Chapter 256

As soon as Ji Jingqing came out of the restaurant, he received a call from his assistant.

"Mr. Ji, it's not good, something happened to Xiao Yangmei!"

Things about Xiao Yangmei have exploded on the Internet, and it was less than two hours after the recording of the show.

[Laughing dead, a person said in the show that people wear fakes, but in fact the person wearing fakes is himself. 】

[Finally, it's Xiao Yangmei's turn to be a plagiarist. It's okay to copy someone else's. If someone else's photos are similar, you have to criticize them. 】

[Where are Xiao Yangmei's fans?Why don't you come out to speak at this time? 】

[I haven't paid attention to her for a long time, has her reputation become so bad now? 】

[The clothes are fake, the rich second-generation boyfriend is fake, and the beauty is also fake (as said by the fans at the scene). 】

"Mr. Ji, what should we do now? Xiao Yangmei is the anchor with the best statistics in our Suifa app."

The assistant was not sure what Ji Jingqing meant, and he didn't dare to speculate.

After about a minute, Ji Jingqing finally said, "Didn't I say to stop Xiao Yangmei's activities last time?"

In a word, the anxious assistant fell into an ice cave, his voice trembling: "It's Manager Wang from the department"

"Then something happened, you come to ask me?"

Ji Jingqing hung up the phone after finishing speaking, he was really not in a good mood right now.

Zuo Qiongqiong didn't play cards according to the routine at all, which made him uncertain of the opponent's intention for a while.

At the beginning, Ji Jingqing only felt that the other party was playing hard to get, and he just wanted to silently raise the notification fee this time.

But after meeting today, Ji Jingqing felt a little overwhelmed. The other party was either really doing what he wanted, or the method was more clever.

Even his own almost fell into the opponent's trap.
The caller who hung up just now called back again. The assistant thought that Ji Jingqing had a solution, but the other party just dropped a sentence: "Give me a copy of the screen recording of today's live broadcast."

When Ji Jingqing returned home, he had already received the full live video.

This video will be re-released by the platform after being edited on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

He sat in front of the computer and started watching from the live broadcast.

In normal times, Ji Jingqing would not watch such boring variety shows, but today Zuo Qiongqiong had a great influence on him. He needs to understand the other party in more detail, not just the text of the investigation materials.

The study door was knocked lightly a few times, but Ji Jingqing didn't lift his head, "Come in."

Wen Shuning walked in with fruit, and said, "You frowned as soon as you came back, what kind of trouble did you encounter?"

She put the fruit on the table and was a little surprised to see the picture on the screen, "Is this a variety show? Why are you watching this all of a sudden?"

His son knew that Wen Shuning had never seen Ji Jingqing look at this kind of thing before.

Like Ji Fangde, he is old-fashioned at a young age.

Ji Jingqing took a sip of coffee, pointed to the person on the screen and said, "It's her, Zuo Qiongqiong, Lu Qingze's girlfriend, I originally wanted to poach her here, but the other party didn't agree, and she played a trick on me today. "

"President Xiao Lu's girlfriend, can still deceive you, I want to see if it is."

After the screen camera zoomed in, the smile on Wen Shuning's face stopped.

The mosaic during the live broadcast was added by the program team in the background, but what Ji Jingqing saw was uncensored video.

Holding a knife, Zuo Qiongqiong cut open the chicken's neck neatly and put it into the prepared plastic bag.

She didn't frown the whole time, and she didn't look like the same person at all.

The picture was a bit bloody, Ji Jingqing turned his head aside, looking at the dragon fruit on the plate, he lost his appetite.

"Mom, does this woman look familiar to you?"

Ji Jingqing asked, but didn't get a response for a long time. When he looked up, Wen Shuning was staring at the screen.


After shouting several times, Wen Shuning came back to her senses, "What's wrong?"

Ji Jingqing sighed, "What's wrong with you? What were you thinking just now?"

"It's nothing?" Wen Shuning pulled out a smiling face, but how do you look at this smile, why is it so stiff, "What did you say this girl's name just now?"

"Zuo Qiongqiong, she is also a video shooter, and she is in the app called Zuo Fugui." Ji Jingqing said.

The other party doesn't usually like to watch these videos, why did he suddenly ask this?

Wen Shuning said "yes" several times in a row, and then walked out of the study in a daze.

Ji Jingqing frowned, even if he saw someone who looked similar to him, he shouldn't be so surprised, right?
When Zuo Qiongqiong and Lu Qingze returned home, several people were having today's Thai style 'afternoon tea'.

"Sister Qiongqiong, you are so kind. This is the first time I have eaten this kind of food. Although the taste is a bit strange, it is really delicious."

Wang Huiling said excitedly while eating the curry fish cake in her hand.

Mei Hongmin was holding mango rice, "The food in our country is still delicious, these are not very good."

Zuo Qiongqiong agreed, "Yes, I think it's better to eat stewed pork rice! But these are all free, everyone has a try."


Hearing the word 'free' is enough to make people's hearts flutter.

"I met Ji Jingqing in the restaurant, he paid the bill." Lu Qingze glanced at a few people, and pulled Zuo Qiongqiong upstairs.

Wang Huiling didn't know who Ji Jingqing was, so she was stunned, not knowing whether to chew the food in her mouth or not.

Zuo Qiongqiong: "It's just a friend, eat and drink well, Xiao Guang and Xiao Fan don't eat too much, be careful of food accumulation."

After the two came to the study, Lu Qingze looked at her seriously and said, "You want to participate in Ji Jingqing's parent-child program."

His tone was affirmative.

Zuo Qiongqiong suddenly felt a little guilty, and took out the business card in his pocket. They put it in his own pocket secretly, why was he still found?

She put the business card on the table and said, "Ji Jingqing is quite right, just think of it as going out to play for free, and let the two children get in touch with others."

Zuo Qiongqiong looked up, but the other party was still sullen.

"Are you angry?"

Lu Qingze shook his head, "It's good that you have your own ideas, and I'm glad you can share them with me. But Ji Jingqing is an old fox, he's absolutely uneasy and kind."

"He's an old fox, Zhuge Liang is also on my side!"

Zuo Qiongqiong looked at him, and said expectantly: "Lu Qingze, you won't help me, will you?"

For Lu Qingze, acting like a baby is very easy.

As long as Zuo Qiongqiong spoke in a soft voice, Lu Qingze couldn't help but agree.


Zuo Qiongqiong blocked his words, and suddenly thought of something: "Wait a minute, I forgot to give you something!"

Two minutes later, Zuo Qiongqiong brought back a small box, "This is for you, I was going to give it to you yesterday, but Lu Qingye forgot about it when he came back, see if you like it?"

"Like it!" Lu Qingze said before opening it.

Zuo Qiongqiong muttered, took his trembling hand, and took out the tie inside.

"It's not something expensive, it's the first time I've given you a gift, don't hold it against you."

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(End of this chapter)

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