Chapter 227 Tofu~Hot Tofu~
After that day, Zuo Qiongqiong never heard from Tian Xu again. With such an injury, he must be either dead or disabled.

At the beginning, Zuo Qiongqiong felt that a week for a child like Zuo Fan was difficult, but the time passed in a blink of an eye.

Last night, she soaked some beans in advance and planned to make some tofu by herself.

The soybeans grown by myself are plump, and after soaking in clear water overnight, they become fat and plump.

Put the soybeans into the cooking machine and crush them. Zuo Qiongqiong prepares a lot of soybeans. Although the two cooking machines can be used at the same time, it still needs to be divided several times.

A spoonful of soybeans, add a little more water, the ratio of soybeans to water is almost 1:4, and make a fine soybean juice.

The longer the beating time, the more delicate the soybean juice will be.

Prepare a piece of clean gauze and filter the beaten soybean juice.

In this way, the unbroken bean skin and bean dregs can be filtered out, and the tofu made will be more delicate.

Put a bowl of boiling water in a clean cauldron, and pour the filtered soybean juice into it. The soybean juice made in this way is not easy to burn.

The filtered bean dregs are also edible. Zuo Qiongqiong had eaten bean dregs balls in a restaurant before, full of bean flavor.

Turn on the medium heat and start to boil the soy milk, keep stirring to prevent the pot from sticking.

Boil until many small bubbles appear on the surface, it is almost the same, continue to boil for a while, then the bubbles will disappear, and the soy milk is cooked.

Zuo Qiongqiong put out four bowls of soy milk first, and tasted it later.

Then turn off the heat, prepare a bowl of water, the ratio of white vinegar and water is 1:1, mix well and set aside.

There is a layer of slick oil on the surface of the boiled soy milk, which is similar to the oily soy skin sold outside.

Zuo Qiongqiong fished it out with chopsticks, then poured the soy milk into a large basin, poured the vinegar water into the soy milk evenly, and stirred it evenly with a spoon.

After stirring for a while, you can see the fine bean curd in the spoon.

At this time, it is almost the same, cover the lid, and wait for the bean curd in the pot to slowly condense.

At this time, you can add a bowl of bean curd sauce, shallots, salt, light soy sauce, and sesame oil, and stir well for later use.

After about 10 minutes, the beancurd and water in the big pot have separated.

Take out a spoonful and put it into the seasoning bowl just now, and the fragrant beans are ready to eat.

Then prepare a strainer, put it on top of the bean curd in the pot, use a spoon to fill out the water in the bean curd and pour it out.

The next step is to make tofu, prepare a suitable frame and spread a layer of fine gauze.

If there is no suitable frame, you can use a draining basket, but it is best to be square, and the shape will look better.

Pour in the prepared bean curd just now, and smooth it out with a spoon or a spatula.

The surrounding gauze is folded up towards the middle, and a heavy object is pressed on it to press out the moisture in the tofu.

If you like soft tofu, press it less for a while, and if you like firm tofu, press it more.

Zuo Qiongqiong was divided into two pieces, one part was made into tender tofu, and the other part was made into firm tofu.

She put the chopping board on it and decided to press it down with a large bucket of water.

As soon as he picked it up, the bucket in his hand was taken over.

Lu Qingze steadily put the bucket on the chopping board, "What are you doing?"

Zuo Qiongqiong adjusted his position, "Tofu, I don't know if it will succeed."

It is very simple to read the tutorial, and my own steps are also correct. I hope that what I make will not disappoint me.

She took out the soy milk that was filled just now, "There is still a little soy milk left, do you want to add sugar?"

"Yes." Lu Qingze nodded.

Zuo Qiongqiong almost forgot that this person likes sweet things the most.

The two of them each had a bowl, and Zuo Qiongqiong also put a little sugar to increase the sweetness.

Because there is an extra step of filtration, it tastes more delicate than the usual soy milk, and the mouth is full of bean flavor.

Zuo Qiongqiong narrowed his eyes in satisfaction: "It's so delicious, it's indeed the soybeans I planted myself, the soybean milk I made by myself."

This kind of satisfaction from beginning to end cannot be bought.

Zuo Qiongqiong put away the tofu dregs. At noon, she could make meatballs and fry them with cabbage and oil dregs.

When the time was almost up, Zuo Qiongqiong removed one piece of tofu first, and the bucket moved away. The tofu underneath trembled and formed on the outside, but the inside was still soft when cut with a knife.

This kind of tender tofu is especially good for soup or mapo tofu, and the taste is smooth and tender.

Zuo Qiongqiong drew three copies and sent one to Zuo Dafu's family, and sister Li and Wang Huiling's family also shared some.

Although it is ordered with vinegar water, it does not taste sour at all. Add chopped shallots, some sesame oil and salt, and mix them with chopsticks. The simplest tofu with shallots is completed.

Even though the tofu was delivered to his mouth, Lu Qingze still didn't believe that Zuo Qiongqiong made it.

It seems that no matter what it is, the other party can easily do it.

Not to mention that Lu Qingze didn't believe it, neither did Mei Hongmin and Xie Xinguo.

This white and square tofu can be made at home by yourself.

"Xiao Zuo is amazing, don't talk about sweet potato vermicelli, and this tofu, just do what you say, you have to burn incense and worship Buddha if you can be with Xiao Zuo!" Mei Hongmin praised.

Lu Qingze nodded, not paying any attention to the belittling from his grandmother.

In the morning, Zuo Qiongqiong processed the video of processing sweet potatoes. Because it took several days and the material was very long, she and Wang Huiling were half alone.

Immediately after posting it, I received the first comment:
【Am I dazzled?15 minutes long video! 】

[High yield looks like that!Love love love! 】

[1 minute ago, it was hot! 】

[Is this the sweet potato that was processed a few days ago?I didn't catch up with the live broadcast at that time, Fugui is so caring. 】

【Watching videos every day is learning new skills, I am afraid that one day I will suddenly end up on a deserted island...】

[I am different, I learned to go back to my hometown to farm. 】

There are like comments, and there are belittling voices.

【Is the redstone made in this way really edible?It feels like a small workshop. 】

[Although I can't eat this kind of vermicelli, I can go out and buy a more hygienic production environment. 】

[I regret participating in the lottery, I feel like I will have diarrhea after eating...]

[If you feel unhygienic, quit. If you want to eat clean, do it yourself. Fugui's house is already very clean, okay? 】

[There is no shortage of barbers everywhere, back off! 】

Now the fans already have the ability to distinguish on their own and with Wang Huiling watching, Zuo Qiongqiong is not worried.

School was about to end, Zuo Qiongqiong stood by the gate and waited for Zuo Fan to come out.

There is a large group of parents around her at the moment, all talking about the novelty of what Zuo Qiongqiong made before.

"I didn't expect that people in the city didn't know much about it. I watched the live broadcast of washing sweet potatoes, and tens of thousands of people watched it!"

"People don't know that sweet potatoes grow in the soil, but Aunt Zuo Fan has the ability!"

"The shrimp slippery I made last time, my child drank a big bowl and said he wanted to keep eating!"

Surrounded in the middle, Zuo Qiongqiong almost froze with laughter.

 Thank you Xiaojiang Xingxing Baozi and the two treasures who have turned on the spring sleepy mode for the reward, mememe () (He Yunzhou's new variety show is the content of Ke Kezi's next new book, a story about two little monsters~)

(End of this chapter)

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