Chapter 38
Ding Wu felt that if he could sell the lo mei at home, he would definitely be able to do a good job in this business.

Thinking of the stewed pig's feet I ate just now, the taste is absolutely amazing.It's not that he's greedy, it's that the Lu family's lo mei tastes better than ever.

Thinking of the extra income for the family, Ding Wu walked with the basket in his hands: "Mother, why don't we just agree to the Lu family and buy all the recipes of braised meat? We will share [-]% of the profit a year. If the business is good , but a lot of money!"

He felt that as long as his lo mei was as good as Aunt Lu's, there would be no need to worry about business.

Aunt Ding sighed: "It's not impossible to buy the prescription, but the Lu family means that the prescription must be sold for at least 50 taels, which is too expensive, so it's better to share [-]% of the profit and give them peace of mind."

"50 taels? So expensive?"

Ding Wu has slaughtered pigs and sold pigs with his father and elder brother since he was a child. He is not the kind of boy who has never seen money.

But 50 taels to buy a prescription, such a high price is indeed beyond his expectation.

The Lu family is so poor that it costs such a high price for a prescription, isn't it crazy?
"So people don't sell prescriptions, but only take [-]% profit."

Aunt Ding narrowed her eyes slightly, still admiring the cleverness and straightforwardness of the Lu family.

I don't know whose idea it was from the Lu family couple, but this success seemed to have fallen into her heart.

If the prescription is ten taels and twenty taels, she can buy it without hesitation.

You know, sometimes a prescription can feed several generations.

But 50 taels, that's almost the same as grabbing.

Although her family can sell one pig a day, they can buy one or two more pigs during the holidays.

But in her family, she raised five sons, built ten spacious and bright green brick Wuwa houses, and married three daughters-in-law. There is almost no money left in the family.

One hundred and eighty taels did exist, but no matter how much, she couldn't afford it.

Take most of the family's money to buy a prescription, let alone Aunt Ding can't do it, even the head of the family Ding Boss will not agree.

A [-]% profit, no matter how much she earns, she feels that she is not losing money.

If you can make more money, it is the Lu family's recipe, and the fat sausages are delicious.

If the Lu family gets more points, her family will only earn more!

Even if in a year, the Lu family will get far more than the seller's 50 taels, she doesn't feel it is a loss.After a year of contact, her Ding family and Lu family are considered close.In the future, if the Lu family has any prescriptions, they will definitely think of her Ding family first.

This cannot be bought with money.

Aunt Ding didn't think so deeply at first, until the Lu family took out the braised pig's feet, and said that they could braise the pig's tail and stewed pig's head, etc...

This made her think about it!

Not making much and not losing money, it's better than throwing away pig intestines that can't be sold at home.

Moreover, the Lu family directly handed over the prescription to his family. This prescription will belong to her Ding family in the future. If they can make money, the Ding family can live on this prescription for generations.

The Ding family has five sons, and only the eldest of the Ding family, Ding Da, can inherit the case of killing pigs.

If the other four brothers of the Ding family want to live a prosperous life in Jiangjiaba, they have to find another way of life.

Aunt Ding was very satisfied with this matter, and so was the Lu family.

The Ding family is satisfied because they only need to share a profit after getting the prescription, and this profit will only be distributed for one year, and they will not have to share it with the Lu family in the future.

The Lu family also signed an agreement, this recipe will never be leaked to others except for making it themselves.

The Lu family is satisfied because of what Lu Yange said.

She said that it is very simple for the Ding family to distribute the profits every year.

If the Ding family is honest and trustworthy, and they are worth making friends with, next year, she can give the Ding family one or two or more lo-mei recipes.

She knows too much lo mei.

In addition to Church Ding's stewed fat sausage, stewed pork head meat, stewed pig's ears and tongue, and stewed pig's feet.There are also boiled chicken feet, braised duck neck, and halogen dishes.

Salty, light, sweet, spicy, delicious, spicy, as long as she wants to make, there are countless recipes.

Lu Xiaoli began to think that Xiao Si was too good at bragging. She taught her mother to make fat sausages, and it was not because of her mother's good craftsmanship that the taste was so good.

There are so many lo mei that make people drool, if she really knows how to cook Lu Xiaosi, then why would her uncle's family send her back.

Relying on her prescriptions, even if you sell one tael, you can sell dozens of taels.

There are dozens of taels, will my uncle's family still use it to flee famine?
Lu Yange does know a lot of lo-mei recipes. She grew up in an orphanage, and it is actually difficult for the orphanage to operate solely on donations from others.In order for the orphanage to survive, the dean's mother also set up a lo mei stall on the street.

Since childhood, the children in the orphanage grew up surrounded by the aroma of lo-mei. When they were able to help, most of their children helped at the lo-mei stall.

Later, when he went to university, Lu Yange specially collected a lot of lo-mei recipes for the dean's mother, in order to improve the lo-mei stall in the orphanage.

The lo mei stall business in the orphanage has been doing very well.

One is that everyone knows that this stall was specially opened by the orphanage to support the abandoned children, and the other is that the lo mei served in the orphanage is clean and hygienic, with many varieties and good taste, and is highly respected by the locals.

Later, when young people returned from big cities, they would go to the lo-mei stalls to buy some lo-mei to go with wine.

Looking at the five taels of silver fixed money left by Mrs. Ding on the table, Lu Yange suddenly squatted down and cried silently.

That past life that she might never go back to, the orphanage that raised her, had taught her so many things.

"Little Four."

Lu Xiaoli, who was sitting on the other side of the table, was startled by Lu Yangge's sudden sobs, she carefully pushed Lu Yangge's shoulder: "Why are you crying? Are you stupid if you still cry when you have money?"

Lu Yange raised his reddish eyes, looked at Lu Xiaoli who had a guilty face, and suddenly broke into a smile: "I'm just stupid, why, if I'm stupid, will you stop being my second sister?"

"Am I that bad?"

Lu Xiaoli glared at Lu Yange ferociously, then raised his head and sighed: "If you are really stupid, I will guard you every day and never let anyone bully you, okay?"

She is really too difficult, who told her to be a sister.

"You are stupid."

"You silly."

Seeing Lu Yangge and Lu Xiaoli quarreling, Lu Xiaoqing and Lu Xiaoyu looked at each other, both staring helplessly at the money on the table, ignoring these two idiots.

This is silver, five taels of silver!
When Qiu came back after seeing Aunt Ding off, Lu Yange couldn't see any sadness at all.

Even so, Qiu Shi still noticed from Lu Yange's reddish eye sockets that she had cried.

Qiu couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

During these days, she had never seen Xiao Si cry, but seeing her cry now, her turbulent heart was relieved.

It's good to be able to cry, and holding it back in her heart, she's afraid that the child will get sick from holding back his thoughts.

"Little Four."

Qiu pretended to be careless and asked: "Your father heard the news that your aunt will be released from prison tomorrow, or let your father take you to see her."


Lu Yangge was taken aback for a moment, what aunt?
After thinking about it, she remembered that she also had an aunt who was imprisoned for her husband in the county government.

Dad said last time that he will come out around the Dragon Boat Festival.

Lu Yange lowered his head and whispered, "No, it's gone."

They are all strangers, it would be troublesome to meet each other.

(End of this chapter)

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