crime scene please keep quiet

Chapter 266 Everyone Said It Was an Accident

Chapter 266

The case that troubled Lao Cheng for more than 20 years happened in Jiangzhou, [-] kilometers away from Ningzhou. It was a small city on the banks of the Yangtze River. It had no pillar industries and no buildings that could be called the city's name card.

But it is very livable. With the increasing popularity of the Internet, more and more travel bloggers promote it on the Internet, and the number of people who are willing to live here has also multiplied. In the past five or six years, it The tourism economy supports most of the income here, and Jiangzhou was also rated as one of the top ten most livable cities in China last year.

But 20 years ago, no one thought that Jiangzhou would have such an opportunity. Its quietness at that time represented backwardness and no future.

Wen Yan flipped through the heavy documents. On the title page, the victim was very young and beautiful. Judging from her appearance, she was also very friendly and gentle.

She continued to scroll down, and Lao Cheng's voice sounded slowly: "Her surname is also Cheng, and her name is Cheng Ruo. She was just 25 years old when she died, and she was married for the seventh month."

Lao Cheng fell into memory: "She is my niece, her father is my elder brother, and my elder a soldier who has not been able to erect a monument until now."

Lin Annan and Zhou Jing were in awe.

Old Cheng continued: "My eldest brother passed away when Ruoruo was one year old. My sister-in-law was overly sad and suffered from depression. She also chose to leave in the middle of the night. Ruoruo and I picked her up with her aunt. She liked it. Pink, when she was seven years old when she arranged the children's room, she picked out everything by herself, she is a very gentle but resolute and assertive child, and she has been very independent since she was a child."

"At the age of ten, she knew exactly what she wanted - she liked the smell of cakes, she liked desserts and sweets, and she told me and her aunt that when she grew up, she wanted to open a cake shop and get two big bookshelves , so that people who eat cakes can enjoy their favorite books while enjoying delicious food."

"She graduated from university at the age of 22. She did not choose to stay in the big city like her other classmates. Instead, she returned to Jiangzhou. In fact, we know that although she didn't like to struggle and couldn't adapt to the fast pace of the big city, she chose to come back. Her aunt and I know that she is for both of us."

Old Cheng's eyes were red: "Her aunt went to the police when she was young, and was seriously injured after fighting with the gangsters. A steel bar the size of a child's arm passed through her abdomen, and the two-month-old child was stillborn. Rust, the uterus was infected, the doctor removed her uterus, and then saved her life. Coupled with the nature of my work, we decided not to have children. If it is a gift from God to our husband and wife, Our husband and wife don't want such a gift at all."

"I would rather enjoy the regret and loneliness of not having children for the rest of my life, and I don't want her to be our daughter in this way. I hope she can spend a complete childhood by her parents and start her own life. My eldest brother To be resolute all his life, to serve the country and the people, and to see his own precious side before he dies are all extravagant hopes that he can't and dare not speak out."

Realizing that he was far away, Lao Cheng returned to the case itself: "Ruo Ruo opened a cake shop after she came back. The shop is only two or three hundred meters away from the old house her parents left her. She will live there directly, and her aunt worried that it would not be safe for her to live in the old community as a girl, so the two of us moved here too."

"But you also know that our family of two police officers usually has a lot of work intensity, and the schedule is not stable, so although the three of us live together, there are very few opportunities to get together for dinner. Sometimes I am nearby. When handling a case, she would directly buy food and eat with her at the cake shop. Later, when her aunt saw that she didn’t even eat lunch because of too many cake orders, her aunt chose to transfer to an administrative position. The two of them can get together for dinner every day."

"Her aunt used to stay with her in the cake shop until ten or eleven every day before going back, but after a long time, her aunt's body couldn't take it anymore, and her waist and knees often hurt. If she felt sorry for her, she was not allowed to accompany her. Sleepy, the two of them had dinner every day, and Ruoruo drove her aunt home to rest."

"Zheng Rong appeared in the second week when her aunt started not staying with her at night. He was good-looking, his parents were both teachers, and he had a decent job. She started a fierce pursuit of Ruoruo. Afterwards, Ruoruo took him home."

Old Cheng let out a long breath: "I don't agree with Ruoruo falling in love so early. Her life has just started, and the cake shop has just started on the right track. After falling in love, she won't have the mind to start her own business. .”

"But I can't hurt Ruoruo's heart. After retuning Zheng Rong and finding that his family has no stains, her aunt and I decided to observe first. Young people have rebellious tendons, the more they are not allowed to do it, The more you have to do it, the more you have to do it, if Zheng Rong is suitable for Ruoruo, Ruoruo is so smart, he will definitely be able to tell the difference."

"Later, after the two of us got to know each other more, we found that Zheng Rong was quite considerate and well-mannered. From time to time, the two families had dinner together. Zheng Rong's parents were full of peaches and plums. We all feel very comfortable as a family.”

"Ruoruo is very relaxed and happy when she is with Zheng's family. She can act like a baby in front of Zheng Rong's mother. Just for this, her aunt and I think that the Zheng family can do it."

"Ruoruo and Zheng Rong have been in love for almost two years. Ruoruo's cake shop also opened two branches in Jiangzhou. Zheng Rong also prepared the money to buy a wedding house and a car. The second week after the two received their certificates, So I bought the wedding room and wrote their names. Our Cheng family is not a family that likes to take advantage. At that time, we asked Zheng Rong to collect the money for the car. Her aunt and I bought the car for Ruoruo dowry."

"The wedding was very decent. When we went on our honeymoon, Ruoruo brought me and her aunt with me, and Zheng Rong brought his parents. Due to the special nature of my work, her aunt and I couldn't go abroad, so we chose I traveled to the five cities in East China and Dali, Lijiang, Guilin, Fenghuang and other places. I went to a lot of places, and the itinerary was a bit tiring, but everyone had a great time. "

When Lao Cheng said this, his eyes became even redder: "Two months later, Aunt Ruoruo suddenly became ill, Zheng Rong and Ruoruo were busy waiting for her, and her in-laws also came to visit frequently. After Aunt Ruoruo is discharged from the hospital, she will rest for a month or two, and then the two families will go on a trip together."

"But just when we decided on the place and time of the trip, everything was ready and we were about to buy tickets, something happened to Ruoruo."

"She sprained her ankle when she came out of the restroom of the cake shop, and when she fell, she knocked over the fish tank. The glass shards of the fish tank cut off the main artery in her neck, and she lost a lot of blood. She died before she could reach the hospital."

Lao Cheng suddenly held Wen Yan's hand: "Everyone said it was an accident, but I know it wasn't."

"Miss Wen, she was killed!"

"Please help me find the murderer!"

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