Chapter 63
The Dong family has been disposing of these fabrics cheaply since they got them back to the fabric store, but they still have a backlog of half of the warehouse.

Because of the accident of the merchant ship, he had no money left, so he had to rely on the remaining cloth in the store to find a way to turn around.

But if they want to turn around, these cloths can't be sold for more than ten yuan and five feet like they were sold to Lu Yange that day.

That's not selling, that's sending money.

The hem of Lu Yangge's clothes was soaked and rubbed by Dong Yong for half a day, and he was sure that it would not fade, but he didn't know how to act.

If the white cloth left in the shop and the unevenly dyed coarse cloth can also be re-dyed, will they be able to sell at a higher price?

It's not that father and brother haven't thought about this matter.

But to re-dye, these cloths have to be transported to Huaicheng.Not to mention the cost of tossing back and forth, just dyeing, not just dyeing, it will also cost a lot of money.

Tossing and turning, maybe even the capital will be lost by then.

"You... tell me, can my cloth be re-dyed?"

When he said this, Dong Yong's heart trembled.

Father and eldest brother are back, but there is no news of second brother.Eldest brother's leg is injured, father has to take care of the family and find time to inquire about second elder brother's news.

He is still young, and he can't help even if he wants to, so he can only try his best to stay in the shop and let his elder brother and father have less trouble.

"It can be dyed."

Lu Yange didn't dare to talk too much, "If you want to learn dyeing, you still have to go to the dyeing workshop to learn it. I don't know much about it."

What she knew was when she was in college, doing handwork with her roommates to earn money and following the online learning. She dyed it by herself for fun. If she really wanted to dye a whole piece of cloth, she didn't have that much confidence.

"I can't enter the dyeing workshop. No matter who owns the dyeing workshop, I can't accept outsiders as apprentices."

Dong Yong looked at Lu Yange, as if seeing the light of hope, his eyes were filled with anticipation, "There are some damaged cloth pieces in my warehouse, can you teach me?"

Even if it's just dyed maroon like this little brother's body, it's better than leaving a pile of cloth in the warehouse to collect dust.

"That's not okay, I just messed around with myself..."

Lu Yange didn't dare to promise this matter indiscriminately, just kidding, dyeing is not cooking.

If the dishes are not cooked well, at best they will be discarded and restarted. If the dyeing of the cloth is not good, the waste is not as simple as one or two bolts of cloth.”

Unexpectedly, Dong Yong burst into tears when she refused, "After my father and my eldest brother came back, they always wanted to sell the goods in the shop so that they could use the money to find my second brother. But my shop was blocked by me. That cruel uncle has been in his hands for the past few months, and his life has been ruined..."

The valuable cloth in the shop was basically sold out, and the rest were worthless coarse linen.

It's okay to leave the coarse linen, but his uncle even lamented the cheapness and bought back the unevenly dyed fabrics.

The price of burlap is already low, and the uneven dyeing makes it even more difficult to sell.

If you want to sell it, you can only sell it at a cheap price. The cheaper the price, the more the Dong family will lose...

"Although father and elder brother came back, second brother never came back. Grandma's eyes went blind from crying. She...she didn't know that second brother hadn't come back... and my mother, because of accidents with father and brothers, her body has been in constant pain. It's not good. Now, although it is said that both father and elder brother are back, but the elder brother went out well, but came back with a broken leg. The second brother went out well, but there is no news until now..."

Having said that, Dong Yong couldn't help crying bitterly.

Although he is still young, these few short months have made him taste the hardships of life.

How much he wished that everything could go back to a few months ago, when his father and brother did not go to sea or have any accidents, and he was still that carefree young man.

"Hey, don't cry!" Lu Yange looked at Qiu Shi with some helplessness.

This is how to do ah?

I didn't make people cry, how can I coax them now!

Qiu stepped forward, patted Dong Yong's back lightly, and said softly: "My good boy, don't cry, your father and brother have returned, and life will gradually get better."

"But, but my second brother, my second brother doesn't know whether he is dead or alive!"

Thinking of his second brother, Dong Yong cried even more uncontrollably.

If he had known that the second brother would not come back, he would not be so naughty, and would fight against the second brother every time.

Not to mention Lu Yange, even Qiu's heart could not help but feel a little sad when he heard a young boy who was about the same age as his daughter cry.

If Dong Yong had been tougher, Lu Yangge would have refused, but the fact that he cried like this made her a little soft-hearted.

"Hey, don't cry. I'm not saying I can't teach you, but what I really know is limited. I'm afraid I can't teach you well, but instead I do bad things with good intentions."

"Will not."

Dong Yong wiped away his tears and managed to stop his sobbing, "How bad can it be? I'm not embarrassing you, you teach me how to dye it, I dye it myself, it has nothing to do with you. I don't want you to teach it for nothing, you teach me the recipe, and I give you money?"

Xu Shi thought that he didn't have much money, and Dong Yong said a little embarrassedly, "It's just that I don't have any money now, so I can only wait until I sell the cloth at home, and then I can share the profit with you. Don't you I'm afraid I'll cheat, and when I earn money in the future, I will definitely repay your great kindness."

Lu Yangge looked helplessly at Dong Yong, who was half a head taller than him, and his eyes that were red from crying.This young man is really brave.

She and Ding's family were in the braised fat sausage business, asking for [-]% profit for a year, and Ding's family happily agreed.

I talked with Lai Fushun about the profit of cooking long fish dishes, but shopkeeper Li couldn't make the decision, he had to ask the owner.

But the young boy in front of him dared to promise to share the profit with himself just because the dyeing of a piece of clothing seemed to have no hope in the absence of his father and brother.

Jiangjiaba has many merchants traveling from south to north, but the business in the cloth shop has little to do with them.

Almost all the cloth in Dong's cloth shop is sold to people from the town and the countryside.

Those who have spare money in the town will pay more attention to it.For those poor people who come from the countryside and can't afford to pull cloth once a year, cheap and durable is the first choice.

Lu Yange followed Dong Yong to the Dong family's warehouse. The cloth accumulated in the Dong family's warehouse, except for the white cloth she bought last time, was all kinds of unevenly dyed cloth bought cheaply by Luo Guozi.

There are cotton, linen, and various coarse cloths.

Lu Yange walked around, looked carefully, and somewhat had an idea in his mind.

"These white cloths are very convenient to dye. You can't say that you can dye the color you want. You can always dye it to the same degree. You just need to experiment more."

"These fabrics are better. Since they have been dyed, it is better to make them into tie-dye, but tie-dye may not be acceptable to everyone, so let's sell them in bright colors."

"The hemp ones are stronger and more durable, so they are directly dyed into a dark color. When there are fairs, they are sold at a lower price to those who come from the countryside."

(End of this chapter)

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