Chapter 7
Before it was dark, Su Ruanruan took the kitchen knife and went out with one big and one small.

Before the end of the world, most of the people living in this small village were old people and children. The young people went out to work, the children went to the nearby schools, and the old people planted their own land.

This side is near the sea. When the tide was low, Su Ruanruan would catch crabs and dig clams with the elderly and children in the village.

Occasionally she would go out fishing with a fishing rod. Originally, Su Ruanruan wanted to work hard for a few more years to buy the small courtyard she was renting now.

The three of them went up the mountain along the path. The storm destroyed many trees a while ago, and there were broken trees and branches everywhere at the foot of the mountain.

Pointing to those trees with larger trunks and more branches, Su Ruanruan said to the woman: "Eldest sister, let's drag one tree back and cut it, which will save time."

Now that danger is everywhere, the woman also thinks that Su Ruanruan's proposal is very good, and the two of them dragged a big tree branch and led Liu Zichen to the small courtyard with tacit understanding.

On the way, Su Ruanruan saw a field of sweet potatoes, this thing, when the fire is going on, throw two into it to roast, it can smell people to death.

Su Ruanruan stared at the sweet potato field while walking, swallowing her saliva continuously, she couldn't even look at Liu Zichen beside her, and asked aloud: "Beautiful sister, what are you looking at?"

"Have you ever eaten roasted sweet potatoes?" Su Ruan raised her chin and continued, "That field is full of sweet potatoes!"

"Wow, sister, you are so amazing! You actually know sweet potatoes." Liu Zichen's mouth was very sweet. Of all the people he and his mother met these days, only this beautiful sister saved them and gave them food.

"Want to eat?" After being praised, Su Ruanruan was in a great mood: "If you want to, sister will come and dig some for you to bake later."

"I want to eat!" Liu Zichen shouted happily, and then quickly covered his mouth with his hands, looking at Su Ruanruan with timid little eyes, afraid that if Su Ruanruan was unhappy, he would abandon them.

He remembered that two days ago, a little girl attracted a group of zombies because of her loud cries, and was left behind by everyone...

"I'm sorry sister, Zichen shouldn't be so loud." Liu Zichen's voice was small, and there was a tear in it.

"So your name is Zichen, what's your mother's name?" Su Ruanruan changed the subject calmly and asked softly.

"My mother's name is Liu Fang, and my name is Liu Zichen! I'm going to be 13 soon, sister, I will be very good, and I will work for you. Don't drive me away with my mother, okay?"

Liu Zichen's voice was waxy and milky, and his pleading eyes almost melted Su Ruanruan's heart.

"Okay, our Zichen is so good, why is my sister willing to drive you away, it's getting dark, we have to hurry up!"

The sky is gloomy and terrible. I still remember the last time it was like this, the rain made all her chickens turn into zombies. I don't know what will happen this time.

Su Ruanruan was a little flustered, and she was also very hungry. She hadn't eaten anything after a busy day today.

The three of them returned to the small courtyard, Liu Fang consciously took over the job of chopping firewood, while Su Ruanruan flew directly to the sweet potato field with a hoe and a basket with Xiaodouding.

Su Ruanruan dug, and Liu Zichen picked it up, "Sister, this sweet potato is so big, bake it for my sister to eat!"

Su Ruanruan rubbed Liu Zichen's hairy head and said: "Then sister, thank you Zichen, but the big ones are not easy to cook, and you will fart when you eat them. We roast the small ones and save the big ones for cooking later." eat."

There were a lot of sweet potatoes, and when one seedling was dug, there were at least five or six sweet potatoes inside, each of which was at least as big as her fist. Only less than ten seedlings were dug, and the basket they brought was already full.

At this time, it was already getting dark, Su Ruanruan was holding Liu Zichen in one hand, and the basket in the other, while Liu Zichen was holding a hoe, all the weight rested on Su Ruanruan's fifth-level wings.

Back in the small courtyard, it was already dark. Su Ruanruan was afraid of the dark and didn't want to pay so much electricity bills, so she installed a lot of solar lights in the yard.

Although there is no sun, there is natural light, and the lights can still be bright.

When Su Ruanruan entered the house, Liu Fang had already chopped all the branches they had brought back, but she didn't have any tools to make a fire, so she could only watch from the sidelines.

Su Ruanruan took three small solar lights from the yard and brought them into the house.

Then Liu Fang was asked to carry firewood into the kitchen. Fortunately, there was a ready-made stove in the kitchen. She went to the bedroom and took out a lighter, found a plastic bag to light it, and threw it into the stove.

The plastic bag burns with a bad smell, but it burns fast and lasts for a long time. Basically, when it burns, the broken firewood mixed with the leaves in the stove is also ignited.

Liu Fang took over the job of lighting the fire, and Su Ruanruan went to wash the pot, then poured rice, added water, went to the roof to pick some green vegetables planted earlier, and took out a piece of beef and a sea fish from the space.

When she was leaving, she saw that the watermelon she planted today had sprouted and had five or six leaves.

At this speed, wouldn't it be possible to eat watermelon in more than ten days?
Entering the kitchen, Su Ruanruan washed the vegetables with very little water, cut them up and set them aside.

Glancing at the two dirty people, I went to the warehouse upstairs to find two sets of clothes and stuffed them for them, "Sister Liu, you and Zichen, you two will have dinner later, and each of you will go to the bathroom to take a bath with a basin of water. The water is cut off, don't pour out the water after taking a shower, save it for flushing the toilet!"

"Big sister, thank you so much today. From now on, sister Liu's life will be yours."

Perhaps after several days of running around, the highly tense nerves were suddenly relaxed. Liu Fang's nose was sore, and tears fell like pearls off the thread, which could not be stopped.

"Ding, in order for the host to better assist the protagonist, the host must keep the protagonist!"

"I'm not only a tool, but I also have to give warmth?" Su Ruanruan said angrily.

"Complete the corresponding tasks, and the host can also get corresponding rewards. For example, doesn't the host want supernatural powers? As long as you follow the protagonist and do more tasks, you can have everything!" the system fooled.

"Well, I think what you said makes sense!" Su Ruanruan did not doubt him, after all there is no system, at this time, she might die faster.

"Sister Liu, take Zichen here and rest assured. Zichen is also sensible. As long as you don't mess around, I won't let you go."

Taking in is one thing, but if they dare to occupy the magpie's nest, then don't blame her for being rude.

"Big sister, don't worry, our mother and son will never mess around, and we will never go into your room."

Liu Fang was very emotional, in order to stay, she wished she could show Su Ruanruan her heart.

"Then let's get to know each other formally, Sister Liu, my name is Su Ruanruan, from now on you can call me Ruanruan."

Su Ruanruan thought for a while and said: "Don't go upstairs, except for my room on the first floor, you can move around as you like."

"Okay sister"

"Okay, Ruan Ruan"

The mother and son spoke in unison.

The rice in the pot was already cooked, and the rest was cooking. Su Ruanruan drove Liu Zichen to take a bath, Liu Fang lit the fire, and cooked vegetables by herself. There were three of them, one small stir-fried beef, one vegetable, and a plate of steamed fish.

After taking out the food, Su Ruanruan still didn't forget to pick three sweet potatoes dug today from the basket, and put them under the fire to simmer.

Liu Zichen smelled the aroma of the rice, and tears flowed from his face, "Sister, your cooking skills are amazing, you must have been an excellent cook before?"

Liu Fang put the dishes and chopsticks in order, and said with a smile, "Ruan Ruan really doesn't have this skill, maybe he has learned it before?"

"I'm alone. When I'm bored, I like to study food. If I cook too much, I'll be fine." Su Ruanruan picked up a fish with chopsticks and stuffed it into her mouth. After being hungry all day, she felt extremely happy at this moment.

Sure enough, cooking makes people happy!

(End of this chapter)

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