Chapter 218
"Isn't that?" Lu Yange pointed to the bronze sign on the carriage behind.

Tang Jinming squinted at the sign of Lu Yange's finger, recognized it for a long time, but couldn't make it out.

Could it be that in Beijing, pigs are really used as family emblems?
I can't!

You must know that those who can have family emblems in Beijing can only have them after being personally approved by the head of the family.Not to mention an ordinary family of officials, even his family, the Duke of Zhen, would not dare to make a coat of arms as a family emblem without the personal approval of His Majesty's imperial pen.

Tang Jinming said to himself: "Strange, there are only a few houses with family emblems in Beijing. I really didn't pay attention to this shape."

Lu Yange retracted his head, making Tang Jinming look carefully: "Could it be a new rich man?"

"The upstarts are just those few, all of them are uncles I know..."

Before he finished speaking, he had already seen the head protruding from the carriage behind him, and suddenly realized, he hurriedly retracted his head, and put down the curtain of the carriage by the way.

"Pfft..." Tang Jinming couldn't hold it back, covered his mouth and laughed, and then he said, "What pig, it's obviously a deer, okay? It's the family emblem of Uncle Guo's Zhu family. It's in the car." Sitting is Zhu Chengcai, son of Uncle Zhu Xiaoguo."

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Zhu family has achieved Taoism and ascended to heaven.

Chen Quan's two uncles were originally a shopkeeper who walked the streets and alleys in the countryside, and the other opened an oil workshop in the countryside.When something happened to the Chen family, the two uncles wished they could find this nephew and send him to the government, let alone help.

But when Chen Quan became emperor in Beijing, the Zhu family immediately changed their attitude and went to the Empress Dowager Zhu every day to show courteousness.

When Chen Quan went to the countryside to pick up his mother, wife and children, the Zhu family followed the trend and went to Beijing.With Empress Dowager Zhu around, Chen Quan naturally couldn't ignore these two uncles. The two uncles also became the uncles of the country, and they were given a mansion.

The Zhu family fled famine to Nanyang at first, not to mention the family emblem, not even the family.

Now that the Zhu family has become a relative of the emperor, their status has naturally increased. Seeing that the Zhen Guo Gong Mansion, Ningyuan Hou Mansion, Yongyi Hou Mansion and other upstarts in Beijing, which have been deeply favored by the emperor, all have family emblems.Uncle Zhu Daguo discussed with Uncle Zhu Erguo that their family also had to get a family emblem.

Without a family crest, there is no face.The Zhu family asked for a family emblem, but also asked the emperor's nephew for face.

However, the Zhu family has been extremely poor for several generations, and it is not until the two brothers that life is slightly better.

They couldn't figure out what to use for this emblem, so they went to Chen Quan.

Chen Quan's country has just been laid down, and he is so busy that he is about to fly, so he has no time to think about it.

So I threw the family emblems of Zhang's various mansions for their reference, which means, you have to pick one that is not among these, and don't get attached to others.

Of course it can't be heavy, and the uncles of the two countries don't agree.

Wouldn't that make people take advantage of their old Zhu's family? It must be different.

After choosing and choosing, the brothers chose a deer.The homonym of deer is lu, which symbolizes auspicious longevity and rich salary for high officials.

After the selection is made, the Zhu family will go to customize the family emblem. It must be on the carriage, and the clothes on the servants of the family must be embroidered.

Otherwise, if the Zhu family goes out, who knows who you are and what to do if you are bullied.

Unexpectedly, this deer was chosen so well that Heqing Prince's Mansion would be severely damaged.

King Qing is Chen Quan's uncle, and his status is only higher than that of the Zhu family.

King Qing, who was Chen Quan's uncle, treated Chen Quan much better than his two uncles.

At least Chen Quan had an accident, he didn't make trouble.

Empress Shen was in prison, and he tried his best to take care of Chen Quan's family, especially the third prince. He was in danger twice, and it was the uncle Qing Wang who paid for the doctor to treat him.

Chen Quan and Empress Shen respected this uncle very much.

Chen Quan ascended the throne in the capital, and when he took his wife to Beijing, he issued an imperial edict to make his uncle King Qing.

The family emblem of Prince Qing's Mansion was not requested by King Qing, but was bestowed by Chen Quan's imperial pen.

But Mrs. Chen Quan is still there, and the uncle in the sky and the uncle in the earth, the Zhu family is not so easy to mess with.

The two families fought back and forth, and in the end Chen Quan was the master. It was fine if one family had antlers and the other had no antlers.

As for who has horns and who doesn't, he is not partial, and the lottery is decided, and whatever is drawn is what it is.

Then, when the uncle of the country, Zhu's family, was unlucky when he smoked, it was a deer without horns.

Tang Jinming didn't expect that even this deer without horns could be regarded as a hog by Lu Yange.If the members of Old Zhu's family knew this, they would be so outraged that one Buddha ascended to heaven and two Buddhas were born.

The fact that they didn't draw a deer with horns back then made the Zhu family feel very embarrassed, and they almost had no contact with Prince Qing's mansion.

Now people mistakenly think that the deer without horns is a hog, so Uncle Guo has to fight them desperately.

Outside, the coachman of Lord Zhen Guo and the coachman of Uncle Guo's family refused to give in and were still arguing.

In the carriage, as soon as Tang Jinming mentioned the family emblem, he just made tea by himself, regardless of the noise outside.

After listening to a few words, Lu Yange asked curiously, "You don't care?"

"What do you care?" Tang Jinming pushed the brewed tea to Lu Yange, "If there is Uncle Guo in the carriage, as a junior like me, wouldn't I have to give way if I stretched my head? Let them quarrel, anyway, we are not in a hurry."

The carriage in Zhen Guogong's mansion is spacious and comfortable, and there are tea and snacks. Tang Jinming also pointed to the drawer on the side: "If you are bored, there is a book of stories in it."

Although Lu Yange was very curious about what kind of books Tang Jinming was reading, she still didn't have the nerve to do it: "Forget it, let's talk, we probably won't quarrel for too long."

The two are not of the same age, but they are both educated and reasonable people.

Lu Yange and Song Yunfei always feel that the other party's IQ is not online when talking, but when she chats with Tang Jinming, she knows astronomy and geography, and the two actually have a feeling that they hate seeing each other late.

Fortunately, the noise among the coachmen will not escalate to hands-on.

Soon the people in charge of Prince Qin's Mansion squeezed over, no matter who was sitting in the car, the one whose car was ahead would go first.

In this way, there will be neither congestion nor delay of everyone's time.

Although the Uncle Guo's Mansion was somewhat dissatisfied, it is possible that those who came to the Prince Qin's Mansion for the banquet were all prominent figures in Beijing.

Your country's uncle's mansion can't really block these royal relatives, princes and ministers in the middle of the way.

When the car entered the yard, Tang Jinming and Lu Yange got out of the car.

The carriage of the uncle's mansion followed closely, two men and two women, four young people.

The leader is Zhu Chengcai, the son of Uncle Xiaoguo, followed by his own sister Zhu Chengyun, and the other two are his uncle's cousin Liu Junjie and Liu Wanru.

When Zhu Chengcai saw Tang Jinming, he immediately said in a strange manner: "It turns out that the son of the Duke of Zhen's mansion is blocking the way. I said who is so arrogant that he doesn't know how to give way when he sees the carriage of the uncle's mansion."

Tang Jinming raised his hands and cupped his fists: He raised his head proudly: "Accept."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Zhu Chengcai's expression, he led Lu Yange away.

There were several carriages parked around, and those who got out of the carriages did not get off, they all saw the attitude of the son of the Duke of Zhen's mansion towards the uncle's mansion.

Before tomorrow, the entire aristocratic family in the capital knew that Zhen Guogong's mansion did not want to see Guojiu's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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