Chapter 182 Today is Children's Session

Under the strong request of fans, Zuo Qiongqiong finally started the live broadcast.

"Family! Long time no see, today is the Baozi special session, for my beloved treasures!"

[It's actually a live broadcast?You kid actually know how to start a live broadcast? 】

[Did everyone forget that Fugui hasn't updated the video for many days]

[Don't forget about Gou Fugui, Fugui, don't you update after you don't need full attendance now? 】

【Earth-flavored love story.】

[Ben Baozi feels very dissatisfied, it is best to broadcast live for eight hours today! 】

Facing the accusation on the screen, Zuo Qiongqiong quickly explained: "My family, calm down, my new house will be moved in soon, remember to come and see me moving tomorrow!

There is also the update problem during this period, the little guy has gone to school, I am a little worried.”

【right!I used to make dumplings with my family in the same way, be sure to stir in one direction! 】

The dough just now has been proofed very well. Put it on the chopping board and knead it to exhaust air, and then divide it into equal-sized doses.

[I can eat two cages! 】

Stir the eggs, milk and sugar in the pot evenly, then put all the remaining ingredients in, turn on a low heat, and cook on a low heat while stirring.

[If you have children at home, you must like this very much, I can eat it empty-handed. 】

[Is the method of mung bean paste the same as this one?I really have a sweet tooth! 】

[This is the first time I know how to make custard stuffing!Try it at home! 】

You can put scallions, ginger, star anise, and Chinese prickly ash into a bowl, then pour in hot water, soak the flavors of the seasonings, and stir them into the meat paste.

[Children like to eat this kind of cute food, so I will keep it for my husband to try. 】

Zuo Qiongqiong added light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce and salt to the meat stuffing for seasoning, and there happened to be a little chives, which can be added to enhance the flavor.

[Caidan tried it carefully, my family did it before, and I accidentally dropped it on the ground and stepped on it. I asked where it came from, and was beaten up. 】

[Little guy goes to school, shouldn't you update the video more? 】

Finally, stir-fry until the bean paste is thick, and it can be out of the pan when there is a sense of accumulation.

"If you want a more delicate taste, then sieve it in the middle, continue to cook, and finally the water evaporates, and it will not stick to your hands, and you can hold it into a ball."

It may be that the original owner's cooking skills were really bad before, but now no matter what Zuo Qiongqiong cooks, they are very supportive.

"If you like to eat soup dumplings, you can add some meat jelly, and the meat jelly inside will melt when the steamed buns are steamed, and when you eat them, you can fill them with soup.

Put the processed red beans into the rice cooker and cook for a while until the red beans are very soft.

Make bean paste filling and custard filling first, each bun is cute and cute.

【Stop talking, my younger brother and sister are going to kindergarten, and my grandma can wait at the kindergarten gate for a day.】

[When I was a child, my mother said that it contained unhealthy things and wouldn't let me eat it. Now I can prove it to her! 】

Zuo Qiongqiong saw signs of improvement in the comments on the screen, and began to introduce today's live broadcast.

She seemed to think of something suddenly, looked at the camera and said seriously: "Don't worry, everyone, my hands are clean."

Zuo Qiongqiong put it in a glass box and put it in the refrigerator. "It's easier to roll into balls after refrigerating for a while. If you can't finish eating, you can seal it and put it in the refrigerator for storage."

Zuo Qiongqiong read the tutorial in advance, and made some fancy ones by himself, such as little rabbits, little pigs, and little ducks. If they were taken out, they would be quite explosive!
"There are children in the family who don't like to eat. You can learn from me and make a trick. The children still like it very much."

Zuo Qiongqiong coded out all the ingredients, "My family, the following are the ingredients needed for custard filling, there should be no one who doesn't like custard filling, right?

"Today we are going to make three types of buns, red bean paste buns, custard buns and xiaolongbao. Family members who want to learn can take out a small notebook and write it down."

[Excuses are all excuses! 】

[It's not me who blows, I take one bite of this kind of steamed bun! 】

Three eggs, milk, flour, cornstarch, milk powder and sugar, if you can’t remember, remember to take a screenshot. "

[The steamed buns with water will produce soup, which is really delicious! 】

"Add the seasoning water to the meat stuffing in small amounts and several times. Remember to stir vigorously in one direction. This is the secret to the delicious meat stuffing."

The first step in making red bean paste buns is to cook bean paste fillings. Zuo Qiongqiong liked to eat buns with bean paste fillings when he was a child, and he is especially good at making fillings.

The dough is kneaded by Zuo Qiongqiong before making the fillings. Before making the final Xiaolongbao fillings, the steamed buns are softer and softer.

【My child doesn't like to eat, he just vomited the porridge he made last time.】

But the soup dumpling is best wrapped with hot noodles. I didn’t prepare it today, but I will definitely do it next time! "

[Hahahahaha, I predicted Xiao Heizi's speech hahaha. 】

[This is how my family does it, it will be more fragrant if you add a little butter. 】

Next is the custard stuffing that adults and children love to eat. Many people like to eat it, but they don't know how to make it.

Zuo Qiongqiong briefly tested the state with his hand, and almost turned off the fire.

If you want it to be finer, put it in a food processor and blend it into red bean paste.

"When it first entered the pot, it was in a relatively thin state, and it would splash out like a volcanic eruption. You can cover the pot first, and then stir it every 2 minutes. Just don't stick to the pot."

Stir the pork into meat filling and add seasoning water. Many people don't like to eat ginger, but it is essential to remove ginger in the step of removing fishy smell.

Add some sesame oil at the end, and the filling of the xiao long bao is complete.

"This is the red bean that was soaked yesterday. It's best to soak it a day in advance, so that the skin of the red bean will come off when you rub it with your hands. It's also more convenient to steam. You can also buy peeled red beans, which is more convenient to make."

[The above sisters reflect on it, is it because the child refuses to eat or the food you cook is not delicious? 】

[The red bean paste is actually fried!I always thought it was steamed! 】

Put oil in a non-stick pan, pour the mashed red bean paste into it and stir fry, if you like sweeter ones, add some honey and maltose.

[When you are unhappy, you must have something sweet. If you feel rich, you don’t need to go to the store. You can cook whatever you want. 】

[The kitchen idiot is about to cry, the child said the food in the kindergarten is delicious, and he doesn't want me as a mother anymore. 】

[Our kindergarten meals here are also heavy, and they can be changed every day. 】

Zuo Qiongqiong was about to cry with envy when he saw the school where his children were being discussed. Why didn't he have such a kindergarten when he was a child?When I get my driver's license, I will definitely pick up and drop off the food every day, so that Zuo Fan can eat healthy and delicious food, and it is also possible to send it to the school in the town.

The small buns cooked faster, Zuo Qiongqiong took them out carefully, put them in a basket, steamed them more, let them cool down and put them in the refrigerator, and took them out to heat up if they wanted to eat them.

 Thank you for the rabbit red envelopes of the two treasures -BC and Junxi 1.07 that I miss, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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