Chapter 81
When the two returned to the house, the dossiers about Qi Shaoyu and Qi Ruyu's life stories had been sorted out and sent to the Shizi's house.

This Qi family once had a great general guarding the frontier, and the descendants inherited the grace of the emperor and saved a fortune, but his father, Qi Wenyuan, chose a completely different path from his ancestors - to become an official through the imperial examination and become a civil servant.

After more than ten years of studying hard, Qi Wenyuan finally got into high school, and finally got transferred as he wished, and became the county magistrate of Sishui County.

During this person's reign, the weather in Sishui County was smooth and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. He was soon promoted to the magistrate of Huai'an Prefecture. Who knows, in the end he was dismissed because of abusing his power.

Perhaps because he couldn't accept this fact, Qi Wenyuan left home angrily and never appeared again, and no one knew where he went.

Fortunately, the emperor thought of the kindness of the Qi family's ancestors, and did not investigate the crimes of the rest of the Qi family, so the Qi family was preserved.

However, Qi Wenyuan's wife, Xu, shed tears every day because she was abandoned by her husband, and passed away not long after, leaving only the young Qi Ruyu and Qi Shaoyu to live with their grandfather and grandmother.

Therefore, the siblings did not have a good life when they were young, and it is precisely because of this that they cherish each other more and have a very deep relationship.

Later, my elder sister married Li Danchen, but died in the third year because of poor health since childhood.

After Qi Shaoyu heard the news of his sister's death, he became very anxious and became seriously ill, which lasted for a month.

On the first day he recovered, he directly hired a dozen people who demanded money but would not kill them, stormed into Li's house, hacked and killed 13 people, and threatened to let Li Danchen's whole family be buried with his sister.

Afterwards, Du Zhifu led people to arrive, but to no avail, he shot them dead.

After reading it, both of them felt a little heavy.

Dian Su thought about it for a while, but still felt a little strange: "Qi Wenyuan was so dedicated to his duties when he was the magistrate of Sishui County, why did he start abusing his power as soon as he became the magistrate? He can study hard for more than ten years to obtain fame, how could he not Do you know how to cherish all this?"

"And this Qi Shaoyu, even if he has a good relationship with his sister, he still doesn't understand the consequences of killing people. How could he be so impulsive and implicate the entire Qi family?"

Dian Su still felt something was wrong.

The son said: "I don't dare to judge the matter of Qi Shaoyu, but this Qi Wenyuan is an official of the imperial court. It is more troublesome to investigate his affairs. I need to use my father's handbook to retrieve the secret files of Huai'an Mansion and Lin'an County. Let’s check it out tomorrow.”

"Alright, the son will rest earlier."

Dian Su heard the words, nodded, and left Shizi's courtyard.

The prince took a shower and rested.

Although he usually didn't deliberately keep going to bed early, but he would never stay up so late, especially today he was affected by the grieving ghost once.

Lying on the bed right now, I was exhausted physically and mentally, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Not long after falling asleep, Diansu quietly appeared in the prince's room.

She lightly lit the tranquilizing incense, moved it to Shizi's bedside, and stuffed a few talismans drawn by her essence and blood beside Shizi's pillow.

In this way, Shizi will not have nightmares at night.

After finishing all this, Diansu told Zhi'an to take care of Shizi carefully, and if there was anything wrong, tell her immediately, and then quietly left Shizi's room with the bone lamp.

It's just that Diansu didn't know that Zhi'an had already been subdued by the prince, and secretly tipped him off.

After Dian Su left, Shi Zi opened his eyes on the back, obviously not asleep at all.

Seeing the curling green smoke from the hollowed-out gilt incense burner, and the yellow talisman paper protruding from the pillow, Shi Zi felt so warm that he almost melted.

Why is her Susu so good?
The prince raised his hand and reached into the lapel of his chest, and took out a carefully placed red string.

It is said to be a red rope, but in fact it is just two silk threads twisted together, so it looks stronger.

There are a lot of such ordinary red ropes on the street, but at this moment, His Royal Highness is holding such a red rope as a treasure.

Recalling the feeling of touching Diansu's forehead just now, for some reason, Shizi suddenly remembered the scene of the big wedding in the dream.

At that time, he and Diansu were not familiar with each other, but he took the opportunity to kiss her lightly because it was his dream and Diansu didn't know anything.

At that time, she was standing like that, her eyes were full of astonishment, she looked very cute.

He still remembers that Diansu's lips were soft, softer than any milk cake he had ever tasted.

It was also from that time on that his thoughts towards her were like weeds that grew wantonly on the wasteland. When the wind blows, they spread all over the sky, and even the fire can't burn them out.

The prince stroked the red rope, remembering that Diansu had taken the initiative to hold his hand today, his eyes darkened.

On the other end, Diansu entered the ghost domain again.

With a wave of her hand, she slipped out Shaoyuti who had been waiting to be let out to play, and threw it on the ground.

Shaoyu was caught off guard and "ba da" fell hard, just rolled on the ground twice, it took a while to recover, and looked at Diansu with a dazed expression.

"My lord, what are you doing? Didn't you agree to let me go out to play for a while?"

He really didn't understand, he didn't do anything bad, why did Su look at him like a deputy interrogator?
Diansu smiled lightly, chose a flat rock to sit down, and said to Shaoyu: "Come, come here, talk to me."

Upon hearing this, Shaoyu knew that Diansu was going to settle accounts after Qiuhou, so he immediately showed a flattering smile, looked back and moved back: "My lord, it's so late, why don't you rest? Rest If it’s not enough, you’ll grow old.”

Dian Su glanced at him, and said coolly: "You should also know that I'm not a good person, so if you insist on persuading me patiently, if you still refuse to tell me, I have plenty of ways to deal with you."

After speaking, Dian Su raised his hand, making a gesture to cast a spell.

Seeing this, Shaoyu's expression changed, he begged for mercy, and said cowardly, "Don't, don't, don't, you have something to say, you have something to say! But don't do it! If you want to know something, just ask, I will know everything There are endless words, and I dare not deceive even half of it!"

He has seen a lot about Diansu's skills, a person who can subdue even the king of ghosts, but he is just a little evil ghost, how can he stand up to her torture?
Seeing how frightened he was, Diansu sneered, drew the tone, and said leisurely: "Now I know I'm afraid, I remember, it wasn't like this when you sued Shizi earlier."

Hearing this, Shaoyu knew he was wrong, and said with a sneer, "My lord, this is all in the past. Your lord has a lot, so let's not mention it?"

Dian Su glanced at him, and his voice was slightly cold, "Then tell me, what's going on, why did you react so strongly when you heard about Qi Shaoyu?"

Although it was a bit useless, Shaoyu was still an evil ghost after all, so he couldn't even control his ghostly aura.

At that time, his ghostly aura suddenly rioted, causing the underworld fire to rage in the bone lamp. If she hadn't noticed something was wrong in time, Shaoyu's few cultivation bases would have been completely burned out, and even his soul would be scattered.

Ghost Qi will not riot for no reason, if it is said that there is no reason, she will not believe it.

Shaoyu scratched his head, and said in confusion: "Speaking of which, even I don't believe it myself, I really don't know who Qi Shaoyu is, and I don't know Qi Ruyu, but just when I heard that part, I suddenly felt a ghost out of control..."

He recalled the situation at that time, "At that time, I really didn't have much memory. When I came back to my senses, I was burned to the ground."

As he said that, he said with some embarrassment, "Isn't it because I was frightened by the fire at the time and my mind was not clear, so I thought it was the adults who suddenly set me on fire?"

(End of this chapter)

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