
Chapter 407 Misguided Testimony

Lu Ye often played with those tiles, but he had been putting them together for 20 years, and he had never put them together. (1)

She felt strange, but didn't ask any more questions.

Because when she was young, she would occasionally think that if Lu Ye hadn't repaired cultural relics at home that day, and hadn't gone abroad, she would have come to Xinghe Road No. 18 to celebrate the New Year with them as usual.

There are five adults in the family, among them Lu Ye and Shen Zhaotang are both young and strong men, will the murderer retreat in spite of the difficulties, will they escape the disaster?
But as soon as this thought flashed by, she would start to feel happy again.

Fortunately, my uncle was not there that day, so she would not be left alone.

But all of this has now become endless ridicule.

"The autopsy can't be specific to the minute and second. The police's judgment on the time all comes from my confession. And my judgment on the time comes from the sound of the TV program that is playing on the TV."

"The owner of the bottle is the curator of the museum, a well-known figure in Nanjiang. He was blinded by the illusion you deliberately set up. When the police questioned him, he confessed that you were together to make the final restoration of the bottle."

"You just need to give him a simple psychological hint to make him believe in the fact that you are repairing cultural relics inside."

"It's easy, isn't it? Far easier than having my amnestics erased, isn't it? Uncle."

Shen Ke said, her voice sank.

"It's certainly not enough, because who knows if there's going to be a police officer with a very small cut looking at this seemingly solid alibi and poking it hard?"

"So you put another heavy insurance on yourself."

The high heels that Lu Ye wore upstairs are still neatly placed by the door.

"What else is more reliable than the testimony of the sole survivor?"

"You went upstairs in high heels and walked to my door without killing me. It was all planned early in the morning. It was not because of a sudden conscience that you let a child go, but because you let me hear the high heels the sound of."

"You deliberately used me and used my confession to mislead the police and make them think that the murderer was a woman."

"In this way, although they will routinely conduct investigations and inquiries on you, they will not focus on you. When you have the first step and an authoritative person gives you an alibi, no one will doubt you again gone."

Especially later, Lu Ye's kindness to her is obvious to all.

He grew from a dude to a responsible person overnight.

Everyone in Nanjiang knows that Lu Ye does not marry and does not have children. He created such a large family business to make up for the fact that he sold Changqing back then. All his inheritance in the future belongs to Shen Ke alone. The name of the company is going to be Ke Hui.

Although the word Ke was later changed to the subject of science and technology, everyone knew that it was Shen Ke and Lu Hui.

Who would doubt him?Who would have the heart to doubt him?
"The Xinghe Road No.18 case has not been solved for 20 years, all because of me. Because I firmly told the police that I heard the murderer go upstairs wearing high heels, and the murderer was a woman!"

She has been investigating for so many years, why is there no result?
Because even her dreams were occupied by the clear sound of high heels.

Even in her daily life, when she heard that same voice, she would tense up.

Before she found out that her memory had been deleted, she firmly believed in her own memory and never thought that something would go wrong.

In fact, there was nothing wrong. She never thought that someone would deliberately wear high heels, or someone would deliberately mislead her.

"Liu Renna left a confession statement, saying that she is Zhu Xi. In the pile of evidence, she also left a pair of red high-heeled shoes embroidered with Zhu Xi's pattern, proving that she was the murderer of our Shen family's massacre."

"I knew she wasn't Zhu Xi, but at that moment I really thought she was the Xinghe Road murderer."

"But after calming down, I knew she wasn't. The soles of her high heels were clean." (2)

"Either the high heels were never worn at all, or she wiped them carefully."

Shen Ke said, looking at the pair of red high-heeled shoes at the door, these shoes are actually different from the pair that Liu Renna put in a transparent sealed bag, except that they are the same color, and there is no Zhu Xi pattern embroidered on the upper.

Also, the sizes of the two pairs of shoes are different.

Lu Ye's pair of shoes are a pair of custom-made large size shoes.

"There is no reason for the shoes to be wiped. The other evidences were put in transparent plastic bags intact. There were even dried blood marks on the murder weapon. Only the shoes were different. But in the Xinghe case, although I heard There was the sound of high-heeled shoes, but there were no high-heeled shoe prints left at the scene."

"What does this mean? It means that the murderer's shoes were not stained with blood... In this case, why did Liu Renna clean the soles?"

Shen Ke's hands trembled. Holding the gun for so long, her arms were extremely sore, especially one of her arms had a knife wound.

She was thinking, taking advantage of Lu Ye's unpreparedness, she moved her hand quickly, took out the handcuffs and cuffed his hands.

Lu Ye didn't move for a moment, "I told you earlier, let you put down the gun, Shen Ke."

Shen Ke pursed her lips, and put down the hand holding the gun, but she didn't put the gun back.

"Besides, why did the murderer not shy away from letting me hear the sound of high heels, but was careful not to leave shoe prints at the scene?"

Thinking of this at that moment, Shen Ke began to have a strange idea in her heart that overturned her 20-year cognition. The sound of the high heels was intentional.

Why not leave shoe prints, because high heels are very special...

At that time, she didn't hear the light and heavy footsteps, nor did she hear the sound of dragging on the ground, which meant that there was nothing wrong with this person's feet.

Shoe prints are also important evidence in forensic evidence. The gender of the murderer can be determined based on the size of the shoe and the shape of the sole; There is another source to deduce the identity of the murderer.

It is also possible to judge whether the murderer is lame according to the depth of the two shoe prints; or to judge the other party's walking habits according to the different depths of the shoe prints.

"I didn't understand until I saw it with my own eyes, because your shoe size is special, if you leave shoe prints, your misleading me with the sound of high heels will not be valid."

As Shen Ke said, she took a deep breath, she felt like a fish thrown ashore, she might suffocate at any time.

"For so many years, I have never understood why the murderer covered them with red hijabs, why they put paper cicadas in their mouths, and why the four of them couldn't escape from the murderer's hands..."

(1) The tiles appear in Chapter 111

(2) About shoe soles appear in Chapter 381

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