Chapter 75 The Grass Guardian

Since Lu Jingyou and Mo Xi stayed for lunch, Luo Yunfei specifically asked Old Man Wang to cook the remaining pheasant.

So, when it was time for lunch, the delicious braised pheasant with ginger and spring onion was placed on the table.

Then, Nan Xing took out the sweet soup from the well and served it.

Even though Lu Jingyou had eaten a lot of delicacies from mountains and seas, he still couldn't help swallowing, it was so delicious.

When Qiuju, Chunmei and Wang Yuxian brought out the remaining dishes, everyone could finally sit around and eat.

Luo Yunfei first scooped up two big bowls of sweet soup for Lu Jingyou and Mo Xi politely, then scooped up a big bowl for Nan Xing, and then shared more than half a bowl for each of them.

Seeing Lu Jingyou eating with such relish, she also ate with confidence, for fear of neglecting him, because not only is he the only doctor in the village now, but he also helped Nan Xing when he was in Gongzhen last time. The Song family came to make trouble.

"It's delicious, if only I could have another bowl..." The white-haired old man swallowed.

"Don't think about it, I only have one bowl." Nan Xing gave him a blank look.

"But there's still..." the white-haired old man curled his lips.

"That's for Lu Jingyou to take back." Nan Xing said while eating, "I want to have a bowl too... But, Lu Jingyou helped me last time, and now I'm giving him a sweet soup and bringing him back the night food Counting the second meal at night, there are still eight meals left, that is to say, there are eight more free whorings..."

The white-haired old man looked shocked. Is it really good to be so careful?

Lu Jing, who knew nothing, sneezed suddenly, and was the old man talking about it again?

Mo Xi looked up at him, seeing that he was fine, then silently lowered his head and started to wolf down.

After everyone was full, Nan Xing found that the dishes on the table had been emptied and there was no waste at all.

Both Nan Xing and Lu Jingyou touched their bulging stomachs in satisfaction, and they looked at each other silently. This meal was really delicious and delicious.

Nan Xing smiled at him and said, "Little Doctor Lu, how long will it take for your house to be built? It's almost busy."

"Hurry up, if the busy farming has not been completed, just take it easy for now, we are not in a hurry." Lu Jingyou smiled.

I thought that after they moved here, it would be much more convenient to drink sweet soup.

Nan Xing nodded and asked: "Then you guys going back to the county next time? How about you help me bring some plantains to Jing'an Hall?"

Lu Jingyou, who still wanted to stay for dinner, was breathless. In fact, several houses have been built, and they can live in them first.

Seeing her clear eyes looking at him, he couldn't bear to refuse her, so he replied in a helpless tone: "...Okay."

Seeing that he agreed, Nan Xing called Qiu Ju, Chun Mei and Wang Yuxian with a smile on his face, and the four of them pulled out the dried plantain together.

Lu Jingyou was taken aback: "... so many?"

"A lot?" Nan Xing blinked.

Then to his shocked look, they filled the donkey cart to the brim.

Seeing this, Lu Jingyou felt a pain in his head, and looked up at the burning sun above his head, feeling regretful in his heart.

Mo Xi, who had just come out after eating and drinking, was stunned, and had a premonition in his heart that he would make a heroic sacrifice at any moment.

Nan Xing walked around the donkey cart, then patted their donkey and said with a smile, "Brother, thank you for your hard work..."

Then, she seemed to remember something, turned around and walked back.

Lu Jingyou put his foot on the donkey's back angrily.

Mo Xi looked at their young master, then at the donkey cart that was full of them, and then looked down at his figure.

He had no choice but to cry with a sad face, and walked forward silently leading the donkey cart, looking hopeless.

When Nan Xing led the donkey out from behind, they were nowhere to be found.

She looked at the three of them in astonishment, and asked, "Going away?"

Qiu Ju and Chun Mei covered their mouths with a smile and nodded fiercely.

Wang Yuxian asked with a smile, "Are you going to chase him?"

Nan Xing blinked: "...Forget it, they ate so much just now, let them digest."

She also planned to lend their donkey to them first, who knew they would go so fast.

"Little lady, you're not telling the truth, are you? The heat is so hot now, and the sun is the most venomous at this time." Qiu Ju was surprised.

"Do I seem to be joking?" Nan Xing gave her a blank look, and then silently led the donkey back under their shocked eyes.

But what she never expected was that at this moment, Lu Jingyou was leisurely dangling on the donkey's back, while Mo Xi was the only one who was stretching his legs on the road, digesting in pain.

Not long after, Lu Jingyou couldn't relax anymore, because the sun above his head was so poisonous that he couldn't breathe due to the heat.

He took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead and face, and said in pain: "The price of this meal is too high..."

Mo Xi nodded approvingly, the sweat dripped down his body, and he complained endlessly.

"My lord, why don't you take a break?" He felt that he was going to collapse from exhaustion.

"Alright." Lu Jingyou was too tired.

Stopping and stopping along the way, this time, they felt that time passed so slowly, as if the sun was always there.

It was also this time that they really realized that the journey back to the county from Xiaozhai Village was so long.

At this time, they really realized how painful and difficult it is for the people of Xiaozhai Village to go to the county town to go to the market.

Seeing Lu Jingyou and Mo Xi like a puddle of mud, one lying on the bed and the other directly on the ground, Shufei frowned: "What are you doing?"

Lu Jingyou swallowed, feeling his throat was about to smoke, panting and said, "Pour me a glass of water first, I'm too thirsty, I can't take it..."

"Shu Fei, give me a drink too..." Mo Xi said as he lay on the ground like a corpse, rolling the whites of his eyes.

Shufei poured each of them a glass of warm water angrily, and watched them finish drinking the water with a 'snoring'.

After they had breathed a little, he asked with great interest, "What's wrong with you?"

"I had a homely meal..." Lu Jingyou said with a wandering gaze.

"Well, there's game..." Mo Xi continued to roll his eyes while recalling the delicious food.

"And sweet soup..." Lu Jingyou reluctantly raised his finger and pointed to the food box brought back on the table.

"And grass, lots and lots of plantains, stuffed to the brim..."

"...eating grass?" Shufei was taken aback for a moment: "So you can't think about it?"

Mo Xi wanted to hit him, and explained angrily: "I mean, we were someone's grass protector once."

Shufei looked out through the window, just in time to see a donkey cart full of plantains, he was taken aback for a moment: "Young master, you don't plan to open a medicine shop, why bring so many plantains back?" ?”

What's more, in his opinion, this thing is worthless, is it necessary to torment yourself like this?
If you brought back a cart full of ginseng or gold, silver and jewelry, it would be understandable to tire yourself out like this.

But now, he really couldn't understand, was this the Lu Jingyou he had known all along?


(End of this chapter)

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