After forcing me to marry Huo Qiye, all members of the crematorium

Chapter 5 005: Lord Huo Qi slept for one night on the cold floor

Chapter 5 005: Huo Qiye slept all night on the cold floor

Someone broke in and caught the eyes of Huo Lan who was mad.

He looked over fiercely, raised the object in his hand, and attacked Fu Li.

Fu Li sensed the aura of her own spell from him. It seems that the black shadow who just attacked the servant in the backyard has something to do with Huo Lan.

But definitely not Huo Lan himself!
Unclean things lived in Huo Lan's body.

Seeing Huo Lan attacking him with a wooden ornament at this moment, a talisman flew out of Fu Li's palm and hit Huo Lan's eyebrow.

But, it didn't work.

The spell fell without hindrance.

Fu Li was shocked and had no choice but to dodge.

With a "bang", the wooden piece in Huo Lan's hand hit the wall, and Fu Li had already moved behind him quickly.

Huo Lan, who was in a frenzy, attacked powerfully, but his reaction was slightly lacking.

When he found that the target moved away and wanted to attack again, Fu Li had already picked up another ornament and smashed it on the back of his head without hesitation.

Huo Lan, who was hit, did not fall down immediately, but turned around holding the wooden piece and looked at Fu Li.

The red light in his eyes quickly dissipated, and his own normal consciousness returned to his mind.

He looked at the ornaments in Fu Li's hands, as well as the severe pain in the back of his neck, and gritted his teeth angrily, "You...dead girl...people..."

The last voice fell, and the person fell to the ground, his eyes closed and he passed out.

"I don't even look at what the hell I look like, why are you so fierce?" Fu Li threw away the things in her hand and turned on the light in the room.

After looking around the room, he dragged Huo Lan by one arm and dragged him to the bedside.

She checked Huo Lan's body and found that Huo Lan was really boarded by a monster, and it didn't last long.

Because of this monster hiding in his body, Huo Lan's body has always been filled with a strong sinister aura.

However, this monster has not fully awakened, so it can only haunt the night and instinctively suck living souls to make itself stronger.

And the shadow that attacked the servant in the backyard just now should be the transformation of the monster after it left Huo Lan.

He also deliberately turned into Huo Lan to suck the souls of living people.

If other people are boarded by monsters, they can be expelled and controlled easily, but Huo Lan's situation is different.

Born in a day when the gate of hell is wide open, with a bizarre fate and a life with an extremely prosperous yang palace, it is a natural choice for monsters to lodge.

Once boarded, it is equivalent to binding, and it is very difficult to strip and expel.

If the monster is fully awakened in the end, Huo Lan will also be completely swallowed, and he will no longer have his own consciousness and human emotions.

Fu Li felt that this matter was more difficult and needed a long-term plan.

If she wanted to strip and subdue the monster, she had to study Huo Lan's rare fate.

As long as Huo Lan was saved in the end, she might be able to find a way to save herself.

This trip to the imperial capital city has yielded a good result.

But this man is unlucky enough, not only being boarded by monsters, but also seriously ill!
But this is also very good, she has conditions to talk to him.

Early the next morning, Huo Lan woke up and found herself lying on the ground next to the bed.

After sleeping on the hard floor all night, my whole body hurts.

More pain in the back of the neck.

Huo Lan had an impression of everything that happened in the room last night.

That woman who wanted to die!
After washing up and changing clothes, I went downstairs, and a servant came in to tidy up the room.

When Fu Li went downstairs, she heard Huo Lan questioning the housekeeper, "Why is she still here? Do you need me to teach you how to drive people away?"

"Qiye, you and your wife have already obtained a marriage certificate, so there is no reason to drive them out." Uncle Chen persuaded, and then explained in a low voice, "Qiye, there was no dead person last night, maybe Madam's fate..."

"Don't tell me such nonsense, drive her away immediately!" Huo Lan couldn't listen at all, and roared angrily, "I got married without my consent. Who will get the marriage certificate?" Who will take this woman away, I don't want it!"

Fu Li came over and stood beside him, and said aloud, "I married Huo Lan voluntarily. Who do you want me to go with?"

"I don't care who you go with, immediately disappear in front of me!"

This woman broke into his room the first night she came, and seeing how he looked last night, she was really tired of working!

At this moment, a deep voice sounded like a bell, "Who do you want to disappear in front of you?"

After the words fell, an old man entered the hall.

Behind him, there was an assistant pushing a wheelchair, and a man who was not young sat on the wheelchair.

Uncle Chen immediately introduced to Fu Li, "This is Qi Ye's father and elder brother."

Fu Li understood.

Before coming here yesterday, I heard some news about Huo Lan.

Huo Lan is in the Huo family, and her seniority is very high.

It was the old man of the Huo family who got his son, Huo Lan, who was born in his 50s. According to the saying that the common people love young children, the old man is also a treasure to this old man.

Above Huo Lan, there are six older brothers, the eldest brother is 27 years old, and Huo Lan is only [-] years old.

It's a pity that Mr. Huo's sons are dead and disabled, or the relationship with the Huo family is very tense.

Even the most beloved Huo Lan was not much better.

These materials flashed through her mind, and Fu Li saw that Mr. Huo was also looking at her.

She lowered her head and smiled, "Dad, brother, hello, I'm Fu Li, Huo Lan's wife."

She was calm and unhurried, without any stage fright.

The gentle words and decent demeanor are just like a lady from a famous family.

The old man was very satisfied and comforted him, "Fu Li, don't be afraid, those rumors outside are all false. Our Huo Lan is a human being, and he can't drink human blood or go crazy. Those are all rumors."

"Well, I know." Fu Li nodded obediently.

The old man was even more satisfied, and turned to Huo Lan and said, "Look how good your wife is, and she doesn't dislike you for being divorced so many times. What do you have to choose?"

"Dad." Huo Lan was extremely irritable, but because the old man and elder brother were here, it was difficult for him to have a fit.

Glancing at the decent and elegant Fu Li next to her, she became even more upset.

In the end, he compromised, "Whatever, since Dad has made arrangements, then listen to Dad."

The old man was very stubborn about letting him get married.

Even if his fiancées died one after another, and then ran away one after another, the old man still didn't give up, and he never got tired of recruiting relatives for him, and the more money he spent, the more money he spent.

He was lying flat and rotten, but the old man was not.

Whatever, anyway, the woman next to him will soon find out his real situation, and no one can stop Fu Li from leaving.

Seeing that he was about to go out, the old man called him back, "Go upstairs, I have something to tell you!"

The old man called Huo Lan away, and the eldest brother of the Fu family called Fu Li to stop.

In the study, Huo Lan stretched out his hand to press the twitching temple.

At this moment, his mentality is exploding, but he can't explode in front of his father.

He tried his best to say in a calm tone, "Dad, I can only promise to keep Fu Li here, I can't do anything else!"

(End of this chapter)

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