Chapter 97

The eyes of these people looking at Su Ruanruan are shining, this is the main force against the zombies, she must not be let go!
"Miss Su, I'm sorry, I welcome you on behalf of City Y Base!" The leader saluted her excitedly, with fanaticism written all over his face.

Su Ruanruan said with a decent smile on her face: "Where is it? Is the inspection finished? I can go in."

"Of course. By the way, Ms. Su, you are new here. Do you need a tour guide? We can send someone to take you around the base to familiarize yourself with the environment."

Facing the warm reception from the other party, Su Ruanruan waved her hands, " need, I'll just go in and have a look by myself, so I won't bother you."

"Okay." The man handed Su Ruanruan another map and said: "This is the map of the base, I hope it can help you, if you have any questions in the future, you can always come to us, we will try our best to help you solve it !"

"Thank you very much." Su Ruanruan guessed that this is the treatment only for high-level supernatural beings, which means that she will have a much better life in the base in the future.

The third gate opened, and they drove into the base officially.

The people in the waiting area wrapped their clothes tightly and stood in the open space watching Su Ruanruan leave.

The base is about to change.

The vehicle drove out of the doorway, and the largest base in the central and eastern region with a large number of survivors gradually appeared in front of Su Ruanruan.

Entering the gate, there is a wide flat ground first, where the army guarding the gate is stationed, and there are many vehicles parked in the surrounding open space, of all styles and models, including troops and survivors.There were still many people to be seen in the open space, some had come back from the outside, and some planned to go out.

If you look farther away, you can see the tall buildings.

Finally entered the base, Su Ruanruan looked at the sky outside the window, there were more and more dark clouds, and the sky in the distance gradually became darker and darker, indicating a heavy rain, and a hurricane was blowing around.

The base covers a large area and can accommodate several 10 people. In addition to the garrison base and the newly built crop planting area, the original urban development area is where the survivors mainly gather.

The development zone was also built according to the city's specifications before the end of the world. Many buildings have been built in advance. In addition to the residential area, there are also some commercial and office buildings. However, the houses there are now almost full of survivors.

Probably following the characteristics of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, the survivors tried their best to stay away from the wall, and the closer to the center of the base, the more survivors gathered here.

Of course, the center of the base is where the management of the base is located, and the housing is surrounded by it, roughly distributed in a radial pattern. There used to be an administrative building, and it happened to be the management office of the base after the end of the world.

In order to encourage the supernatural beings to go out and kill zombies, the hall on the first floor has been transformed into a mission hall. As long as the registered supernatural beings receive the missions, they can get points and exchange for more supplies.

After Su Ruanruan planned to get through the snowstorm, she started to deal with some necessary things, such as housing issues.

Although her caravan can meet the needs of daily living, Su Ruanruan still wants to live in the villa area of ​​the base. The living environment there is good. Except for the residents who lived there before, the rest of the houses are basically the famous people in the base. Characters are either leaders, supernatural beings or powerful forces. A force with many people will occupy two to three villas.

She plans to find a house there to live in in the future, even if it is full now, she has so many supplies in her hand, she is not afraid that she will not be able to buy them.

Some ordinary people living there who can't pay the electricity and water bills will sell their houses for cores or credits, and then buy a small house elsewhere with affordable supplies.

Driving around the base along the main road marked on the map, while Su Ruanruan was driving for sightseeing, the survivors wearing heavy protective clothing on the side of the road were also observing her.

Especially when driving to the residential area, almost everyone's eyes on the side of the road fell on Su Ruanruan.

Su Ruanruan's RV produced by the system is very eye-catching even before the end of the world. It is a masterpiece among heavy RVs. Anyone passing by such a behemoth in the base will take a look.

In the eyes of the base residents, this kind of car is usually only driven by powerful forces or high-level officials.

"Hey, which force brought this back? This big guy is too spectacular." A passer-by said.

A person next to him snorted disdainfully, "Which force brought it back has anything to do with us? Anyway, we don't need it."

"Look at what you said, who let people have supernatural powers, what do you do with the other supplies they risked their lives to find?"

"Hmph, how many of the supplies they found were distributed, don't we all eat the leftovers?"

The passer-by wanted to go back, but was held back by another person next to him, "Oh, I said you should ignore him, didn't you see that he was jealous of those people with supernatural powers? Who would not be envious of the military offerings, and getting the bulk of the supplies?"

"Tsk, that's right, even if I'm not a supernatural being, if there is a supernatural being in the base at home, I can live a much better life than us."

"Hey, I have a friend whose cousin is a supernatural person. Their whole family lives in the villa area now. He told me that their whole family lives in the villa area now. He told me that as long as I help him with some He also let me live in." After he finished speaking, he immediately attracted envious eyes from the people around him.

However, most people still pointed at Su Ruanruan's RV.

There were a lot of onlookers, and soon the road in front of them was almost impossible to pass. Some brave people put their heads on the car window to see who was inside.

Su Ruanruan felt very uncomfortable about this, she honked the horn to urge to get out of the way, but with little effect, just when she was about to open the car window to shout, a little patrolling soldier on a snowmobile came by.

"What are you doing? Don't get stuck on the road, it's all gone, it's all gone!"

Hearing this, the onlookers gave way one after another, but they still stood on the side of the road looking at this domineering RV.

The little soldier got out of the car and came over, knocked on the window lightly, as if he had something to say.

Su Ruanruan lowered the car window and looked at him. The little soldier didn't expect that the new super-ninth-grade supernatural power master that the comrades stationed at the gate said was such a beautiful girl.

He saluted Su Ruanruan, "You... hello! I'm from the patrol team, just call me Xiao Liu. Do you need... need help?"

Su Ruanruan smiled when he saw that he was stumped, "I originally wanted to take a look at the base by myself, but I didn't expect that there were so many people watching. Can you take me around the base?"

"Okay...Okay, please follow me closely."

The little soldier saluted Su Ruanruan again, and then hurriedly ran to ride his bicycle.

People standing on the side of the road saw that the driver's window was open, and there was a strange beauty sitting inside.

Now it is the end of the world, and people are living in disgrace due to lack of food and clothing. Even the most beautiful people will look haggard after the ravages of the end of the world. It was surprising how respectful the soldier was to her.

Which big force is this?Or an unknown senior leader?
(End of this chapter)

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