Chapter 56 056: Huo Lan is gone
imperial capital.

In the Fu family mansion, Fu Jinchen's computer page is open, and it shows a sea area, and there are voices coming from the mobile phone next to it from time to time.

It was the real-time situation sent to him by the person he sent to protect Fu Li.

Suddenly, the picture was blurred and shaky, and he heard a sentence of "a strong wind", followed by a bodyguard's exclamation from the phone, "Boss, the boat at the front is gone!"

"It's gone? Why didn't it disappear? Was it overturned by the strong wind and landed on the bottom of the sea? Hurry up and rescue it!" Fu Jinchen said eagerly.

The person over there said, "It wasn't caused by the strong wind. The wind was so strong that I couldn't open my eyes, but it wasn't enough to overturn the boat. The waves didn't even rise, and they just disappeared out of thin air. Boss, this is so weird..."

Hearing the voice of the person on the other side of the phone, Fu Jinchen didn't know what to do for a while.

Originally, the affairs of the Lin family were quite weird. He wanted to persuade Fu Li not to worry about it, but he and Fu Li had two sides together. The Fu family hadn't mentioned the matter of confessing to Fu Li, and Fu Li didn't say that he would agree to confess. For the Fu family, he is not qualified to persuade Fu Li at all.

Now a ship suddenly disappeared bizarrely on the sea.

Could it be that Fu Li can't come back?

It was obvious that he and Fu Li had only met each other and were only cousins, but when he thought of the loss of his sister, Fu Jinchen still felt a little indescribably sad.

He wants a sister too...

After a while, a voice came from the phone, "Boss, Young Master Lin is arranging for rescue. Shall we go?"

"Go around and check the situation." Fu Jinchen ordered.

"Okay old... Boss, there is a huge black monster flying up... It, it is going to attack Young Master Lin's boat... It smells so strong, the wind is coming again..."

Fu Jinchen saw the image in the video kept shaking, and it took about half a minute for him to calm down.

He asked eagerly, "What's the situation now?"

"Old, old... Boss, Young Master Lin and his boat are gone too... Was it eaten by that flying monster?"

The voice over there was already trembling unbelievably, terrified, "What kind of monster is that? I can't even see it clearly. There is such a strong wind that there are no waves at all. Moreover, that... such a big ship is gone. There is not even a little splash, boss, there are monsters here, here... here is not clean..."

Even though he was in the imperial capital, Fu Jinchen got up suddenly because of the incident over there, his mind was running fast, and then he ordered those people, "Don't move forward, step back, and wait until dawn to investigate what's going on. "

In less than 3 minutes, two large ships disappeared. It was impossible for him to let a person from a small boat go to deliver the head in a stupid way.

Just a gust of wind, not even a little wave, the two ships disappeared, could there really be an unknown monster?
Just thinking about it gave Fu Jinchen a chill down his spine.

I heard that the government has set up a special unsolved mysteries special group, and I thought it was boring at the time.

It turns out that there are really so many unknowns in this world.

Fu Jinchen hung up the call with the person over there, and he didn't feel sleepy anymore.

I only hope that Fu Li is fine and can return safely.

On the other side of the sea, it was as calm as before, without any waves.

Inside the barrier, Fu Li and Lin Jingyuan were checking the situation of other ships on the island.

"These are all cargo ships that disappeared before." Lin Jingyuan said in surprise.

Those cargo ships were intact, the people on board were still there, and there was no damage at all, but they were all in a coma.

Lin Jingyuan tried to wake them up, but no matter how he shouted, he couldn't wake them up.


"They're still alive, there's no need to shout." Fu Li walked around, but found nothing else.

Suddenly, Fu Li looked in the direction he came from and asked, "Second Young Master Lin, do you think there is an extra boat over there?"

Lin Jingyuan looked up and was taken aback, "That's my elder brother's boat."

It was parked side by side next to their boat, which was quite neat.

The two walked over to check, and found that it was the same as all the ships that had entered before. The ships were not damaged, and all the people were unconscious.

"Brother, wake up..." Lin Jingyuan yelled for a while, but couldn't wake up, "Fu Li..."

Fu Li stood there, squinting her eyes, very puzzled, "Where did Huo Lan go?"

Everyone on board, including the driver, was there, but Huo Lan was missing.

Fu Li raised her hand, "Bai Liao."

In the next second, Bai Liao came out from the "sea of ​​stars" and landed on the ground.

As soon as he came out, Bai Liao couldn't help complaining, "Oh, it stinks, did he roll in a pile of dead fish?"

"Bai Lio, someone is missing here, you go look for it."


After Bai Liao finished speaking, he ran out in a stride, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Lin Jingyuan, who was holding Lin Beitang in his arms, saw this scene and couldn't utter a word for a long time.

He didn't understand why Fu Li yelled, and a white cat ran out of her body?

Moreover, he could actually hear the white cat talking.

Is this his hallucination?
Fu Li walked over, made a seal in the palm of his hand, and pressed the seal into Lin Beitang's forehead, and soon Lin Beitang woke up faintly.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Lin Jingyuan and Fu Li. Lin Beitang hurriedly asked, "Where did you go? We drove behind and saw your boat disappeared?"

"Brother, we are now on an island. The ships that disappeared before are all here, and the people are still alive, but this island is different from the outside islands. Fu Li said that this is an enchantment." Lin Jingyuan simply explained his current situation. know the situation.

Lin Beitang stood up and looked around, also feeling shocked.

Fu Li came over, "What happened before you fainted? Why did Huo Lan disappear?"

"Huo Lan is gone?" Lin Beitang looked around on the deck, but he did not see Huo Lan.

He shook his head blankly, "I don't know what happened. I just saw a huge black shadow rushing towards me. I didn't even see what the other party looked like. There was a strong and disgusting stench coming over me. It was because of the strong wind that I couldn’t open my eyes. When I could open my eyes, I was surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness. I yelled, and the echo was so loud that it made people uncomfortable, and then I lost my impression.”

After listening to what Lin Beitang said, Lin Jingyuan said, "Yes, yes, I was in the same situation at the time, but Fu Li gave me a hand, and I woke up."

Lin Beitang suddenly remembered, and said, "By the way, the place where the black shadow fell seems to be where Huo Lan and Luo Zhen were, but Luo Zhen is still there, how could Huo Lan..."

Fu Li had already walked over, and Luo Zhen was awakened by the same method.

As soon as Luo Zhen opened his eyes and saw Fu Li, he hurriedly said, "Miss Li, that black shadow said that he met the same kind, and it feels like he said it to Mr. Huo."


Suddenly, Fu Li had a clue in his mind.

Maybe that thing is the same as the monster in Huo Lan's body, as long as you find this smelly thing, you will know the origin of the monster in Huo Lan's body...

(End of this chapter)

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