
Chapter 124 What Are You Confident About?

"Later I was adopted. My adoptive father likes to drink very much. Every time I go out to buy Erguotou for him. After drinking, he points at my nose and scolds me, saying that everything I eat, drink and wear is his. , I will repay him later.”

"It is said that even if you raise a dog, you will wag your tail at him, but I am like a dull gourd, an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf."

"Speaking of a good man like him, how could God want him to have no children and grandchildren? There are red five-pointed stars everywhere, in the orphanage, and on the wine bottle... I gave you a meal, and I want you to pay it back with your life!"

Shen Ke glanced at Yuan Dong, "You hate the Red Star Orphanage."

"I hate people who give red scarves to take pictures, and hate your adoptive father, so why did you kill Lai Liang who can be said to have saved you?"

"And that girl Jiang Yuan, high school student Sheng Xuan, and Qi Huan?"

It just doesn't make sense.

Yuan Dong paused, and then said, "He is a good man, I originally wanted to kill the old dean."

"Three years ago, I met them in the hospital. The old man I was taking care of at that time had a bad temper. He knocked over the urinal and spilled all over me. I stood there and saw them go away. Come in."

"She was neatly dressed, with a red star badge on her chest... I had forgotten about it, but she insisted on appearing in front of my eyes."

"That night, I went to the gate of the Red Star Orphanage and waited for her to come out at night. I took the rope and wanted to strangle her to death, but Lai Liang found out, he saw through my thoughts..."

From Yuan Dong's tone, Shen Ke could see the huge emotional fluctuations.

"Lai Liang asked you to kill him on his own initiative. I hope you will let his wife go. Is the dean of the Red Star Orphanage right?"

Yuan Dong shrank his hands covering his face, and he looked at Shen Ke in disbelief.

Shen Ke looked at his expression, and said lightly, "It seems that I guessed right."

"Yes!" Yuan Dong laughed at himself, "He led me to a place where there was no one..."

As Yuan Dong said, his thoughts returned to that night, the night that he would still be shocked when he remembered it.

It was winter at that time, he was wearing a thin jacket, squatting in the corner of the road, the rope in the pocket was showing his head, and the old yard was walking under the street lamp, compared to her in memory, she was more beautiful. much older.

Yuan Dong put out a cigarette in the grass, then stood up, his hand in his pocket, ready to take out the hemp rope at any time.

At this moment, the arm suddenly tightened.

Yuan Dong turned his head and saw Lai Liang.

He raised his foot and wanted to run, but he heard the old man say, "I know what you want to do, come with me."

He followed the old man, stepping deep and stepping shallowly, and arrived under a tree. It was quiet and there was no one around.

"I've already written my suicide note. I know you blame my old lady for killing your brother. If you want one life for another, replace me. You kill me and hang me up." On this old tree."

"With the suicide note, no one will doubt you. Young people, there is still a long way to go. After today, stop hating and live your own life well. It will be considered a turning point and a new life."

"My old lady has not had a good life for a few years. She has dedicated her whole life to the Red Star Orphanage. There are many things that she did not do well, but she has brought up a lot of just..."


Yuan Dong narrated, and suddenly withdrew his thoughts, "At that time, I heard him speak for Dean Yuan, and my blood surged for a while. Is it just a bad thing that killed my brother? "

"So I strangled him to death. He held back and didn't resist. I saw no one around, so I ran away."

"In the next few days, I was very scared, afraid of leaving some clues, and the police would come to my door. It was not until he was buried that I calmed down and found a letter in my pocket."

"He didn't know when he stuffed it in. He said a lot of things, including the fact that he picked up our brothers in the police station..."

Shen Ke sighed lightly.

Lai Gui's case was indeed closed by suicide. The police found no doubts, because he had no signs of struggle and left a suicide note.When a person is strangled, it is actually very difficult to hold back instinct and not to resist.

To this day, the old dean does not know the truth of the matter, does not know that Lai Gui...

"You feel guilty, so you haven't killed again for three years, so why did you kill again? Jiang Yuan, Sheng Xuan and Qi Huan have nothing to do with the fire that year."

"Lai Gui traded your chance for a new life with his own life. If you let go of your chance, why do you have to go back to ruin again?"

If it weren't for this incident, Lai Gui's case would not have been uncovered.

Yuandong will do what Lai Gui imagined, not be held accountable, and then pretend to be a normal person to live.

"What happened? Did the red star on Jiang Yuan's umbrella irritate you?"

Yuandong listened, hugging his head, and then raised his head suddenly, "I want to live a normal life, but they don't let me live a normal life! Just a few days ago, I accidentally discovered the Red Star Orphan The official account of the hospital."

"It's the same, it's still the same, the so-called good deeds, and then someone takes pictures... It hasn't changed at all, my brother died, as if he died for nothing."

"I was very angry at the time, so I drove to the entrance of the Hongxing Orphanage. I saw the policeman... the children in the orphanage called him Police Officer Qi. So I drove away and walked aimlessly on the street. circle."

"As a result, I saw that girl on the side of the road. She was holding an umbrella, and when the umbrella overturned, they were all red stars, a lot of red stars."

"I stopped in front of her and said to take her to the subway station... I also asked her if she knew where the Red Star Orphanage was, and she said she knew, their website had also done activities with the Red Star Orphanage, right there Next to the company, very close..."

Shen Ke tapped her fingers, "Just because of this, you killed an innocent person?"

Yuan Dong scratched his hair, "Who made her have so many red stars! Damn her, damn her!"

"I just saw that official account at the time, and it was when I was mad that I couldn't control myself. I wanted to go to the Red Star Orphanage to kill someone, but the police were..."

"I saw a taxi coming, so I drove away and hid in the side road. When the woman with the red star umbrella got out of the car and entered the alley, I followed and killed her."

Li Yuan on the side couldn't help asking, "What about that child? It's still a child."

Yuan Dong chuckled, "I've seen him before, in the official account, he went there as a volunteer. And the policeman, I saw them in the Red Star Orphanage... Aren't they the kind of scum who want to pose for a photo? Is it?"

"They're more than worth dying for!"

Hearing this, Shen Ke raised her eyes and looked over, "Really? The one who donated money and goods is a scumbag? Then what are you? You donated money and goods, and then didn't take a picture, right? Look at you, you are so strong. It’s time to break through the clouds, should I donate a palace to the orphanage?”

"You didn't donate money, so did you contribute?"

"Those who have done good deeds deserve death, so what about you who have done nothing?"

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