Chapter 52 Decided to save her
Su Xinmu's gaze was fixed on Fang Mei's back. The previous dean of the Medical Assistance Department should not be someone who lived in the old city.

Even if she was born in poverty, after joining the Interstellar Ability Academy, she will also be given the opportunity to receive resources.

Could it be related to the chaotic spiritual power in her body?

"The old city is still the same." Cheng Mian looked at the old buildings around him, a trace of nostalgia appeared in his eyes, and it turned into regret in an instant, "It would be great if the old city could keep pace with the times."

Fang Mei raised his eyes, and shook his head after a long silence, "Xiao Cheng, you should know that every planet has its own development. The beta star has developed very well, and those who can't keep up with the development will eventually be eliminated. "

Cheng Mian's lips moved, but he couldn't say anything.

There are stories.

With one hand in his pocket, Su Xinmu looked between the two of them, a little curious, but not to the extent that she had to know.

There was silence all the way, and no one spoke again.

Led by Cheng Mian, they soon arrived at the residential area where Fang Mei lived. It was an old-fashioned six-story building with most of the walls peeling off, losing its original color, and very little greenery.

The fitness equipment screws on the square are missing and loose, and the benches are crooked.

It's hard to imagine that this would happen on Star Beta, which is second only to Star Alpha in terms of economic development.

Even the edge of Blue Star is more prosperous than here.

Fang Mei lived on the first floor, there were three small steps at the door, Su Xinmu and He Tian smiled and lifted the wheelchair up.

After unlocking and entering the door, the layout of Fang Mei's house also fell into his eyes.

The furniture is all outdated styles, some are even on the edge of damage, barely assembled and continue to be used.

"Welcome home, Grandma Fang." The round-headed robot greeted them: "Welcome guests."

"Xiaoyuan, we have guests at home today, add some meat dishes for lunch." Fang Mei smiled and instructed it.

"Okay, Grandma Fang." The robot dragged its heavy legs slowly into the small kitchen and began to work in a tinkling manner.

The robot is a very old one, and it seems that the parts of the machine are not working.

Seeing Su Xinmu and He Tian staring at the robot with a smile, Fang Mei explained: "Xiao Yuan was given to me by Xiao Cheng. I have it this year. She must be in her 20s."

"In my 20s..." Even Su Xinmu couldn't help being shocked.

He Tian laughed and shouted out: "How much, how much? More than 20 years?! Uncle Cheng, why don't you replace Grandma Fang with a new one?"

Cheng Mian smiled helplessly, "Do you think I haven't thought about it? Dean Fang didn't accept it at all, saying it was extravagant and a waste."

Fang Mei patted his arm, and said convincingly: "Isn't it just a waste, Xiaoyuan can still work, and the star coins to buy an intelligent robot are enough to do a lot of things."

Excessive saving has even affected his own life. Either he has been hurt and has psychological shadows, or the star coins are left for other uses.

Su Xinmu raised his eyelids, looked around the room, and suddenly stopped on a photo hanging on the wall.

Fang Mei in the photo is still young, about 40 to [-] years old, holding a half-grown girl in her left hand, and a taller youth standing on her right.

Coincidentally, Su Xinmu knew all three of the above.

Fang Zhiping and Cheng Mian.

There is not much difference between Fang Zhiping's appearance before and now, they both have a cheerful and gentle appearance, very similar to Fang Mei.

But, why did Fang Zhiping open a restaurant in the fringe area of ​​Blue Star?

"Grandma Fang, are you and Aunt Fang...a mother-daughter relationship?" Su Xinmu hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't help asking.

"Yes, she is my daughter." Fang Mei raised her eyes and stared at the photo, her eyes full of longing, "It's just that she hasn't come back for many years..."

Cheng Mian gave Su Xinmu a wink to signal her not to speak, stepped forward to support Fang Mei, and at the same time handed her the crutch beside her, "President Fang, why don't you go back to the room and rest? I have to discuss it with them too." Discuss how to treat you."

Fang Mei leaned on a cane, and with Cheng Mian's support, she tremblingly lifted her feet, and walked towards the bedroom step by step.

They walked far away, and Su Xinmu heard her say: "You, I can see through your thoughts..."

Not long after, Cheng Mian came back and told them about Fang Mei's past in a low voice.

Fang Mei was born in the old city of Beta Star. Her father and mother divorced when she was one year old, and she lived with her mother. When she was three years old, her mother died of illness.

She was orphaned.

The old people who lived in the old city pitied her and gave her the few food in the family. She was a child who grew up eating hundreds of meals.

Later, due to her outstanding abilities, she was enrolled in the Interstellar Academy of Abilities. After graduation, she stayed at the school and sat as the dean of the Department of Healing Assistance.

Her life changed, and she never forgot the people of Old Town.

She established nursing homes and orphanages in the old city, and all the income was used to subsidize the elderly and children so that the children could learn to read.

Everyone affectionately called her Dean Fang.

However, maintaining the normal operation of nursing homes and orphanages in the old city of Star Beta is not as easy as imagined.

"She had a problem with her health, so she resigned from the job of the dean." At this point, Cheng Mian stopped suddenly, his eyes were slightly red, and then said: "Fang Zhiping and I are both Dean Fang. Adopted child."

"Plop!" There was a loud noise from the bedroom behind him.

Su Xinmu was the first to react, and rushed in to support Fang Mei who was kneeling beside the bed.

She was in such a bad condition that even her breathing was becoming weak.

"He Tian smiled, help me." Su Xinmu's face turned serious, and immediately picked up Fang Mei and placed her on the bed, forcing the spiritual energy to escape and spread in the bedroom.

He Tian was stunned with a smile, "Mumu, you want to..."

Cheng Mian was also dumbfounded, but when he saw Su Xinmu's intentions in the next second, he was shocked: "Are you crazy? This kind of consumption is huge. If you fail, you may also..."

"There's no time, she's in a bad state." Su Xinmu stared at Fang Mei's situation. Maybe the backlash during the assessment today affected her, and the spiritual power in Fang Mei's body was violent.

If you don't try to contain it, you will die.

This is her responsibility, not to mention how kind-hearted Fang Mei is, and she is Aunt Fang's adoptive mother...

"Okay, I'll help you!" He Tian responded with a smile, put his hand around Su Xinmu's wrist, and moved his spiritual power at will, closely accompanying her.

Cheng Mian raised his eyebrows, and smiled, if something happened, how could he explain to Lao He!

These two children turned out to be more reckless than the other.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but saw that they had sunk into a state of ecstasy.

Cheng Mian's throat tightened, and he actually felt that he was not as good as a young man. Perhaps, he was old...

Finally, he quietly exited the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

The gentle spiritual power spread out, and slowly wrapped and protected this place to avoid accidents, and the aftermath of the burst of spiritual power would hurt ordinary people.

This should be the only thing he can do at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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