crime scene please keep quiet

Chapter 174 The Disappeared Daughter

Like usual at school, Lin Keer got up before six o'clock.

Numerous symbols and formulas drilled into her mind, layer by layer, quickly piled up into a mountain, she was a little dazed, more out of breath.

Mother Zhang Xia knocked on the door outside: "Ker, are you up yet?"

"get up."

Her head was really dizzy, but she didn't have a fever, and her face didn't turn hot and pale. This really didn't constitute a reason to ask for leave. Lin Ke'er could only stay in the bathroom for a while longer.

This is the beginning of the day, and it must be the most relaxing moment of her day. The next ten hours will be spent at high intensity.

Lin Ke'er felt even more out of breath when thinking of the silent students in the cram school who listened carefully to the questions.

Zhang Xia immediately discovered something was wrong with her daughter, she asked Lin Ke'er: "Ke'er, are you feeling unwell?"

Lin Ke'er's nose was sore, she nodded and hummed.

Father Lin Yong said: "Your mother and I have already taken leave for next week. Then we will take you to the beach to enjoy the sea breeze and eat seafood. There is no one at home these two days. We don't feel relieved if you stay at home. The class has food and drink, and teachers and friends to chat with you. If you really don’t want to learn, you can just stay there and rest. Zhang Xia, where is your cell phone? Let Ke’er take it with you, and call us if you need anything. You can also send WeChat."

"I see that with your grades, you can't even pass the high school entrance examination, and you still want to enter the university! No second child! Don't chase after a son! From now on, I will rely on you as a wimp, can you afford it?!"

Grandma thinks that she snatched the place of the future younger brother and came to the world first, so that grandpa failed to officially become a grandfather and passed away with regret. In Lin Ke's childhood, grandma seldom got close to her, and her parents were fine when they were at home. , She would give herself an apple, or a candy that had been hidden for an unknown time, pinch her face, touch her head, and sigh that she looked exactly like her father Lin Yong when he was a child.

Lin Ke'er has a mobile phone in her left hand and money in her right hand, and her face is slightly red. She has always been well-behaved and sensible. For some reason, she doesn't want to go to cram school today, and her parents are willing to spoil her. She feels a little guilty. After sending her parents out, her eyes are red. When she came to the door and met her grandma's gaze, she raised her heart and called grandma weakly: "I, I will definitely go to the cram school, and I will sleep for a while."

"Your aunt loves you so much. Every time she comes back, she buys you this or that. This is also her home, but because she is afraid of disturbing your study, she never stays overnight! The cram school you have attended for the past two years, plus You can afford a down payment on a new house!"

Grandma doesn't like her, Lin Ke'er knew about it when she was six years old, the reason is nothing but because she is a girl, and her grandfather passed away not long after she was born.

"Go in, I'll be annoying to see you!"

Grandma Lin said in a deep voice: "Okay, doesn't she start her first class at nine o'clock today? You two hurry to work, and I'll send Ke'er to a cram school later. Doesn't she want to stay at home for a while? For more than an hour, let her stay, and I will take a taxi to her later."

But when her parents were not at home, grandma never looked at her directly. She still remembers when she was two or three years old, because she wanted to eat snacks so much, she stood on the bench to reach the mooncake box on the cabinet, but she couldn't hold it steady. , fell, the pain made her cry, she opened her hands and wanted to hug.

"Am I really useless? Am I really useless?"

"It's a good life, but go out to work earlier to make money. The family is crowded in this crappy house. You don't think it's old, but I don't think it's crowded!"

The elderly phone outside was beeping desperately, followed by grandma's loud voice. When she heard grandma say, "I'll be right over," Lin Keer knew that she had to go out.

"Is it because you don't allow them to have a second child? I knew it was you! At a young age, if you can't read well, you know how to fight for favor! You read all the way up to your ass! How could our Lin family have such a crime like you!"

Lin Yong also gave her 200 yuan, telling her to sleep for a while, and then take a taxi there when the time was up. He also said that he would order milk tea for her at noon, and if he really didn't want to go, he would go to a classmate's house to play.

Sure enough, the next moment, the door was violently pushed open, and Lin Keer got up in time, but she was still pulled by Grandma Lin: "I want to go hiking with Chen Qiulian in the next door, and her son will take us there, hurry up!" Get up and let him give you a ride!"

Grandma Lin threw her chopsticks: "Your parents promised to let you sleep, how dare I not let you sleep? Those who don't know think I'm mean to you!"

"If you don't know fun shit, your parents treat you like a treasure!"

Grandma Lin rambled: "A girl, if she can't read the book, don't read it. What kind of cram school is she going to? The family is not very rich. The cram school costs 200 yuan a day and 6000 yuan a month. Your father's monthly salary is not that much. many!"

She knows that she has no talent in reading, so she has been working hard, but she has worked so hard, but she still fails to meet the expectations of her parents, let alone her grandma.

But grandma didn't hug her, didn't even pull her up. She scolded her while picking up the things that fell on the floor. Later, she thought she was upset by crying, so she stuffed her mouth with socks. She pulled her a few times, and her hands were tied She stayed, her parents were on a business trip that day, and they would not come back until the next day. Grandma suddenly came to visit and picked her up to play with her cousins, otherwise she might be tied up for a whole night.

Lin Keer immediately fell silent.

Children don't remember things, but they are afraid of grandma in their hearts. No matter what they do, the first thing they do is to see grandma's face.

Lin Ke'er closed the door, but grandma's accusation could not be blocked. She fell on the bed and used cotton to plug her ears, but there was no sound in her ears, but grandma's magic voice kept echoing in her mind, each echoing more times, Lin Keer's pressure increased.

Grandma Lin hit hard, causing Lin Ke'er's scalp to hurt. She held back her tears and picked up her phone and money.

Lin Ke'er said that she might not be able to rest well in the cram school and wanted to stay at home. Grandma answered, "It's not easy to stay at home, why don't you send you to your classmate's house?"

Lin Ke'er muttered to herself, falling into vicious self-doubt.

"You paid the money and didn't study hard. I think you did it on purpose. You can't see that your family is doing well!"

The project that Lin Yong and Zhang Xia are working on, these two days are coming to an end but also the most important stage, so they can’t be distracted. The two of them saw that Lin Ke’er’s expression was fine, but Lin’s grandma’s expression was not very good. Lin Yong hesitated , called Lin Keer aside, and put the phone in her hand: "Kerr, mom is going out, if you feel uncomfortable during class, call me immediately, ah."

"There's no need to take a taxi, and there's food at school. You don't need the money. Give it to me. It's a little bit of savings! Give me your phone too, don't think I don't know you're secretly playing games!"

Lin Ke'er dared not refuse.

Hefu Garden is closer to Baiyun Mountain. On the way, Grandma Lin kept scolding Lin Keer, but Lin Keer dared not speak out.

Uncle Chen sent Grandma Lin and Grandma Chen to the foot of the mountain first, and then sent Lin Keer to the cram school.

Uncle Chen drove the car very steadily, Lin Ke'er looked out the window thinking about something on her mind, after a while, the car stopped, but it didn't stop at the Lantian cram school, but in front of a small hotel!

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