the future, and he can no longer hide and cry secretly! You know ?”

Hearing what the stepmother said, Sibao immediately covered his face with his hands shyly, "Oh, it's so embarrassing!"

Gu Xiaoxiao laughed amusedly, "It's not shameful for a child to cry!"

Sibao was so ashamed that he pouted his buttocks and buried his head in the quilt.

Seeing this, Gu Xiaoxiao stopped laughing, stopped teasing him, and said, "Okay, it's late at night, go to bed early, wash your face before going to bed, and your eyes won't be too swollen tomorrow!"

Sibao still maintained the posture of sticking out his buttocks, and a muffled voice came from under the quilt, "Got it, mother!"

She smiled and shook her head, her eyes were full of doting, this is really a treasure!
Afterwards, he didn't say anything else, got up and walked out with Rhubarb in his arms, and went back to his room.

This day is really tiring!
Gu Xiaoxiao was exhausted when she lay on the bed, and fell asleep in a daze, and didn't even have the energy to change the dressing for the wound.

The next morning, Sanbao was lying in front of Gu Xiaoxiao's bed, looking at his mother's blouse with large bloodstains, the scene was really scary.

The third sister-in-law thought that something had happened to her mother, and suddenly, the defense line in her heart collapsed, and she knelt beside her bed and wept loudly.

He told the truth about what happened yesterday, he never saw it from the beginning to the end, it was just that Sibao cried a little bit, and the eldest brother disappeared.

Although I heard that my mother was injured later, the child had no idea, nor did he know how serious it was!

And at this time, it was the first time that Sanbao witnessed such a terrible scene, his eyes were full of red, which made it difficult for him to think, and he habitually thought of the worst, fearing that his stepmother would die like this!

When Zhou Zeyun and the other three children heard Sanbao's voice running towards them, they also saw Gu Xiaoxiao's upper body was blood red, their faces were a little ugly in fright, and they were stunned in place for a moment!

At this moment, Gu Xiaoxiaoyou woke up, rubbed her eyes and sat up, obviously she was woken up!

Opening her eyes again, looking at the layout of the room made her a little confused!
Last night, she had a dream. She was still in the last days, living a boring life of doing missions every day. In the dream, she was on a mission, but she was betrayed by pig teammates, and finally had to fight the enemy to the death.

She suffered a lot of injuries on her body, which was extremely painful, but she still gritted her teeth and endured, fighting!Injuries have long been commonplace for her!

Later, she and the enemy died together, and she was awakened when she heard someone crying in a daze!
Scratched his head.How could she have such a dream? Is it because she worked as an agent in her previous life yesterday, so she thinks about it every day and dreams at night? !
She was fighting all the time in her dream, and her body was also very tired!
Then she regained her senses and raised her head, and saw Zhou Zeyun and four children in front of the bed, and Sanbao was still kneeling beside her crying, she was very surprised!The faces of the few people I met again were not very good-looking, and they were a little puzzled, so they asked: "What are you doing here? Why are you looking at me like this? And Sanbao..." She turned her head to stop Sanbao from crying, " Why are you kneeling here crying? If you stick three sticks of incense again, I will feel like I am gone!"

Sanbao was stunned for a moment, with tears still on his face, staring at Gu Xiaoxiao in a daze for a moment.

"Mom!" Suddenly rushed up to hug Gu Xiaoxiao and cried, "You're fine! It's great that you're fine!"

This sudden hug caused Gu Xiaoxiao's wound to be pulled again, and she yelled: "Ah, it hurts..."

Zhou Zeyun also reacted immediately, stepped forward to pull away the three treasures, gently supported Gu Xiaoxiao's arm, and asked worriedly: "How are you? Is it still hurting?" Then hesitantly said: "You...this clothes..."

Hearing this, Gu Xiaoxiao looked down and was also very surprised!
I saw that her clothes were bleeding red from the wound, extending to about the ribs.

Even if I didn't have time to change the dressing before going to bed last night, it wouldn't be so bloody red!
Immediately touched the wound, it hurts!It turned out that the wound was torn open, which caused a lot of blood to flow out overnight, which resulted in such a large stain.

She tried to think about it, maybe she stretched it when she was dreaming at night, no wonder she was injured all over her body in the dream, but only her shoulder hurt!
She thought that she would be able to use a vajra mask and an iron cloth shirt by practicing it!

After she figured it out, she waved her hand indifferently and said, "I'm fine, just take another medicine and I'll be fine. You guys go out, I'm going to change clothes!"

Seeing that she was really fine, Zhou Zeyun felt relieved and went out with the children.

Sambo was ashamed.This is really a big oolong!But my mother was really scary at the time!
Gu Xiaoxiao called him softly, "Sambo!"

Sambo stopped and turned around.

"Call again, mother, come and listen!" Gu Xiaoxiao teased him.

Sanbao blushed. Thinking about it carefully, although he accepted his stepmother in his heart very early and relied on her very much, it was really the first time he called "mother" until now!
It's just because he usually doesn't talk much, even if he speaks, it's just a few words, and he just discusses the matter and doesn't say anything else.

Seeing Gu Xiaoxiao looking at him with a smile at this time, she quickly whispered "Mother".He covered his face in embarrassment and ran away.

Gu Xiaoxiao who was sitting on the bed couldn't help but smile.It's better here!
After she finished tidying up, she walked out of the room. Zhou Zeyun and Professor Xu had already gone to class. Now that she passed the county exam, she was about to prepare for the government exam!
The government test is also very fast, just a week later.Originally, Gu Xiaoxiao was worried that the time was too short and Zhou Zeyun didn't study enough, but Xu Jiaoxi had great confidence in Zhou Zeyun, which made Gu Xiaoxiao feel relieved.

The children only studied in the afternoon, and now they are doing their own things in the yard. After yesterday's incident, the four of them did not step out of the house. They also looked at each other from time to time in the yard to ensure safety!The three younger brothers are especially cautious!
Seeing them like this, Gu Xiaoxiao just smiled and didn't say much.

The psychological shadow left by this kind of thing can only be healed slowly by time!

And Dabao and Xu Jiaoxi didn't know what they talked about last night. Today, both of them are refreshed. This matter seems to be over in their hearts!
And no longer worrying about who is right and who is wrong, so that Xu Jiaoxi will no longer feel guilty and blame himself.

Life is going on as usual, as long as their family is safe!
After Zhou Zeyun got out of class, Gu Xiaoxiao took the initiative to find Professor Xu, and apologized for the behavior that she angered him when she was impulsive before. In the final analysis, except for those bad guys, none of them were wrong!
Can he be said to be wrong for letting the children play outside the house?Can kindness be wrong?Can you say that protecting your younger brother is wrong?Can it be said that it was wrong for her and Zhou Zeyun to look at the results?
Nothing wrong!

Xu Jiaoxi was a little flattered, he was supposed to apologize to Gu Xiaoxiao, but now... that's all, let's turn this matter over!

Although the matter is over, Gu Xiaoxiao still wants to know how those traffickers will be dealt with!
Sure enough, whatever he wanted, the village chief rushed to his house very early in the morning.

Originally, the village chief wanted to come and take a look when he came back last night, but it was already late after he came back after explaining everything, and he did come, but seeing that the gate of Gu Xiaoxiao’s house was closed and there was no candlelight, he thought it was After they all rested, they guessed that Xiao Gu might have brought Da Bao back!
He and the official searched around the circus several times, but found nothing, so he wanted to come over to confirm, and learn the details of the incident by the way. He still thought that Da Huang was sent by Xiao Gu to find him!Later, the rhubarb disappeared without knowing when!
So he came last night, but seeing that they were all asleep, he didn't disturb them, and rushed here after breakfast today!
Gu Xiaoxiao and the village chief sat down at the table in the courtyard, and the village chief was also very excited to see Gu Xiaoxiao!
After all, I really feel uneasy if I don’t see people!

 Just ask for a ticket, good morning!
(End of this chapter)

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