Chapter 27
Early the next morning, members of the engineering team drove a large truck and brought large engineering equipment.

But they have to complete the task on Professor Zhao's side first, and Gu Xi's little house has to wait for a while.

Gu Xi was not in a hurry.

Qin Yi came over to rub sweet potatoes early in the morning. Seeing that the engineering team over there had already started construction, he couldn't help being a little envious, "I don't know when I'll be able to have my own little house..."

Gu Xi felt a little strange: "You shouldn't be short of money, right?"

"Lack, why not?" Qin Yi fiercely took a bite of the sweet potato. The country has been tough these years, and the army had to tighten their belts to survive. The little money she and her sister had saved before were all replaced with seeds a few days ago.

"What are you doing?" Wei Heng was holding a big sweet potato, sitting next to Qin Yi, and squinting at her: "Did my sweet potato provoke you?"

Qin Yi rolled his eyes at him, ignored him, and turned to Gu Xi with a smile: "After planting watermelons yesterday, Professor Zhao said that your land has been squeezed too hard, and you won't be able to raise them if you don't rest for three to five months. .Then Gu Xi, what are your plans next?"

Wei Heng snorted next to him and said, "Don't make Gu Xi's idea, we bought a whole box of soil nutrient solution yesterday. And even if Gu Xi's land can't be planted, then there is still mine. What about the one hundred acres..."

Want to abduct people from under his nose?no way.

However, he was not very lucky. Unlike Gu Xi's land, which was all on the edge of the creek, it was flat and easy to cultivate; his land was between slope land and woodland, and nearly half of it had developed into a dense forest.

Those mutated trees in the forest covered the sky and the sun, with deep roots and lush leaves, and various vines and bushes... In short, it was difficult to cultivate.

As for the remaining sloping fields, they can barely be reclaimed, and some sweet potatoes can be grown, but he looks at Gu Xi as if he has other plans?

"Gu Xiaoxi." Wei Heng peeled off the skin of the sweet potato, glanced at Shen Yue who was walking towards this side not far away, and said, "There is another person who came up with your sweet potato idea."

Sure enough, the first thing Shen Yue said when he came over was: "Gu Xi, is there anything to eat? I'm starving to death..."

Gu Xi pointed to the stove and asked him to get it by himself.

As a result, he just took it away in one pot, which is called a euphemism——he had to bring a few back to the professors.

Wei Heng heheed twice, but didn't speak.

Instead, Gu Xi glanced at him, and asked suddenly: "Should those mutated upland rice be harvested? What did Professor Zhao say?"

After eating sweet potatoes for several days in a row, her heart that wanted to eat rice was already eager to try and couldn't bear it anymore.

Shen Yue took a bite of the sweet potato, and said vaguely: "It should be today, but I have to ask the two professors again..."

After Gu Xi finished listening, her eyes brightened slightly, and she swallowed the remaining sweet potato in one gulp, then washed her hands with two handfuls of morning dew on the weeds nearby, got up and said, "Then I'll go with you and ask Zhao professor."

Eating is not active, thinking has problems.

This matter cannot be delayed.

Seeing her exceptionally skillful hand washing with dew, Shen Yue thought to himself, this girl's life is really rough, she can compete with him.


Professor Zhao didn't disappoint Gu Xi either. After coming to confirm in person, he told Gu Xi that the upland rice was ripe and ready to be harvested.

After harvesting, Professor Zhao only took half of it, and gave the rest to Gu Xi for seeding.

Holding the heavy ears of rice, Gu Xi thought in his heart that he could finally eat white rice.

The little green bud was probably also affected by her, and she came out suddenly, entangled the heavy rice ears, and circled several times.

Professor Zhao saw it very interestingly, and asked her with a smile: "Little Gu, I'm afraid you will have to recuperate for a while on this land. What are your plans next?"

On the side, when Wei Heng heard this, he suddenly felt a little bit wrong, why are there only so many people who want to play against Gu Xiaoxi?

Gu Xi's heart skipped a beat.

"Professor, how about planting some fruits on the slope over there?" She pointed to the hillside behind and asked Professor Zhao.

"You want to plant fruit trees?" Professor Zhao was a little surprised.These days, there are not many wood-type supernatural beings who dare to plant fruit trees.

He thought for a while and said, "This slope land is very suitable for planting fruit trees, but, Xiao Gu, have you really thought about it? Fruit trees have a long growth cycle, and the rate of mutation is faster than ordinary crops..."

"Professor Zhao, I want to try." Gu Xi didn't want to wrong herself after finally living a peaceful life.

She only loves eating fruit as a hobby, so why not treat herself better if she is able?

"Professor, do you have any fruit seeds?" Gu Xi asked.

Although she is confident that she can grow delicious fruits, she has no seeds in her hand.

Professor Zhao shook his head: "I don't have fruit seeds here either..."

Gu Xi was a little disappointed, so Professor Zhao said with a smile, "However, I can help you apply."

In his capacity, it shouldn't be a big problem to apply for fruit seeds.


Professor Zhao sighed: "Little Gu, you also know that fruits are rare nowadays, and fruit seeds, especially those with low coefficient of variation, are even more rare and precious. I can't guarantee how many seeds I can apply for..."

The great mutation at that time almost wiped out all the fruit trees at that time, and they could no longer produce fruits that could be eaten by humans.

The existing fruit seeds are the seeds left over from the pre-apocalyptic seed bank launched by the country in these years, allowing high-level wood-type supernatural beings to rapidly spawn and then bear fruit.

But even with pre-apocalyptic seeds, the fruit trees planted will mutate in a very short period of time, and the coefficient of variation of the final fruit will also vary from high to low.

When Professor Zhao talked about this, he also had a look of regret and...sadness.

Gu Xi expressed her understanding, and thanked: "Thank you, Professor Zhao, I am not picky about the number or type of seeds." Just eat what you have.

After a pause, Gu Xi still couldn't hold back, and asked again: "Professor Zhao, can the X energy in animals and plants really not be purified, or can it be extracted directly?"

Professor Zhao didn't expect her to ask this question, he was startled for a moment before shaking his head and said, "There is no effective solution yet."

In fact, after the second great mutation of animals and plants, some people suggested that if X energy could be extracted or purified, the food crisis could be solved.

Unfortunately, over the years, no effective method has been found.

"Then there is nothing to do?" Gu Xi frowned slightly.It shouldn't be...

Gu Xi never underestimated the power of the state machine, even in the darkest period of the last days.

Sure enough, Professor Zhao paused, and said: "That's not true. More than 20 years ago, someone suggested that maybe we could try with supernatural powers..."

"...Although they all failed later, Vice President Ye used his own purification ability to appease the X energy in the seeds, and pressed the pause button on them..."

Speaking of this, Professor Zhao paused and sighed: "Thanks to the presence of Vice President Ye, the country was able to preserve so many seeds with a low coefficient of variation."

Otherwise, if those seeds were allowed to continue to mutate at that time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Vice President Ye?" Gu Xi raised his eyebrows slightly, asking curiously.

"Well, Ye Xin, the vice president of the Ability Research Institute of the Central Base."

Professor Zhao already knew that the girl came out of the ruins, and did not understand the situation outside, so he explained a few more sentences:

"Over the years, Vice President Ye has been researching the front line. Her purification ability can effectively appease X energy and reduce its activity..."

With this achievement, Ye Xin successfully became the vice president of the Ability Research Institute 15 years ago.

Now she has the right to speak in the Ability Research Institute, and even in the entire central base.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a big boss.

But Gu Xi's focus at this time was on another matter.

"So, the seeds distributed by the base are actually all through the hands of people with healing abilities?" Gu Xi asked with his head tilted.

"That's right." Professor Zhao nodded: "Vice President Ye's ability research shows that the healing ability can calm down the violence of X energy and reduce its activity..."

However, Gu Xi frowned slightly when she thought of the subtle difference she felt when she plundered energy from those sweet potato seeds for the first time and when she plundered energy from wild heterophytes...

(End of this chapter)

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