Chapter 199

She can indeed understand that it doesn't matter if you sleep in the same bed, this is not the case.

Yan Nancen thought for a while, then walked towards her, and silently took off the cloak. Su Qingyuan watched his movements, and then lay down with her back to him.

Seeing her sleeping with her back to him, Yan Nancen lay silently on the outside, not daring to sleep too close for fear that she might not be used to it.

Or maybe she was afraid that she would feel violated.

Yan Nancen felt a little frizzy in his heart, he couldn't explain why, and he didn't know what the situation was.

After all, it seemed to be the first time he felt like this.

After getting to know Su Qingyuan, he seemed to have had many firsts, even a subtle feeling in his heart, it was the first time.

He wanted to turn sideways to look at her, but he didn't dare.

The majestic General Xiaoshanguan, with one against a hundred, dared not obey his own will, did not dare to look sideways at her.

Su Qingyuan was extremely tired. She slept in the mountain cave before and was uncomfortable. When she touched the bed, her whole body and mind relaxed.

The exhausted body soon fell into a deep sleep.

Yan Nancen heard the sound of even breathing from behind, so he turned sideways softly.

I saw Su Qingyuan's black hair covered in a small ball of quilt.

It is such a small, soft person who is regarded as a magical figure.

If it weren't for chance, he would never have believed that she was Xiaoying.

Until now, sometimes he would be stunned, how could she have so much energy, how could she know so many things, even her martial arts were shocking.

He called softly, "Yuer."

No one responded, Su Qingyuan was in a deep sleep, how could she hear it.

Yan Nancen didn't continue to call her, but carefully stretched out his hand to touch the smooth black hair.

She didn't know what kind of hair oil she used, it was very fragrant, and the fragrance was not that strong, it was a faint one that you couldn't smell if you didn't pay attention, and you couldn't smell it if you were too careful.

This smell is too fresh, he likes it very much, what kind of intoxicated.

He sneaked a little further inside, put the strand of hair on his nose, and closed his eyes with satisfaction.

Su Qingyuan slept soundly, she didn't want to be on guard at all, and she wasn't worried about what Yan Nancen was doing.

As a general, he was an upright person, and based on what she knew about him, he was not that kind of person.

So as soon as my mind was relaxed, my body was extremely tired, so I fell into a deep sleep.

Yan Nancen fell asleep with great difficulty, and felt something hugging his side.

His eyes turned from misty to clear in an instant, because there was an extra person under his quilt.

To be precise, there is an extra head and two hands.

Yan Nancen uncovered a corner of the quilt, and saw Su Qingyuan huddled into a small ball and moved towards him.

The weather is too cold, especially at night, and the temperature drops sharply.

After Su Qingyuan was injured, she was a little afraid of the cold, so when she fell asleep, she would subconsciously go to a warm place.

Her little hand had already touched his chest, maybe it was because the man was hot, so he didn't feel cold.

On the contrary, it is warm in the quilt.

Su Qingyuan had already leaned towards him while he was in a daze.

His arms were immediately filled with her, and Yan Nancen was so overwhelmed that he didn't know how to put his hands down.

He has been feeling the person in his arms from leaning against him at the beginning, to holding him at the end.

His heart was beating wildly, the whole person was the kind who would stay on the bed in a daze and dare not move.

After a while, the person in his arms probably found a comfortable sleeping position.

Hold him and let out a long breath.

Yan Nancen let out a long breath, suppressing his flustered heart.

Tentatively, he stretched out his arms to wrap her around her. Seeing that she didn't respond, he indulged a little bit, and stretched out his hands to hug her beside him.

It was the first time for him to feel that kind of physical and mental satisfaction. Although he was in charge of many soldiers and even had a position that could not be ignored in Xiaoshan Pass, he had never felt such a satisfied feeling.

A bed is a bit narrow for two people to sleep in, but now that the two are covered with the same quilt and keep each other warm, it doesn't seem to be narrow anymore.

Yan Nancen hugged her and soon fell asleep. It was the first time in more than ten years that he fell asleep so sweetly.

As the sky gradually dawned, the two on the bed still maintained their embraced posture, sleeping extremely soundly.

Su Qingyuan slept so comfortably this time, she opened her eyes in a daze, and saw a chest.

And her hands were still on the chest, and there was even a tendency to get into the collar.

Su Qingyuan was suddenly furious in her heart, and she was about to explode. She kindly let him sleep on the bed with this savage, but he actually got into her bed, how could she bear it?

She got up from Yan Nancen's arms in an instant, and was about to lose her temper.

But the scene in front of her made all the words she was about to yell directly choked in her throat.


She couldn't believe the scene in front of her. She actually... crawled into Yan Nancen's bed. She took the initiative?
It must be, because her quilt was on the bed at the back, and half of Yan Nancen's body was hanging in the air.

No matter who watched such a scene, it could be seen that Su Qingyuan took the initiative to sneak out, while Yan Nancen was forced to barely fall asleep on the edge of the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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