
Chapter 143 Saturday's Cruise Ball

Shen Ke thought about the first time she met Guan Nana at the hotel, she was worried about the liquidated damages all the time.

What did she say, she said that her identity as a rich daughter is simply a character design given by the company...

"Yaoguang's investigation has been clear. At that time, Li Yangyang was thrown at the entrance of the hospital in the middle of the night. She had a fever and fell unconscious. At the end of the year, she almost died of freezing. It was her fate, and someone happened to have an emergency in the middle of the night. "

"I found Li Yangyang at the door. The child had pneumonia and had to stay in the hospital for half a month. The people in the hospital called the police, but no one came to claim it."

Chen Mo relayed the words of the Yaoguang police, with a sad face.

"In the end, I came to see a doctor in the middle of the night. I picked up Li Yangyang's patient and found her a suitable home to adopt. Li Yangyang's adoptive father is a small business owner who owns a restaurant, and her mother is a middle school music teacher."

Chen Mo said, looking at Zhao Xiaomeng inquiringly, "Is the surname Guan? Transfer the file from Yaoguang to the missing team and tell them to contact Li Yangyang's biological parents..."

He said, paused, and then said to Shen Ke, "You tell Xiaoyan! He... finally he was able to unload the big burden on his body. That child is not easy."

Chen Mo thought, and let out a long breath.

He has been a policeman for so many years and has brought many children to his family. Yan Xiulin lived the longest, longer than Shen Ke.

The child looked fine, but in fact his heart was riddled with holes. He never stopped blaming himself. He always felt that it was because of him that he lost Li Yangyang. The birthmarked corpse could still allow him to escape for half a month.

Chen Mo thought, then looked at Shen Ke who was expressionless, then at Qi Huan who was radiating sunshine all over his body, and then at Li Yuan who was standing there wishing to tear down his house...

Their special case team is the best proof of species diversity.

Chen Mo muttered speechlessly, "Why do I still have to work part-time as a circus animal trainer?"

Shen Ke had just finished sending a message to Yan Xiulin, listening to Chen Mo's words, she looked at him quietly.

Chen Mo was terrified by her, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I'm wondering why I have to work part-time in the hospital, and I'm trying to give caring eyes to delusional patients!"

When Chen Mo heard this, he fell back angrily, covered his heart with one hand, and patted Shen Ke's curly hair with the other.

"Let's go! Go eat hot pot, can eating meat stop your mouth?"

Shen Ke nodded, "It takes a lot of meat!"

Chen Mo couldn't help laughing, "Okay! For the sake of your hard work this time, you can eat as much meat as you like."

Li Yuan at the side cheered excitedly when he heard the words, "Captain Chen, it wasn't very hard, I just fired one shot and one bullet, and I have to write such a long report! Next time I'll use a slingshot!"


When I got home, the sky was still bright, and it was the first time for Shen Ke to get off work so early.

She changed out of the police uniform and put on a casual sports outfit, and sat down on the sofa. Yali jumped down, onto Shen Ke's lap, and lay down. Twitching, I just feel that my legs are almost going to be paraplegic.

She touched Yali's fat belly, "If you get fatter, it's not Yali, it's durian."

Yali meowed in dissatisfaction, and twisted on Shen Ke's leg.

"You are not a coquettish cat, you are an old cow plowing the land! Your legs will be rolled off by you!"

Shen Ke said, looking at the two wedding invitations on the coffee table.

These two invitations are from the same couple, the groom's name is Jiang Shen, and the bride's name is Cao Xiyue.

Not long after she heard the little nurse gossip that the most handsome and rich second-generation Jiang Shen was going to get married, she received an invitation to the wedding banquet.

The red bronzing one is a normal wedding invitation, which is written with a calligraphy brush, and you can smell the faint fragrance of ink as soon as you open it.The Jiang family is not an upstart, they were already well-known ship kings in Nanjiang during the period of the Republic of China.

Jiang Shen is not so much the second generation rich, but the fourth generation rich, and his family has a lot of heritage.

The bride, Cao Xiyue, is a well-known ballet principal. I heard that her family background is not bad, and she met Jiang Shen overseas.

Looking at the photo on the invitation, Shen Ke couldn't help admiring, this couple really looks good.

Although Shen Ke didn't pay special attention, reports of this love fairy tale have been overwhelming in the circle of friends and on the Internet.

The other invitation card was black, with a crimson to black dry rose pressed on it. It didn't look like a wedding, but rather a Halloween.

Shen Ke opened it and saw that it was written in cursive English characters, to the effect that after the wedding banquet, a masquerade party would be held on the Jiang family's cruise ship Sheng Ping.

Shen Ke finished reading it bored, threw the invitation back on the coffee table, and then continued to comb Yali's hair attentively.

When the cat hair brushed off the coffee table had already formed a ball, Shen Ke's cell phone rang suddenly.

She picked it up and saw that the word Qi Huan jumped on the screen of the phone.

"Hey, Shen Ke, tell me something."

The people over there made a fuss, and then laughed out loud after a while, "It is true that I have something to ask for you, have you received the invitation from Jiang Shen? Didn't your uncle let you go? Shall we go together tomorrow?"

Shen Ke glanced at the black and red invitation card on the table.

Lu Ye had indeed been talking to her about this matter for the past few days. Basically, the Jiang family's wedding banquet would be attended by all the respectable people in Nanjiang City, and it could be regarded as a blind date meeting.The elders say that they know contacts in business, and the juniors have contacts.

If it looks right, marriage will be on the agenda.

How could the elders, who were urging marriage and raising children, miss such a grand event.

"Okay", he hung up the phone immediately after speaking.

The room suddenly became quiet again, Shen Ke took out her mobile phone, replied a good word to Lu Ye, and then didn't care about anything else.

She hugged Yali, who was squinting so comfortably that she was about to fall asleep, spread it out on the sofa, and fell asleep almost instantly.

This time the dream was messy, she was standing in the middle of the road, surrounded by many children, everyone's faces were strange and familiar.Strange because she has never seen them before, familiar because she has seen them all in photos and remembered them in her mind.

There were children from the Red Star Orphanage, and Yang Xiaolan, Li Yangyang and others who were kidnapped by candied haws. They surrounded them and stretched out their little hands. Shen Ke stood in the middle. She only had one pair of hands, who could she hold?

At this moment, a group of black shadows pressed towards her, the light suddenly disappeared in front of her eyes, the children's shouts disappeared instantly, the whole world seemed to be isolated, and the sense of five senses was maximized.

She heard the palpitating sound of high heels again, boom boom boom boom boom boom, getting closer and closer.

Every foot seemed to be on her eardrum.

At this moment, the sound of pulling the trigger sounded, and Shen Ke felt the bullet whizzing towards her, directly hitting her between the eyebrows, and her vision suddenly became clear.

Li Yuan with his hips akimbo stood not far away, grinning like a fool, "Did you see that? Walk through Yang with a hundred steps!"

Shen Ke took a deep breath, sat up with difficulty, Ya Li was no longer in her arms, and ran to the side to eat cat food.

She looked at the time and date on her phone. She slept like that yesterday afternoon, but she fell asleep until the next morning. Now the fish maw in the east is turning white, and the sun is about to rise in the east on Saturday.

Shen Ke stepped on the ground with bare feet, thinking of that weird dream, couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, it was really a nightmare.

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