
Chapter 184

She hurried towards the hall.

Mr. Lingfeng said that he would wait for her to eat together, but she fell asleep.

This man came to her twice, but he didn't wake her up, so he fell asleep too.

But she wouldn't be so polite, she walked over and raised a round fan at the person who was also asleep in the recliner.

I slapped him twice and saw that he was still awake, so I slapped him a few more times.

A guard next to him pursed his lips, not daring to stop him.

"The wind is lighter..." Mr. Lingfeng murmured confusedly.

"Feng'er said, she's hungry." Lu Weiyu held back a smile and spoke softly.

Young Master Ling Feng suddenly opened his eyes, with a confused expression of "Where am I?"

But when he saw Lu Weiyu, he instantly became sober.

"Little girl, you finally know you're hungry." He sat up and laughed teasingly.

Lu Weiyu smiled a little embarrassedly, and sat down on the other side of the table.

She remembered that when she drank tea here, there were no deck chairs.

It seemed that he had been waiting for her to wake up for a long time, so he simply moved the recliner over to sleep more comfortably.

Soon, seven dishes and one soup were placed on the empty table.

This is called the Seven Star Arch Moon Seat.

Four meat dishes, three vegetables and one clear soup, but the portion was not prepared too much for hospitality, after all, it was only the two of them who ate.

With the previous relationship, Lu Weiyu didn't hesitate to stretch out her chopsticks, she put the round fan on the empty chair next to her, picked up the chopsticks and picked up the vegetables.

Seeing her lively, Xiao Yunzhang also smiled, but he first reached out and scooped up half a bowl of soup for her.

"This is health-preserving soup, drink some appetizers first." He looked at the little girl with a smile.

Although he doesn't show up often, he knows a lot about this girl.

He actually wanted to attend the New Year's Eve banquet and the birthday begonia flower banquet she organized, but he could only listen to what others said.

He usually eats alone, eats as he pleases, improvises, and casually.

At this time, seeing the little girl eating so deliciously, he couldn't help but feel excited, especially when the little girl was serving him food.

Lu Weiyu was also a little embarrassed to see that he was not interested in eating and stretched out his chopsticks much less than her.

Obviously, it was as if she was eating alone, so she kept picking up food for him.

A meal was finished in such a strange and strange way.

There were hardly any leftovers.

When the guard saw him, he almost burst into tears.

The master has endured loneliness since he was a child, and he usually eats a few more mouthfuls with Mr. Lin and the others accompanying him.

If one person can eat half of the normal amount, it is considered a good meal.

Often eat and eat, just sit there in a daze, or read a book, or go to the roof with a flagon.

Unexpectedly, the master ate up all the dishes brought by the eldest lady of the uncle's mansion, and even ate half a bowl of rice and a bowl of soup.

After the meal, I ate another piece of watermelon, even without tea.

"Go back and have a good rest. Go out after Shen Shi, it's too hot now."

Seeing that the little girl was fully dressed when she came, and changed when she was in the room, and then changed when she came to eat, she knew that she was actually afraid of the heat.

"Well, the big cousin will arrive before then."

Lu Weiyu readily agreed, blessed her with a smile, and went back to her own room.

Xiao Yunzhang watched her enter the house, and turned back to the main courtyard.

It's just that he didn't go back to his room that he pointed out to Lu Weiyu earlier.

Instead, I went to His Majesty's room, which is naturally the most spacious and comfortable place in the whole Zhuangzi.

Lu Weiyu went back to the house and chatted with Jixiang Ruyi for a while, but couldn't fall asleep again.

After all, he had indeed taken a nap before, and now he had enough food and drink and did not feel drowsy anymore.

After thinking about it, she went to the study, stared at the easel for a while, and decided to paint.

She also owed Mr. Lingfeng an embroidered picture of white snow and red plums, a good price of 100 taels of silver.

After all, some lions opened their mouths.

If you send another painting... Well, can't one of her paintings sell for a hundred taels?

The set of twelve pictures last time also sold for 80 taels a piece.

Thinking that it was a loss, I finally spread the drawing paper and started to prepare the paint.

Since I want to give it as a gift, it is natural to give the kind that I often draw.

If you care about the cost.

In the end, even if her ink and wash freehand landscape painting skills are also very good, I'm afraid it will make people think that she is really trying to save costs.

When mixing paint, she is thinking about what to paint.

Thinking of his fan, he suddenly shook his head, feeling a bit too desolate.

Then draw her fan face in this style, the same plum blossom but more vivid and lively.

He hesitated for a while before picking up the pen, and finally decided to draw the magpie climbing the plum.

Different from the one to be embroidered for my aunt, there are many ways to draw the magpie on the plum blossom.

She combined her fan with his, two styles in one.

It is also telling him that he can live a good life as long as he wants to, and he doesn't have to be immersed in the sadness of Kuang Yuan.

Although I don't know what he is sad about.

But she knows herself.

He lived so bleakly in his previous life, and finally died with resentment, but was reborn with hatred and obsession with his mother and younger brother.

In this life, she has goals, responsibilities, and the belief that she will work hard for them, so she will not let herself live in endless self-blame and self-complaint.

Anything, as long as you do it yourself, it's not too late. I'm afraid that if you don't do anything, you will lose it.

With such belief, she began to put her heart into the painting, and an hour later, she was still immersed in it, completely forgetting herself.

Xiao Yunzhang stood by the window and looked at the little girl painting inside, his gaze was already filled with emotions such as surprise and amazement.

I already knew that this girl was good at painting, but I didn't expect it to be so good.

It turned out that she was like this when she was painting.

If it weren't for knowing that she was still a little girl.

In terms of painting skills only, I always feel that I am a seasoned old painter with more than ten years of vicissitudes of experience.

The magpie climbing the plum also divides the layers of color brushes and inks. Lu Weiyu carefully carved two layers and then put down the brush and painting plate.

I don't want to work too hard at night, just wait until tomorrow afternoon to continue painting.

In today's weather, ink dries quickly.

When she got up from the easel and just stretched, there were footsteps behind her.

"I've known for a long time that my cousin is good at painting, no matter how good her name is, she can't compare to what she saw with her own eyes, she's really a master."

Xiao Yunzhang stared at the painting with bright eyes, and praised him very much.

Lu Weiyu didn't expect him to come, and when he looked at the sky outside, he suddenly realized.

It must have been time for application, and he came to ask her to go out for a stroll outside the Zhuangzi.

As soon as I paint, time passes without realizing it.

"My cousin's painting seems familiar..."

Xiao Yunzhang's fiery eyes finally moved from the painting to Lu Weiyu's face.

"Don't talk to me, it's just what you think."

Lu Weiyu knew what he was thinking when she saw his eyes that were as bright as the morning light, and said angrily.

"So, my cousin painted this painting for me? Is there a faint shadow in this painting, is it you or me?"

When Xiao Yunzhang heard that he thought of it, then more than [-]% of it was going to be given to him, and he was filled with joy immediately, and asked again.

In Lu Weiyu's painting of magpies climbing plum blossoms, in addition to the splendid plum blossoms blooming nearby, there are also pairs of magpies perched on branches farther away.

In the distant shadow, there is also a pair of magpies flying towards a branch.

In other words, plum blossoms symbolize auspiciousness.

A pair of magpies means that good things come in pairs, and another pair of magpies about to climb a branch means that good things are coming soon.

There is also a cluster of blooming peonies under the branches of plum blossoms, implying wealth and prosperity.

Plum blossoms, magpies, and peonies can all represent spring.

On the other side, there are rich and noble buildings in the distant shadow.

There is a figure in green shirt standing in the corridor looking towards Magpie Dengmei, implying that all these good things are related to him.

As long as he walks this way, as long as he stretches out his hand, he will find that good things are not far away from him.

I also want to tell him that it's useless to watch from the sidelines, that he doesn't have to be lonely and sad, and that he can live a brighter and better life.

But she didn't say it, the implication is all in the painting, and those who know how to look at the painting can naturally see it.

"After the ink on these paintings is dry tomorrow, I'll add another layer to the plum blossoms to make them more brilliant, and the pair of magpies nearby will also add more color."

"Add another poem later, correct the blank space, and I can give it to you. Thank you for taking care of me today."

Seeing that Young Master Ling Feng liked it very much, Lu Weiyu said slowly.

Otherwise, I am afraid that he will take the painting away now, what painting will he take tomorrow?

"Tomorrow is my birthday. I thought it would be my happiest birthday to come to Zhuangzi for a short stay, but I didn't expect..."

Xiao Yunzhang looked at the painting for a long time, then suddenly turned around and looked at the little girl with a smile.

I didn't expect to receive a birthday gift.

It was the little girl's birthday, he was in the study when he heard the news, and immediately found a Jasper Ruyi as a birthday gift for her.

Thinking that her birthday was co-organized with the younger brother's housewarming banquet, in fact, the big birthday celebration was still for the younger brother's housewarming.

So he picked another purple jade Ganoderma lucidum for Lu Zheng.

Gifts are nice, but always something to keep close at hand.

Now, although she made a mistake, she always painted him a painting with such a good meaning as a gift.

Isn't it the best birthday present?

And his words also made Lu Weiyu stunned.

His birthday?

His birthday tomorrow?

She suddenly remembered that on the way to Zhuangzi, because she didn't like him running into her carriage without authorization, glared at him, and deliberately took his teacup and refused to return it.

But he, because she looked at the fan a few more times, wanted to give it to her.

She laughed at her arrogance and rudeness without any blame. At that time, I felt that he had a good temper and no malice.

Unexpectedly, he came to Zhuangzi to celebrate his birthday.

Presumably no one usually celebrates his birthday, so it is very happy to have someone to accompany him?
She also experienced years of loneliness and despair in her previous life, and she could understand that feeling very well, which is why she could find out that he was such a person.

"Since tomorrow is your birthday, I might finish the painting for you tonight, so that you can receive the painting tomorrow morning."

Lu Weiyu changed her mind, with the current weather, she can continue painting after Haishi.

"Okay, I'll accompany you." Xiao Yunzhang was happy again when he heard that.

The little girl is disgusting and kind, she knew it was his birthday and planned to finish the painting ahead of time, what a good cousin!

Much cuter than those sisters and brothers in the palace!

Telling the maids in the courtyard not to enter the house for fear of damaging the paintings, Lu Weiyu and Xiao Yunzhang went outside the Zhuangzi.

Jixiang Ruyi also carried a small bamboo basket and followed them.

Xiao Yunzhang gestured in one direction, and left a secret guard to guard the yard, guarding his birthday ceremony.

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