I rely on Qin Shihuang to enshrine the gods

Chapter 146 Wang Jian leads the troops

early spring.

The ice and snow melt.

The snow water was blown up by the smoke from the people's cooking stoves, and dripped on the paths that the people walked on carrying farm tools.

Then they converge and flow down from the thatched house.

The left-behind women, children and children were busy under the eaves, praying for their husbands and sons, and then flowed into the numerous crisscrossing ditches of the earth and merged into the rivers and lakes.

In 224 BC, the war to destroy Chu was launched.

The 600,000 Qin troops marched to Chu in a swaggering manner.

Among them, there are countless intermediaries lurking in the Chu State, accepting property from "bribing its powerful ministers to disrupt its plans", like a group of leeches lurking in the mud, spinning around in circles.

Waiting at any time for Qu Jingzhao's three families to take advantage of the gap.

Before leaving, the commander-in-chief Wang Jian brutally killed Ying Zheng.


Wealth, land, beauty.

This matter spread among the marchers, and their colleagues were all joking about General Wang.

When his son Wang Ben was questioned by a young upstart, he thought of himself as a father who was still young and could take care of his younger brother at any time.

He could only look up at the sky speechlessly.

Wang Jian replied: "This is a gift from the king to the meritorious officials. If Chu is defeated and defeated, according to the laws of the Qin Dynasty, those who have made more achievements will get more. Each of you will be awarded titles and titles to benefit your descendants."

The soldiers were greatly inspired, holding up their weapons and shouting, "Long live the King of Qin, the general is mighty."

The overwhelming sound startled the night owls in the woods. After boosting their morale, the soldiers watched with admiration as the general who had wiped out several countries in succession walked towards the tent and sat down at his desk seriously.

He is truly worthy of being a general.

they sigh.

They were still secretly amazed at the scenery here in Chu State. They were still tired from running around for days, and now they set up camp and just wanted to have a good sleep.

The general is so old that he doesn't even have a break to drink water.

The military strategy has already been deployed.

After watching the working shadow of the general outside the tent in awe for a while, several mighty generals encouraged themselves by their example and dispersed in twos and threes.

How could we have expected it.

Their general was scratching his head and writing a list, still trying to kill the King of Qin.


Wealth, land, beauty.

A few days later, King Qin replied: "That's right. Do you have any more generals? Bring them all up."

After the blackmail.

Halfway through the march, we cleared roadblocks and eliminated ambushes, and were about to reach the agreed-upon camp location.

Wang Jian was at his desk again writing, but he was a rough general after all, and he didn't pay much attention to it. The so-called wealth and splendor were no more satisfying than using skulls as wine glasses on the battlefield to drink and laugh.

I can't think of any reward I want.

So he called his bastard son into the tent.

Wang Ben was meticulous in the military camp, walking like a tiger and a dragon, with an almost harsh discipline. At first, he was normal. Later, when he looked around and saw no one around, he lowered his voice and said, "General, no one noticed, right?"


Looking at his son who is a little guilty even if he is not a thief.

Wang Jian narrowed his eyes very slightly, stood up from the long desk, and handed the bamboo slips to him.

But the moment Wang Ben took it, he slapped it towards Wang Ben's face.

This shot was accompanied by a strong wind, not to mention being so close. But what kind of person is Wang Ben? He started from the lowest rank as a soldier, and he never relied on his father's power to reach the rank of major general he is today.

His belly was tight, his back was tilted backwards, and he squatted down to do a side sweep.

Wang Jian's body was as solid as Mount Tai, which could not be shaken. The strong palm wind came again. Wang Ben was also a live donkey, and his temper got angry. He directly bumped palms against palms, hands and elbows.

"Bang bang bang."

The young man's skills seemed to be relatively weak, but every step was in the right place. He crossed over the mountains and gathered in the pain point of the person.

This kind of steady and steady progress cannot be achieved without practicing hard day and night.

The fight lasted seven or eight moves.

Wang Jian admired in his heart, but his eyes were quite calm, "You kid, you were just a little bit close after all."

The commotion was so loud that the guards from outside came in and were confused when they saw the father and son fighting each other.

The young man took a few steps back, holding his hand and loosening it, then loosening it and holding it again, as if something had been wandering around for many years and then returned to the same place.

He cupped his fists and said loudly: "I would like to thank the general for your advice."

After that, he turned around and walked out of the coach's tent.

Wang Jian nodded with satisfaction, turned around and saw a bundle of bamboo slips, and remembered what he wanted to do.

Suddenly turned around.

That Gua Wa Zi had already disappeared out of sight.


Six hundred thousand troops.

Attack head on.

Like a black tide, they headed towards the Chu land, taking out one city to defend the other. They were rigid and rigid, without any dazzling and thundering policies and strategies.

It's like the tiger and wolf of Qin State, which made the whole world frightened by the news, came all the way to plow the fields of Chu State.

First, have a good meal, then repair the equipment, weigh it carefully, find the soil closest to your feet, and adjust the angle and posture.

Turn over one piece, it’s one piece.

Turn over another piece, and another piece.

Finally, I was tired from plowing and wanted to rest. On the plains three hundred miles in front of Ying City, in the areas of Shangshui, Shangcai, and Pingyu, they turned a blind eye to the 600,000-strong army in Chu's city.

He immediately gave up the attack, and instead summoned a group of accompanying cooking soldiers to attack and defend the soldiers, with banners covering the sun and gongs and drums beating all day long.

Shouting the old Qin people’s chants of yo yo yo.

Those who cut down trees and picked out rocks started infrastructure construction.

The main force of the Chu State gathered in Ying City. Not long after the victory, they were eager to fight. They didn't care about the peripheral cities they had lost before, and they had long wanted to wait for a hearty battle.

Unexpectedly, Qin State stalled halfway.

What is the difference between this and a fish bone stuck in the throat?

They were all red-faced and clamoring to go out to meet the enemy, kill the tiger, cut the meat and drink heavily. However, Xiang Yan strictly ordered him not to take a step forward, and anyone who disobeyed the order would be killed.

So there were less than seven days and nights.

The people of Chu watched helplessly as a tall and majestic fortress, with countless fine black and heavy crossbows on its battlements, rose up from the ground in front of them, looking proudly at the sky amid the surging wind and clouds.

That's not all. I watched helplessly as they dug trenches, built trench bridges, and laid out traps in a grand manner. Even the large reconnaissance buildings were ready-made, not to mention some of the mechanical devices and weapons.

It feels like staying at home, everything is neatly organized.

The Chu army was full of enthusiasm at the beginning, but gradually turned into a tense state waiting for the war. When they saw the strange heavy armored machinery, they were curious and talked about it: "Do you know? Do you know what they are? I've never seen this thing before, what is it used for?"

"Yeah, I know, but why do you care? They came all the way to build the city wall for us. The people of Qin are stupid."

Another person said: "They built this to fight us. Do you remember the last time we defeated Li Xin? We have mastered many of these guys' moves. It takes more than twenty brothers to push each one. The power of the launch is But it’s so fierce, if anyone goes up with a bronze sword, he’ll hit his head against a stone, and the string won’t be enough.”

A young soldier wearing a flimsy yellow and red military uniform came over and said, "Oh, is it really that exaggerated? I don't remember seeing the Qin people using it last time, so don't talk nonsense."

"You kid lied to you. What did you do to lie to me? General Xiang said it himself. Believe it or not."

"By the way, whoever gets more heads from the Qin people will get the reward, right?"

There was nothing to do but patrolling and eating. This group of soldiers with the Qu family emblem on their yellow and red military uniforms were muttering in front of the tent.

He didn't even know that General Xiang Yan was passing by the tent next to him.

The old and profound Xiang Yan held the sword awarded by the King of Chu at his waist and walked past with a group of generals without looking back.

The general left his post without permission, but there was no punishment from the general.

Wei Liaozi once said: "Every military system must be established first. If the system is established first, the soldiers will not be in chaos. If the soldiers are not in chaos, the punishment will be clear. If the golden drum points, a hundred people will fight; if it is trapped and arranged in chaos, a thousand people will fight; if the soldiers are not in chaos, then the punishment will be clear." If the army kills the general, then ten thousand people will fight together, and no one in the world will be able to fight against him."

Xiang Yan is definitely not a mediocre person in military affairs, so it is impossible that he does not understand this truth.

But it's helpless.

Today's Chu State's 600,000-strong army is mostly composed of Qu Jingzhao's private soldiers. There are only more than 100,000 soldiers who are the descendants of other illustrious Chu State elders. The remaining tens of thousands are the Xiang family's warriors who can serve as great warriors against Qin.

Today's gathering is just an embroidered pillow for the people of Qin to see.

The ownership of this group of treasures is still firmly in the hands of the nobles of the Chu State. They have different beliefs in dividing and governing, no military discipline, and self-contained royal laws. There are constant internal disputes, frictions and disputes.

How can we discipline our country when it is in danger?

Xiang Yan was worried.

He climbed up to the observation deck and looked far into the distance. The cloak embroidered with swirling flame patterns on his shoulders swayed in the wind, and his eyes were narrowed by the wind.

Six hundred thousand Qin troops came out from Lantian Camp and arrayed themselves in front of them.

What a concept.

Their leader commanded them like an arm.

Six hundred thousand slogans, united terror.

It is destined to be a bloody battle, which represents the never-ending ambition of the King of Qin and his determination to engulf the Chu Kingdom.

But the Qin people dared to fight with such a huge army in such a remote place.

What is his support.

What are the pillars of Qin?

The lead weight on Xiang Yan's chest was falling heavily, unable to reach the bottom.

Advanced, sophisticated, and even heavy machinery that has never been seen before are due to the fact that the Qin State already holds Zhao and Han, two inexhaustible iron mountains, and the towering and solid barriers, the Qin people worked all night for seven days Rising from the ground.

Not only are there strong and even half-built plank roads and waterways for transporting food, but there is also a huge logistics force comparable to an army.

A little more creepy.

In the Chu country, there are countless Qin countries, waiting at any time to set off a storm of political changes.


It is no less turbulent than the battlefield.

Pressing the palm of her hand on the damp railing, Xiang Yan's face was as numb as the sea. Even if there are real mountain gods, humans and ghosts, and hundreds of gods come to protect the world, after fighting against the Qin Dynasty, as long as there is still Chu State, Qu Jingzhao's three families are here.

Where will the way out for Chu State be?

Now divided and conquered, the Chu State is in danger.

Whether we can move towards Qu Zi's anti-blocking, banning cliques, encouraging farming and war, promoting talents, clarifying rewards and punishments, and changing customs, it will be as powerful as the Qin State today.


Can you hear the prayers of me and these thousands of Chu believers?

He opened his arms, closed his eyes and prayed to the sky, turning all the depression and sorrow into arrogant prayers, "Dong Jun, please lower your divine power, reveal your true body, and kill the Canglang Star who wants to dominate."


"If the enemy is defeated, then defend it."

Meng Yi, an internal official of the King of Qin who was awarded a high title, and the chief dispatcher of the general administration for the attack on Chu, peeled off the sea of ​​things and presented the most important and clear details to the King of Qin.

Ying Zheng sat under the copper lamp and opened the gold-painted scroll.

Meng Yi added: "The climate of Chu is humid and cold, the eating habits are different, the water quality is different, and the terrain is complex and unclear, making it difficult to arrange troops. The old general's defensive move is really the best strategy for Chu."

After a pause, he added, "But with such a confrontation, our 600,000-strong army not only needs food and clothing, but also repairs and armors. The transportation consumption is really staggering."

Ying Zheng showed no expression on his face and threw the scroll to him, "We will devote all our efforts to support the general. Anyone who is slack and disobeys will be killed without mercy."


Meng Yi followed him with an indescribable tacit understanding.

Meng Yi, who is familiar with military affairs and has rolled over the battlefield, used thunderous means to pull out these nails after the Chu clan fell, and also ensured that the vacancies were quickly filled without any glitches.

It can be said that he was highly valued by Ying Zheng.

Soon he handed over another top-secret copper tube and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, this is the secret agent dormant in Qu Jingzhao's family."

"Bring it here."

The oil lamp ticked away, and the night shrouded the place like a black crow.

When the monarch and his ministers walked out one after another, the green mountains in the distance looked dark and desolate. Meng Yi went to get him a cloak, covered him with it and said: "Your Majesty, the night is cold and cold."

"Hahahahaha, I'm afraid it will be too hot to put on such a thick cloak like yours."

Ying Zheng laughed heartily, "It's so frightening to be so weak."

Meng Yi said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, the dragon, the tiger, and the tiger are fierce, you are the Great Qin."

Before he finished speaking, Junshang's fist hit his shoulder blade. The upright and upright Junshang looked at him and said, "Excellent, you are the iron-blooded man of the Meng family."

After that, when he was about to catch up, Ying Zheng waved his hand and said, "No need to see me off. You have worked hard for so long. I hope you can go back home and have a good rest."

"Thank you, sir."

Meng Yi covered his shoulders and watched him go away until the figure completely disappeared in the bright lights on both sides.

He dragged his tired pace back, only those things as heavy as mountains and his brain kept turning around.

Only then can he let go of distracting thoughts and the past.

Throw away the piece of flesh and blood that is trembling with pain.

When Ying Zheng returned to the palace, it was already late at night, and the morning star was shining white above his head.

Zhao Gao almost bumped into the sedan chair and said in a panic: "Your Majesty, the queen has been missing for three consecutive days."

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