Chapter 10 Awakening
Tong Tianhui's roar echoed in the quiet living room, Nan Sumei and Zhao Liang certainly knew that coma was a precursor to mutation.

Coupled with the fact that Cen Gui's skin was flushed and her body temperature was ridiculously high, it was hard not to be afraid that she would turn into those bloodthirsty monsters when she woke up.

Nan Sumei and Zhao Liang didn't know what to do at this moment, Qiao Yun couldn't call out at this critical moment, and didn't know what to do in the room.

Tong Tianhui sat down in a corner farthest from Cen Gui, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, "You guys just leave it like this? Anyway, tie it up."

It was a good idea to tie it up, so Zhao Liang turned around and went up to the second floor, bringing a clothesline with him when he came down.

Zhao Liang walked up to Cen Gui, clutching the clothesline tightly in his hand, and murmured, "I offended, Sister Cen."

At the same time that Zhao Liang touched Cen Gui's arm, the person lying on the sofa opened his eyes and panted heavily, as if he had experienced a catastrophe.

Looking at Zhao Liang who was making a fuss about him, Cen Gui didn't care if he was dizzy now, so he pushed the person away with the greatest strength he could use at the moment.

"What are you doing?" Cen Gui propped his hands on the sofa and sat up, because he got up too fast, his head was instantly dazed, and a circle of white mist was in front of his eyes.

Zhao Liang was pushed back a few steps again and again, his face blushed for some reason, and he scratched his head in embarrassment, "Hey, it's a long story."

After speaking, Zhao Liang took out his mobile phone and showed Cen Gui the most viewed video of zombies attacking humans on Weibo.

This impactful picture exploded in Cen Gui's mind like a thunderbolt. It was exactly what Qiao Yun said, isn't it, where is Qiao Yun?

"Where is Qiao Yun? Is she alright?" Cen Gui stood up and prepared to go up to the second floor.

"Xiao Yun is upstairs. I don't know what happened, but she locked the door." Nan Sumei patted Cen Gui on the shoulder and shook her head.

Cen Gui immediately understood that Qiao Yun was still in a coma at the moment, and according to what she said before, she should wake up soon.

And did he also faint just now?If he didn't become a zombie, did he also awaken some abilities?

Cen Gui thought, stretched out a hand, palm facing himself, and said silently in his heart, "Fire."

Nothing happened.


Nothing happened.

Cen Gui recited all the elemental abilities silently in his heart, but nothing happened.

Tong Tianhui witnessed everything from the sidelines. Obviously, what he saw with his own eyes before, a comatose person would turn into a zombie after waking up. Why is this girl fine?
Cen Gui put down her hands in disappointment, and sat on the sofa in a daze, reaching out to get a cup to pour a glass of water. She had just woken up from a coma, and at this moment she felt that her throat was about to burn.

The moment before touching the cup, the cup that was on the coffee table disappeared out of thin air!
Everyone saw this strange event.

Zhao Liang squatted down in front of the tea table, staring straight at the place where the teacup was originally placed, as if he wanted to stare at the tea table.

Cen Gui is also stupid. What kind of strange superpower is this?
Cen Gui wanted to stand up and go to the kitchen to find some small objects to see if this super power could wipe everything away, so he put his hands on the sofa and wanted to stand up.

The moment the palm touched the sofa, the sofa disappeared out of thin air!
Cen Gui fell to the ground with his ass, maybe it hurt from the fall, so he just sat on the ground blankly.

Help, what is going on here.Where did all the things that disappeared go?You won't be entering some weird other-dimensional space, will you?Am I awakening a four-dimensional pocket?

As she was thinking like this, a space the size of a warehouse suddenly appeared in her mind, and the sofa and teacups lay quietly in it.

How do I get these things out?
Cen Gui spread his palms and said silently in his heart, "Tea cup."

Immediately, the teacup that had disappeared appeared in her palm.

I'll go, so awesome?Then if I say I want a sofa, will it also appear in my hand, and it must break my hand?
Thinking of this, Cen Gui waved his palm towards the place where the sofa was originally placed, and the sofa appeared out of thin air.

Everyone present, including Cen Gui, was too shocked to speak.

Although Tong Tianhui had an expressionless face, there was a lot of drama in his heart. Sure enough, he was not mistaken, and Qiao Yun's group must not be simple.

Now that the outside is so chaotic, if you go out and fight alone, you will definitely get a box lunch early. Why don't you just stay here with your face licked and live for a day.

After a moment of silence, Zhao Liang opened his mouth first, "Sister Cen is awesome, isn't this the same as those novels about supernatural abilities in the last days, you are a proper heroine."

Although Cen Gui couldn't see any expression on his face, he had already praised himself from top to bottom in his heart, and said slowly, "Thank you."

Qiao Yun, who was in the bedroom at the moment, just woke up, reached out and took out a piece of paper to wipe off the sweat on her forehead, stood up and walked into the bathroom.

The hand that was about to turn on the faucet stopped.At this time, I have awakened the ability of the water system, but this ability is too weak in the early stage of the battle. If it is to play a role in protecting everyone, it is necessary to upgrade the level as soon as possible.

The most important thing now is to use her abilities proficiently, so she spread her hands to use the abilities, a trickle gushed out of her palms, and Qiao Yun smiled with satisfaction.

After washing his face with the water weed he summoned, he hurried downstairs.

As soon as they went downstairs, they saw Nan Sumei and Zhao Liang surrounding Cen Gui, and there was a familiar person sitting in the corner - Tong Tianhui.

When Cen Gui saw that Qiao Yun had come down, he happily stepped forward to greet her, "I'm awake."

Qiao Yun's attention was completely focused on Tong Tianhui, how could this guy be here, didn't he tell Zhao Liang not to open the door.

"Wake up. Why is he here? Didn't he say don't open the door?" Qiao Yun pointed at Tong Tianhui who was smoking in the corner, and then looked at Zhao Liang.

Tong Tianhui quickly put out the cigarette, stepped forward and patted Zhao Liang on the shoulder, and bowed slightly to Qiao Yun, "I don't blame them, I insisted on coming in."

Qiao Yun raised her eyebrows and cast a glance at Tong Tianhui, "You came in from the outside, I think you know what happened. It's not a wise act to accept strangers at this time, let alone I'm not sure if you're injured yet."

After hearing this, Zhao Liang quickly interjected, "Sister Qiao, don't worry, he's not injured. I've checked it."

Qiao Yun was interrupted by Zhao Liang, she was secretly upset, and said, "I haven't pursued the fact that you let people in on your own initiative."

Of course, Nan Sumei couldn't see her precious grandson being choked, and explained calmly, "I'm the one who let him in. Don't blame him. If you want to blame, blame me, the old woman."

Qiao Yun couldn't say anything about Nan Sumei's operation of taking the blame by herself, so she could only keep Tong Tianhui for now, "Then let's stay. Now everyone doesn't know what happened outside, so I hope everyone can listen to me." command."

Zhao Liang was puzzled, although Sister Qiao was reliable, why should she listen to her all the time.

He would rather listen to Cen Gui's command, just relying on her ability to take things away and change them out again, he couldn't hold back the dissatisfaction in his heart, just about to retort, "Why..."

Of course, Qiao Yun noticed Zhao Liang's expression, so she took a water cup, spread her palm and used the supernatural power, and the water flowed into the cup along the palm, filling the whole cup.

Zhao Liang was instantly slapped in the face, but he couldn't hold back his face, "Sister Cen also has superpowers."

(End of this chapter)

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