
Chapter 240 Can You Dismantle This Bomb

Chapter 240 Can You Dismantle This Bomb
"Everyone, watch out, these three women are all liars, they lied to me for money!"

Sun Wenyi turned towards the camera and suddenly became excited. He grabbed Zhao Xiaomeng's hair and yelled.

"They cheated me of 20 yuan in gift money! It was my life savings. I am just a laboratory administrator. I am not in good health and need to take medicine for a long time. It took me a long time to save 20 yuan. I want to get married! "

"Last year, Xiao Jinlan..." Sun Wenyi said, and excitedly kicked Xiao Jinlan's chair, only to hear a loud bang, the chair fell down, and Xiao Jinlan was hit on the ground, crying out in pain groans.

Shen Ke looked over carefully, her lips were dry, apparently she hadn't drank water for a long time.

"Xiao Jinlan's son, Li Zongbao, got into a fight with others and was injured and had to be hospitalized. We are all from the same village. The Li family couldn't afford the money, so they told me they wanted to marry Li Fangxia to me, asking for 20 dowry money! "

Shen Ke listened, but was taken aback.

No wonder Chen Mo said that Zhao Xiaomeng's family situation is complicated. It turns out that besides an older sister, she also has a younger brother.

"I gave them all the money. We agreed to get married on November this year. I have already booked a hotel. If it weren't for seeing that Li Fangxia graduated from college and looks good, I definitely wouldn't have paid 20 yuan."

"But this bitch, she said she didn't know that Xiao Jinlan took my money, and said she would never marry me! Everyone knows, my colleagues have all received invitations, relatives and friends all know!"

"I went back to find Xiao Jinlan, only to find that people in the village laughed at me. It turned out that everyone in our area knew that Li Fangxia had another boyfriend."

Over there, Chen Mo saw that Sun Wenyi became more and more excited as he spoke, and interrupted him decisively, "How about asking Xiao Jinlan to refund your 20 dowry gift and then give you financial compensation? You have a bright future, don't ruin yourself for them!"

When Sun Wenyi heard the words, he became even more excited!

"Damn old man! I want you to talk too much! I don't want money, I want people! Li Fangxia has completely embarrassed me! Xiao Jinlan, a liar, cheated me of 20 dowry money. Li Fangxia refused to marry, so let her sister marry! "

As Sun Wenyi said, he kicked Li Fangxia's chair down again!

His eyes were wide open, his face was ferocious, and he looked particularly frightening.

Shen Ke watched and recalled the position of the skylight.

Zhao Xiaomeng was sitting on a high-backed chair, she was sitting very straight, while Sun Wenyi was standing behind her.He is very short, less than 1.7 meters. Looking at the past from here, only a trace of his shoulders are exposed.

Li Yuan is located on a high terrain, if the headshot is not blocked by the headlights above, then the vision should be clear.

But unless it is absolutely necessary, the police will not kill people lightly.

Because Sun Wenyi was excited, he was always twisting and turning. A pistol is no better than a sniper rifle, and it is easy to miss it at such a long distance. If there is no crosshair, Sun Wenyi misses and instead hits Xiaomeng, that would be bad.

As she thought about it, she suddenly took a big step towards where Sun Wenyi was. Sun Wenyi looked over vigilantly like a beast.


Shen Ke pointed to the position of the camera, and then moved a step to the right. Qi Huan, who was carrying the camera behind him, understood, and also moved to the right, "Look at the camera, you're already drawing."

Sun Wenyi didn't understand what the word "out of the painting" meant, but because he didn't understand, he became convinced of Shen Ke.

In the later stage, painting should be the jargon of the media industry.

He thought, followed the position of the camera, and then became excited again, "I went to find them again, who knew that Li Hongxing and Li Zongbao hid out! Li Fangxia and Xiao Jinlan also hid!"

"I just hid in the community of this female policewoman surnamed Zhao! The police are amazing! I don't care about the law or the new society! All I know is that because of Li Fangxia's family, I am ashamed!"

"They don't want me to live, I want them to die!"

As Sun Wenyi said, his eyes almost popped out, his hands trembled, and Chen Mo made a gesture without hesitation.

The moment he stretched out his finger, everyone heard a violent gunshot, accompanied by the sound of the skylight glass breaking.

Sun Wenyi, who was still flaring his teeth and claws before, fell backwards in disbelief. As soon as he let go, the heavy kitchen knife fell down and smashed towards Zhao Xiaomeng's leg.

Shen Ke's pupils shrank suddenly, and before he could think about the fact that the microphone in his hand had already been thrown out, at the moment when the blade was about to fall on his lap, he heard two thuds...

The microphone hit the knife, and Li Yuan above fired a second shot.

The knife landed on the ground, exhaled far away, and made a crisp sound.

At the same time, Shen Ke quickly ran to Zhao Xiaomeng, she pulled the rag out of Zhao Xiaomeng's mouth, and said, "Xiaomeng, it's all right."

Zhao Xiaomeng shouted excitedly, "Senior sister, Team Chen, hurry up, take my mother and sister away, and evacuate the people around the gymnasium, Sun Wenyi is a lunatic! He tied a bomb on me!" "

Shen Ke's body froze, she thought of Li Yuan's question at Li Fangxia's house before, he asked Shen Ke, do you think the smell of disinfectant is particularly strong.When they entered the door, they felt that the smell in the room was very strange.

Thinking about it now, Sun Wenyi probably stole dangerous items from the laboratory and carried out illegal activities there.

In order to cover up, he used a lot of disinfectant.

Shen Ke's desire to seek justice in front of the TV station is false, he clearly counted the time early in the morning and wanted everyone to go to heaven together.

Sun Wenyi is the administrator of the chemical laboratory. He has the ability and conditions to make a soil bomb by himself.

It's just that now is not the time to think about this, Shen Ke suddenly walked around behind Zhao Xiaomeng, and sure enough, she saw a simple time bomb tied to her back, and now the time displayed on it was only 3 minutes.

"Captain Chen, you and Qi Huan go out with Li Fangxia and Xiao Jinlan on your back to evacuate the crowd. It's too late to call the bomb disposal experts, let Li Yuan come in," she said, picking up the kitchen knife on the ground and cutting it calmly. The rope tied to Xiaomeng's body is up.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaomeng, you can leave after cutting the rope!"

Zhao Xiaomeng burst into tears in a hurry, "Sister, get out quickly, the one that keeps cutting is the steel rope! It's too late! I want to tell you guys not to come in, but I can't get out with my mouth shut!"

Chen Mo pursed his lips, and gave Qi Huan a tug, "Listen to Shen Ke, pull the chair without understanding the rope. There are still many people outside."

I don’t know how powerful this kind of homemade explosive is. There are many policemen from the nearby police station and school staff standing at the entrance of the gymnasium. They can’t all stay here and ignore it.

Shen Ke cut it at first, but then cut it, but Zhao Xiaomeng was right, after cutting the rope for a long time, it couldn't stop cutting.

The door of the gymnasium was opened, and it became noisy outside, and the harsh siren sounded.

Shen Ke looked towards the door, and saw Li Yuan running in quickly, "There are still 2 minutes and 20 seconds left, Li Yuan, do you think you can take this apart?"

Li Yuan squatted down and looked, his face darkened, "Go out first! Shen Ke!"

(End of this chapter)

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