Chapter 93 It's not a big deal
Early the next morning, Gu Xi went back to Camp No. 9527 alone.

After checking her identity, the staff at the logistics point in the camp handed her a small flat box the size of a palm, "I don't know what it is, it was sent from the Nancheng Base, you check it..."

These days, logistics costs are sky-high, but such a small box was delivered at a high price. The staff was also worried about what was a particularly valuable item, and they were afraid that something might go wrong, so they asked Gu Xi to check it in person. Clearly taking away.

"Thank you." Gu Xi reached out to take it, and looked down at the face sheet on the small box. There was nothing on it except her name and contact information.

— Anonymous package?
I don't know which one of those little friends sent it?
Gu Xi thought for a moment, and opened the box in front of the staff member.

There was no valuables in the palm-sized box, only a small handwritten card inside.

When the staff member saw him, he looked at Gu Xi in surprise, and murmured in his heart, this is some rich man's game, to send such a child's graffiti-like card at a sky-high price?
Gu Xi looked at the stick figure on the card and suddenly smiled.

After thanking the staff again, Gu Xi left Camp No. 9257.

On the way, the jeep suddenly turned a corner.

She disappeared for more than a month before returning to the Nancheng base, and there are more eyes staring at her.

If she expected it right, the content on that card might have appeared in front of many people by now.

In that case... let them all guess.

The jeep stopped deep in the jungle.

The car door opened, and the girl's figure was like the wind, and quickly disappeared into the mountains and forests.

Half an hour later, Gu Xi bent down to pick up the personal terminal in the pit, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

She had seen this type of personal terminal on the forum. It was a very popular style in the past few years, but now almost no one uses it anymore.

But the one in her hand looks brand new...

At this moment, the personal terminal in his hand vibrated suddenly.

Someone sent a video chat.

Gu Xi was in a daze for a while before pressing the connect button.

The video is connected quickly.

An unusually thin man with white hair appeared in the picture.

Looking at the background, he is sitting by the window in a place where light and shadow intersect, his eyelids are half drooped, and half of his face is exposed. There are ravines and criss-crossing, and there is a gray and decayed atmosphere shrouded in death everywhere.

Seeing the old man on the screen, Gu Xi was stunned for a moment: "Li Ming, you..."

It is really difficult for her to connect the vicissitudes of the old man in the camera with the gentle young man who is full of vigor and cunning like a fox deep in her memory.

In an instant, Gu Xi's heart suddenly felt an unspeakable soreness.

Li Ming in the camera had an air of dying, but when he slightly raised his eyes to meet Gu Xi's face, he smiled as gently as she remembered:

"Xiao Xi, long time no see."

Gu Xi was silent, for a moment, she didn't know what to say.

On the other side of the camera, Li Ming raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brow helplessly, but his tone was quite indulgent: "Xiao Xi, don't look at me like this. You will make me feel..."

Gu Xi seemed to know what he was going to say, and interrupted him in a cold voice: "Li Ming, I remember that 30 years ago, your ability has already broken through level nine!"

"You found out?" Li Ming smiled, and said indifferently: "Don't worry, it's not a big deal, it's just that there is a problem with the ability. I can't die yet..."

"It's not a big deal? I can't die." Gu Xi was suddenly very angry.

The old man on the opposite side smiled gently: "Yes, it's not a big deal. At least, I'll wait until you come back, won't I?"

Gu Xi's breath suddenly choked, and she suddenly realized one thing: In the 30 years since she disappeared, what did her former teammates pay to find her...

Gu Xi suddenly didn't dare to think anymore.

Li Ming is best at trying to figure out people's hearts.

And Gu Xi is also used to never making any cover up in front of him.

At this moment, Li Ming looked at the girl in the video, and a trace of pain flashed across his face, but he soon returned to his gentle and calm appearance, but now he is too old, and even the gentle and calm that he is holding on to is also revealing. A few points of ashes that were about to run out of oil came out.

Gu Xi took a deep breath and quickly adjusted.

"Yes, you're right, it's not a big deal." She said with a relaxed tone, "Because I'm back..."

On the opposite side, Li Ming also smiled: "Welcome back, Gu Xiaoxi."

Gu Xi frowned slightly: "Don't deliberately change the topic, where are you now? Since you know that there is a problem with your ability, why don't you come to me quickly? Li Ming, you know, I can..."

"Yes, I know." Li Ming interrupted her gently but firmly: "Xiaoxi, I know, as long as you come back, my problem will no longer be a problem. But Xiaoxi, if I can, I don't I hope you will contact us old people from the past..."

Gu Xi clearly realized something: "You already knew I was back?"

"Yes. I've known it for a long time." Li Ming nodded calmly, without hiding anything: "Half a year ago, someone gave me a watermelon...Xiaoxi, you should know that the watermelons you grow are no different from other people's." Same, at that time, I doubted it."

Gu Xi remembered that not long after she woke up, she contracted the wasteland with Wei Heng, and then met the sisters of the Qin family, Qin Yi took out the watermelon seeds...

She remembered that the batch of watermelons was later sold to the camp, but unexpectedly, they were sent to the central base?
Gu Xi's heart sank.

Li Ming can think of himself when he sees a watermelon, but what about the others?
I heard Li Ming continue to say: "You disappeared in a strange way back then. This matter itself was weird. I guessed that you might have returned, but I dared not say anything. At that time, the central base just happened to send some agricultural experts to the local area. To guide agricultural production..."

Gu Xi thought of something in an instant, and immediately understood: "So, Xu Yi Er San was arranged by you."

Very positive tone, without the slightest doubt.

"Yes." Li Ming nodded gently, and said with a smile: "I made some moves and arranged for Xu Yiersan to go to the Nancheng base. At that time, I thought, you didn't contact us immediately after you came back, maybe it was... ..."

"But Xu Yiersan is different from us. When you disappeared, he was still young, and he was not an official member of our team, but he was the child you watched growing up. You shouldn't treat him like that." Guard."

Although Li Ming didn't say it clearly, Gu Xi knew that he had already guessed that she might be suspicious of them...

The tacit understanding of fighting side by side for many years made them skip this topic by coincidence.

Gu Xi's mood was a little complicated.

After thinking about it, she asked, "So during that time, the one who sent me the news through the radio was actually you, right?"

Li Ming has always been good at trying to figure out people's hearts, and Xu Yiersan is the child he watched growing up, so he can naturally guess all the reactions of Xu Yiersan after seeing him...

Including, Xu Yiersan would stuff that thing into himself.

For a moment, Gu Xi seemed to have returned to the past, and Li Ming was still her deputy captain, the team's dog-headed military advisor.

Gu Xi couldn't help but smiled blankly, but the sourness in her heart spread silently.

It doesn't hurt, but it's uncomfortable.

"Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from our captain."

Li Ming also smiled, as if he had returned to the days when we fought side by side together: "So Xiaoxi, I knew you were back so early, but I haven't contacted you all this time, do you know why?"

Gu Xi was silent.

Of course she knew.

But some things are just more cruel to say.

(End of this chapter)

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