Chapter 149 Anxiety
The next day.

The concubines in the harem knew that the news that the emperor stayed overnight in the harem yesterday was like a stormy sea, and everyone was shocked. They wanted to know why the emperor went to live in Wu Palace.

Later I found out that when Concubine Rou left Yunshuang Palace yesterday, Concubine Shu actually informed the emperor's whereabouts, so Concubine Rou was able to meet the Emperor in the Imperial Garden, and then invited him to Qiwu Palace.

For a moment, everyone's thoughts changed. They were skeptical that Concubine Shu could know the emperor's news, let alone tell them.

Now they faintly believe it, and even if they don't believe it, they don't want to miss this opportunity.

If it is fake, they will lose a sum of money at most, but if it is true, then they can meet the holy face, and they may even be favored. If they are lucky and can conceive a dragon fetus, then how can they There will be a shortage of this little money.

No matter what everyone thinks, the threshold of Yunshuang Palace will be broken, and everyone has got a satisfactory answer.

Lin Yan also became busy. In order to make their money spend effectively, she specially made a schedule to fully guarantee their rights.

Anyway, she has provided them with the opportunity, as to whether they can keep the tyrant, that is their business.

But Gu Ye felt a little puzzled, did he meet those concubines more frequently recently?Today, either this concubine met him by chance and wanted to sing to him, or that concubine wanted to invite him to drink tea, or she wanted to play chess with him.

Gu Ye just felt a little puzzled, no matter where he went, there was a concubine waiting for him there, or the concubine followed him as soon as he arrived.

He doesn't even want to go out now.

"Little Fuzi, how is Yan'er these days?" In order to deal with those people, he hadn't been to Yunshuang Palace for several days.

Every time he goes out, there are concubines there along the way, he can't figure out how these people know his whereabouts, sometimes when he decides to go out on the spur of the moment, they also know, it's really strange Strange.

"Returning to Your Majesty, Concubine Shu has been in Yunshuang Palace for the past few days and nothing happened." After a pause, "Besides, Concubine Shu is still grounded, and she cannot leave Yunshuang Palace."

Gu Ye nodded, it was true that she was being grounded, but he didn't believe that she couldn't get out of Yunshuang Palace, she didn't go out now because she didn't want to go out.

Otherwise, relying on the supernatural powers of the system, she thought it would not be too easy to get out of Yunshuang Palace quietly.

However, it's better for her not to leave Yunshuang Palace, so that she won't see those troublesome things.

As for her confinement, it's time for her to be relieved. Old General Lin is coming back soon. He can't even keep his daughter from being seen.

Yes, he sent someone to investigate. There was news that Old General Lin was indeed a false surrender. He has now gained the trust of the Hu people, and he will soon be able to control the whole Hu people.

He received the news a few days ago, and I'm afraid Old General Lin has already taken action.

He was a little lucky that he didn't really kill the entire Lin family, otherwise he would really have no face to see Old General Lin.

It's also fortunate that she came, otherwise he would lose Old General Lin, and he would go on following the setting in the book, and in the end he would end up with a change of owner and his bones and ashes.

He suddenly felt that he really should leave an heir, if he had an heir, the name of King Duan would be dishonorable.

Perhaps leaving an heir would appease his restless heart.

Ever since he knew his ending, Gu Ye could not let go of his heart for a moment. At this moment, he felt that leaving an heir might be the best way to break this situation.

After all, he still has heirs, and it is impossible for the courtiers to agree to King Duan's enthronement. If he insists on enthroning, he will only be accused of treason.

(End of this chapter)

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