Dear Officer Zhuang

Chapter 221 What Does This Mean?

Chapter 221 What Does This Mean?
Yue Qingyue and Yue Zheng are both surnamed Yue...

Is such a coincidence man-made, or is it really just a coincidence?
Wen Mi felt that it was necessary for her to have a chat with Yue Zheng.

If Yue Zheng is really not the murderer who killed Wei Yuemei and the serial murders, wouldn't it be dangerous to let the real murderer go free?

Including Wei Yuemei, there are already four victims in the serial murder case, and who knows if there will be a fifth...

Wen Mi suddenly felt that the situation was urgent, and she had to talk to Wen Xingyin.

"Ye Hui, I'll go out for a while, you continue to investigate Han Yiwen's case." Wen Mi turned off the computer, took her bag and said.

"Okay." Ye Hui thought that Wen Mi had a personal matter to go out, so he didn't ask further.

Wen Mi drove to the Criminal Investigation Brigade to find Wen Xingyin.

But the staff told her that Wen Xingyin went out to run the case and was not in the bureau.

Wen Mi was outside the police station, waiting for Wen Xingyin.

While waiting for Wen Xingyin, she reorganized Wei Yuemei's case in her notebook.

Wen Xingyin returned to the police station more than an hour later.

Peng Jing and other police officers came back with him.

When Wen Xingyin got out of the car, he saw Wen Mi sitting by the flower bed outside the police station from a distance away, and was slightly taken aback.

Following Wen Xingyin's gaze, Peng Jing also noticed Wen Mi.

He said sarcastically: "Reporter Wen is really dedicated, so stay at the gate of the police station and wait for the scoop on Han Yiwen's case."

Wen Xingyin glanced at him, and Peng Jing immediately fell silent.

"You go in first." Wen Xingyin said warmly and seriously.

"Okay, Vice Captain Wen." Peng Jing stopped talking and went in with other police officers.

Wen Mi was scribbling and scribbling in her notebook. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed that Peng Jing was among the police officers who entered the police station. She raised her head and stared at them, thinking, Peng Jing is back. Wen Xingyin ?He wasn't with them?
Just as Wen Mi finished thinking this way, a warm and smiling voice sounded beside her.

"Warm honey."

As soon as Wen Mi turned around, she saw Wen Xingyin coming to her side at some point.

"Officer Wen." Wen Mi said.

"How long have you been here?" Wen Xingyin asked with a smile: "It's winter, wait here, aren't you afraid of freezing your body?"

"The sun is very good today and it's not cold." Wen Mi answered quickly, then cut to the point: "Officer Wen, I have something important to see you."

"What's the matter?" Wen Xingyin stared at her with a few indulgent smiles.

"Wei Yuemei's case and the serial murder case, do you really think Yue Zheng is the murderer?" Wen Mi asked.

Wen Xingyin's expression changed slightly, and his eyes became a bit deeper, and he said, "What do you mean?"

"Did Yue Zheng always deny that he was the murderer? He denied that he killed Wei Yuemei, and even more denied that he was the serial murderer?" Wen Mi asked.

Wen Xingyin did not directly answer her question, but said: "I was here and explained to you and the media that we found four baseball bats in Yue Zheng's house. On these four baseball bats, we respectively The DNA of the four deceased was detected. Wei Yuemei also has Yue Zheng's DNA."

"Have you found Yue Zheng's record of buying baseball bats?" Wen Mi asked.

"found it."

"Does Yue Zheng admit that he bought it himself?" Wen Mi asked again.

Wen Xingyin was silent and did not answer.

Instead, he asked Wen Mi: "Yue Zheng's case has been closed long ago. Why are you so entangled in this all of a sudden?"

Although Wen Xingyin did not answer Wen Mi directly for the last question, Wen Mi already guessed from his silence and avoidance that Yue Zheng should not admit that the record of buying baseball bats was his own.

"Because I made a new discovery today." Wen Mi said.

Wen Xingyin's brows and eyes brightened slightly: "What discovery?"

"In the case of Han Yiwen's murder, you should have found out that Yu Xiya had a relationship with a person named Yue Qingyue from the Auto Trade Company."

Wen Xingyin didn't make a sound.

Even if Wen Xingyin didn't express his opinion, Wen Mi knew that they must have found out.

She continued: "When I checked the records of Yue Qingyue's personnel coming and going at work, I found out that Yue Zheng was among them. The last contact between Yue Zheng and Yue Qingyue at work was before Wei Yuemei was killed."

"What does this mean?" Wen Xingyin asked.

"I once interviewed Wei Yuemei's colleagues, and her colleagues said that Wei Yuemei had told her that the man she dated would not let Wei Yuemei talk about them casually, but Wei Yuemei secretly told her that the man's surname was Yue."

Wen Mi paused, and said: "Is it possible that the man Wei Yuemei dated was actually Yue Qingyue, and Yue Zheng was just pushed out as a scapegoat?"

Wen Xingyin looked at her deeply.

In fact, Wen Xingyin had suspected that Yue Zheng was not the murderer of the serial murders.

At that time, Yue Zheng strongly denied that Wei Yuemei did not kill him, and he did not know the first three victims of the serial murder case.

However, due to all the evidence pointing to him and the pressure from above to close the case quickly, Yue Zheng was put in jail.

Wen Xingyin also knew that there were many doubts about the serial murder case.

In fact, he was secretly paying attention to the serial murders in private, to see if there would be any new suspects emerging.

If Yue Zheng is really not the murderer, then he must catch the real murderer and return Yue Zheng's innocence.

"Based on what you said, it cannot be concluded that Yue Qingyue is suspected, nor can it be concluded that Yue Qingyue is related to Wei Yuemei's death." Wen Xingyin said.

"Indeed." Wen Mi agreed and nodded: "Those are all my guesses, and it doesn't sound like there is enough evidence to support it. So, I want to talk to Yue Zheng."

"Officer Wen," Wen Mi sincerely stared at Wen Xingyin: "Can you arrange for me to meet and chat with Yue Zheng?"

Yue Zheng is in prison now, but it's not like Wen Mi, a criminal investigation reporter, can see him if he wants to.

Wen Xingyin's eyes were deep, as if he had made a good decision in his heart and opened his mouth.

"Yes, but I have one condition."

"What condition?" Wen Mi asked.

"I'll investigate Yue Qingyue with you." Wen Xingyin said: "Except for the two of us, you can't mention Yue Qingyue to anyone for the time being, especially not to your company."

"I know." Wen Mi said.

The serial murder case has been closed, and they are now investigating it privately.

It is illegal to investigate the case privately.

Before there is any definite evidence to prove that Yue Qingyue is related to the serial murders, it is definitely better not to spread the word, and the less people know about it, the better.

"Don't worry about this, I won't tell anyone." Wen Mi assured again.

Wen Xingyin heard the words, and smiled elegantly.


"Officer Wen, when can you arrange for me to have a face-to-face chat with Yue Zheng?" Wen Mi asked eagerly.

"Today should be fine, you go back first, I'll give you news later." Wen Xingyin said.

Wen Mi: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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