
Chapter 340 A Special Letter

Chapter 340 A Special Letter

Shen Ke lived on the second floor of this house for a long time when she was a child.

The room she chose was the one closest to the stairs. It was in the same location as when she lived at No. 18 Xinghe Road when she was a child. Even if she closed the door and stayed in the room, she could still hear the footsteps of people going upstairs. .

Since she became a policeman, she has moved out from here, and she hardly stays overnight unless it is Chinese New Year.

There was no change in the room, Shen Ke went straight to the cloakroom, took a light gray sports suit and clean underwear from the place near the door, and went straight to the bathroom.

Hot water dripped from the nozzle, making a splashing sound.

This reminded her of her mother, Lu Hui, who was always very busy when she was a child. Sometimes if she went out to have an archaeological mission, she would be gone for a long time.But when she is free at home, she likes to help her bathe.

Mother's hand is usually very soft to hold, but it will be especially scary when rubbing mud for her.

At that time, the father who was standing at the door of the bathroom would laugh through the door and say that this was a pig killing scene.

Memories of the past are like water in a faucet that cannot be turned off, constantly gushing out.

Why on earth should their family be killed?What secret is hidden in the new numbered key left by my mother?
What is the relationship between the murderer of Xinghe Road No. 18 murder and Zhu Xi?
Zhang Sijia who died in the Zhu Xi case was her aunt.There is a psychological hypnotist in Zhu Xi's organization, and her memory is missing.

This made her suspect that the two cases were inextricably linked.

Shen Ke thought about it, opened her eyes suddenly, the water in the shower head fell down along her long eyelashes, the hot mist had already risen in the shower room, making the surroundings hazy.

Could it be that she knew who Zhu Xi was when she was a child, and it was because of this that their family suffered a catastrophe?

And her memory about Zhu Xi was erased.

Shen Ke thought and closed her eyes again, but if this is the case, why not just kill her?If you kill her, won't it be solved?

If the key point is not on her, then what does her family have to do with Zhu Xi?

Shen Ke thought back to when she was a child, the appearance of Zhu Xi made a sensation in Nanjiang, but there was nothing special in their house, they would only discuss a few words at the dinner table, lamenting that the current murderer is too rampant, everyone should be careful Some.

This is a normal reaction of every household after a serial murderer appears in the local area.

"Xiao Ke, are you done washing? It's time to eat."

Shen Ke always felt that something seemed to break out of her head, but the voice from the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Understood, uncle. It will be all right soon."

Hearing the sound of the door, Shen Ke quickly took a shower, blew her hair hastily and ran downstairs.

The tables in the restaurant are all served, and Ye Lang is adjusting the position of the dishes, moving Shen Ke's favorite food to her seat.

Seeing that her hair was still wet, she immediately said in disapproval, "Why didn't you blow it well before it fell off? What is Mr. Lu in such a hurry to do? Wet hair and cold air enter the body, and it's easy to have a headache."

Lu Ye curled his lips, "You are the kind of person who will be cheated of all your wealth by health care products when you get old, and you still feel cold in your body!"

Shen Ke also nodded, and vigorously promoted, "Download the anti-fraud APP as soon as possible."

Ye Lang shook his head amusedly, but he didn't directly blow-dry Shen Ke's hair. Instead, he seemed to remember something and said to Shen Ke, "By the way, there is a very strange thing. The company received a Seal your letter."

As he spoke, he walked to the sofa, opened his briefcase, and took out a letter from it.

"It was given to me by Cao Mishu when I got off work yesterday. It's very strange. It says Shen Ke of the special case team received it, but it was not sent to the Public Security Bureau, but sent to the company."

Shen Ke frowned, got up and took the letter from Ye Lang.

It was a letter, but it was not a letter in the traditional sense, but a document express envelope. Shen Ke looked at the sender on it. His name was Yu Chu, and his address was in Nanjiang City.

It's not someone she knows, Shen Ke thought, opened her bag from the sofa, put on gloves, turned on the body camera, and then opened the envelope to the camera.

Seeing her serious look, Lu Ye shook his head amusedly, "What kind of occupational disease do you have? You have to take pictures of this, and you have to wear gloves?"

Shen Ke nodded, "Of course, suspicious letters, if I open them casually, the evidence may be destroyed."

When she opened it, Shen Ke frowned. The contents of the envelope were very thin, and it was not the threatening letter she imagined, such as a book in blood, or something with fingers on it.

There is only a thin piece of rice paper inside, on which a token is drawn with a brush, and the word "Free War" is written in the center of the sign.

Lu Ye leaned over with great interest, "Hey, this painting looks a bit like a no-battle card. During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period, all countries fought in chaos, but the generals still followed some battlefield etiquette, and this no-battle card is one of them."

"The meaning is not complicated, it means a truce. The people who guard the city put up this sign, which roughly means that Lao Tzu's city is impenetrable. If you insist on fighting, it means that neither side can gain any benefits. Why don't I admit it? Cowardly, you already have face, let's stop fighting!"

"If the siege general knows how to be polite, he will stop attacking. If there is such a free card, it is quite valuable for collection."

"However, in my little antique shop, I have never received such an interesting thing."

Shen Ke listened carefully, she also knew what Lu Ye said.

Yu Chu, Yu Chu... that's Zhu Yu!

Shen Ke's face changed slightly, and she immediately stuffed the thing back. She looked at the phone number clearly written on the courier slip, and immediately dialed it back.

The call was connected quickly, and it was a young boy's voice, "Hello, what can I do? Did you make a wrong call?"

Shen Ke frowned slightly, "Shen Ke from Nanjiang Municipal Bureau..."

Before Shen Ke finished introducing herself, Yu Chu over there interrupted her, "The Public Security Bureau? Did I find my ID card? Oh, it shouldn't be. Does the Municipal Bureau still care about losing the ID card? "

He said, bluffing, "My God! Someone took my ID card and did something bad, right? For example, taking a loan or something! Comrade police, you must prove that I didn't do it. ah!"

"I lost my ID card, I'm going to report it lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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