Dear Officer Zhuang

Chapter 153 Not an Ordinary Person Anymore

Chapter 153 Not an Ordinary Person Anymore

Zhuang Xun seemed to be still in the office. He looked very tired, and there was a faint blue color under his eyes.

"Today is Sunday, and you are still working overtime? I didn't disturb your work, did I?" Seeing Zhuang Xun's tired look, Wen Mi worried that she would disturb Zhuang Xun's work.

"No." Zhuang Xun walked out from the office: "You just called, and I just took a breath."

"Have you eaten yet?" Wen Mi looked at the time, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

"Not yet." To avoid Wen Mi's worry, Zhuang Xun continued: "My colleague has already ordered takeaway, and it's almost here."

Even so, Wen Mi frowned.

"So busy?"

"Yeah, the case is a bit tricky, otherwise we wouldn't have come over to help." Zhuang Xun frowned.

Wen Mi heard from Zhuang Xun before that his business trip this time was mainly to assist in the investigation of a cross-provincial case.

"Can you respond to Cheng after the case is investigated?" Wen Mi asked.

"Yes, we will make an appointment when I respond to the city. I will go to Huashi to find you." Zhuang Xun's voice was calm.

Wen Mi gave a slightly shy "hmm".

"What did you do today?" Zhuang Xun chatted with her casually.

"Rest at home in the morning, clean up the house, go out to eat with Gao You in the afternoon, go shopping, and just came back." Wen Mi reported her day's itinerary.

Zhuang Xun was about to speak when a call came in from Wen Mi's cell phone.

Seeing the caller clearly, Wen Mi frowned subconsciously.

Zhuang Xun noticed her subtle change and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Hao Caile called me, I have a bad feeling." Wen Mi said.

We are all professionals, so we naturally know what the "bad premonition" Wen Mi is talking about.

On the night of the big weekend, if the leader calls you, what else will it do besides asking you to work.

"Accept?" Zhuang Xun asked.

"Of course I have to pick it up. If I don't pick it up, Hao Caile will teach me a crazy lesson." Wen Mi said, "Wait for me for a while."

After finishing speaking, she connected the call from Hao Caile, and the video call between her and Zhuang Xun was automatically cut off.

"Why did it take you so long to answer the phone!" Hao Caile scolded her as soon as the call was connected.

Without giving Wen Mi a chance to explain, Hao Caile got right to the point: "There is a new victim in the serial murder case, you should hurry to the scene."

Wen Mi was surprised: "When did you discover the new victim?"

"At three or four o'clock this afternoon, at the Hujia Hotel. The police blocked the news at first, and I just got the news." Hao Cai said happily.

"Okay, I'll go to the Hujia Hotel right away."

Wen Mi hung up the phone with Hao Caile, and then made a video call to Zhuang Xun.

Zhuang Xun was still waiting for her news outside, and did not return to the office.

As soon as she made the video call, Zhuang Xun answered it.

"Hao Caile said that there is a new victim in the serial murder case, so let me go to the scene." Wen Mi said.

"Now?" Zhuang Xun frowned slightly.


"It's past eight o'clock, it's getting dark early, will it be unsafe?" Zhuang Xun couldn't help but feel a little worried when he thought of the first time he received a call from Wen Mi by mistake.

"No," Wen Mi said with certainty, "Now the major news media should be like me. They have just received the news. Many people will definitely go to the scene of the murder. This is the time when there are many people outside the scene."

Although this is the reason, Zhuang Xun also knows that this is the case.

But Wen Mi was no longer an ordinary person to him, and he still couldn't help worrying about her.

"Be careful." He exhorted.

"I will." Wen Mi said in a reassuring tone.

In view of the lessons learned from Reedland, even though Wen Mi felt that there must be a lot of news media outside the Hujia Hotel, she still called Ye Hui and asked Ye Hui to go to the Hujia Hotel with her.

Not long after she arrived, Ye Hui also arrived.

Just as Wen Mi expected, several news media like her gathered outside the Hujia Hotel.

A cordon has been set up outside the Hujia Hotel, and everyone stays outside the cordon, craning their necks to watch the police officers coming and going in and out of the hotel, trying to catch any explosive information related to the serial murders .

She couldn't get into the Hujia Hotel, and even if she stood at the front of the cordon, she couldn't take any pictures. After Wen Mi took a few photos of the exterior of the Hujia Hotel, she wandered around casually.

The place where the Hujia Hotel is located is a very old block. The houses here are all over 50 to [-] years old. Clothes are hanging outside to dry. The outer walls of some houses are obviously peeling off.

In comparison, the Hujia Hotel seems to be a relatively new building here.

In such an old block, it is estimated that the monitoring is likely to be displayed again.

Wen Mi chatted with the residents standing in front of her house looking at the onlookers, and confirmed her guess.

"We don't have any monitoring here! There are only a few places that really have monitoring. Last time, the electric car bottle of Xiao Li's house was stolen. Xiao Li wanted to adjust the monitoring to see who the thief was, only to find out that he had a power outage. The surveillance system is broken in places where the trains are moving. Since then, everyone has parked their electric cars in places where the surveillance is good.” said A, an enthusiastic member of the public.

"That's where there are a lot of parking electric cars, so the monitoring there is very likely to be good?" Wen Mi concluded in a deep voice.

"It's almost like this." The crowd A said.

Crowd B said again: "I heard that that person has not checked out, and the waiter knocked on the door, but no one answered. The waiter took the master key card and opened the door with a swipe. When the door opened, ouch, that's miserable. The white walls are covered in blood, the bed and sheets are also stained red with blood, the face of that person, who was beaten by something, is almost a ball of mud, no nose, eyes, or mouth can be seen .”

Crowd B vividly described what she had heard about the murder scene from others, as if she had been there.

Several other people listened with relish, and frowned in fear after listening.

"It's too scary, the murderer is really cruel."

"How could he go and beat people like that?"

"How much enmity the murderer has with that person. He wants to beat him like that."

"This murderer is really a psychopath."

Wen Mi who was mixed in was thoughtful.

If it is true what this person said, then this case is indeed the same as the first three serial murder cases. The deceased was killed by repeated blows to the face with a blunt instrument.

"The waiter who found the dead person is really miserable, maybe he has a psychological shadow."

"This hotel is also miserable. Whoever dares to stay in this hotel in the future, I'm afraid it won't last."

The people who got together sighed a few more words, and one of them asked the crowd B.

"The police have been busy since the afternoon, have they found anything? Do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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