Chapter 54
"Beautiful, as expected of my sister, really cool!" Jiang Chu took out a pack of melon seeds from his backpack with relish, and sat on the ground like a melon-eating crowd.

Xiao Hei followed Jiang Chu, rubbing his melon seeds and nodding repeatedly, "Brother Chu is right, you really deserve to be my senior sister, you are simply amazing!"

The corners of Wen Hao's mouth twitched. They were really casual and didn't worry about whether Jiang Qian was in danger at all.

After all, Wen Hao still had too little contact with Jiang Qian, so he didn't know how vicious Jiang Qian was.He didn't know, as long as Jiang Qian was in a match with someone else, just wait and see the show, Jiang Qian only wanted to be handsome, and the other party only wanted to be a loser.

Sure enough, when Zhang Chen heard what Jiang Qian said, his knees softened and he knelt down, tremblingly groping for a small bottle from his arms.

Jiang Qian got the antidote as she wished, and after taking it to Chi Mubei, she pointed at Zhou Shutuo and the others behind her with her pale eyes, "Where's the antidote for their poisoned people?"

Zhang Chen quickly shook his head, claiming that they all had the same poison, and they were all blind.

Jiang Qian didn't speak any more, she took Chi Mubei back to her camp, and handed the antidote to Yu Yu.

Yu Yu got the antidote and gave it to all the people who were recruited. As expected, they all returned to their original state after a while.

In this case, Jiang Qian also expected that Zhang Chen would not dare to lie, but how would the people from Shengzhou Academy deal with it.After all, this is still a matter between Tianyi College and Shengzhou College. It is inconvenient for an outsider to intervene too much, after all, she is not a graduate of Tianyi College.

"You decide what to do." Jiang Qian put down her words and went to check on Chi Mubei's injury. Fortunately, there was only a gash in the neck, and the wound was not deep.

"How do you feel?" Jiang Qian looked at Chi Mubei whose eyes were gradually focusing, and her tone was no longer dull.

"Hehe, it's okay, but was I saved by your hero? Qianqian." Chi Mubei rubbed the bandaged wound on his neck annoyed.

"No, that hermaphrodite is not your opponent. It's just that I really can't see him being yin and yang, so I'll just teach him a lesson." Jiang Qian smiled shyly, and her two charming dimples became drunk A large group of students from Tianyi College.

"What are you going to do?" Jiang Qian pointed to the people of Shengzhou Academy and asked Chi Mubei's opinion.

"I won't pay attention to them anymore. If Shutuo wakes up, I believe it will be the same choice. We are different from those in Shengzhou, we never thought of putting anyone to death." Chi Mubei stared for a while and shivered The students of Shengzhou, they are trying to find a way to thaw the hermaphrodite. The face of the hermaphrodite has turned pale and purple from the cold at this time, and if nothing else happens, he will definitely suffer from frostbite.

Jiang Qian shrugged and didn't say anything. Everyone in Tianyi Academy also held the same opinion as Chi Mubei.It's just that Zhou Shuyi was still aggrieved and wanted to go up and avenge his brother and Chi Mubei.

Yu Yu stopped her. She knew that with Zhou Shuyi's abilities, she was no match for those people at all, and she was asking for trouble if she went up.As Zhou Shutuo's girlfriend, she should somewhat stop his sister.

Zhou Shuyi couldn't resist Yu Yu, so he could only reluctantly stay by his brother's side, and would come over to see the injured Chi Mubei from time to time, his eyes were full of seeds of hatred.

Seeing that Tianyi didn't intend to kill them all, the people of Shengzhou Academy quickly worked together and fled the land of right and wrong holding the hermaphrodite frozen into ice.

Shengzhou Academy fled, and everyone lost their sense of crisis, so they began to tease Chi Mubei. "Brother, who is this heroic young lady? Why do you care so much about you?"

"That's right, Senior Brother Mubei, are you secretly in love?"

"Brother Mubei, when will we get married? We're going to have a wedding."

Jiang Qian couldn't laugh or cry, she was fidgeting on the sidelines, good guy, it's time for a wedding, but she and Chi Mubei are just good friends!
Wen Hao's pupils were deep, and he said to Chi Mubei in a slightly joking tone, "Chi Mubei, why don't you clarify? The scandal with Zhou Shuyi just ended yesterday, and today I'm here again to be confused with Jiang Qian."

"It doesn't seem appropriate, does it? What do you think, Qianqian?"

Jiang Qian, who was suddenly caught by the cue, nodded in a strange way. It's really not good to be involved in scandals.

We are all human beings, so we can understand what Wen Hao meant. My senior brother and Wen Hao are probably both interested in this beautiful girl, but no one has a choice.

Chi Mubei squinted his eyes and looked at Wen Hao inquiringly, but met a pair of frank eyes, "Hmph, you can't be jealous of Qianqian's love for me, right?"

Wen Hao smiled and said nothing, no one knows whether he is jealous or not.

But Zhou Shuyi's eyes were already red with jealousy, but there was nothing he could do. Who made Chi Mubei feel so happy with Jiang Qian now.

Yu Yu naturally also knew that Zhou Shuyi liked Chi Mubei, but she didn't go to comfort him, because the relationship itself is like this, there is no distinction between first come and first served.

 I'm tired of saying three words for support, woo woo~
(End of this chapter)

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